Sina Games 2014-07-30 13:57

Game materials of New Dahua Westward Journey 2 - FAQs (3)

   51. How to attack?

In the combat state, move the mouse to the target to be attacked, and directly left click the target to be attacked to carry out a physical attack. If you want to use magic skills, first click the "magic" button. After selecting the magic, move the mouse to the target that can use the magic, and left click the target to use the magic. At ordinary times, click the "Attack" button or use the shortcut key "ALT+A", and then left click to attack the target and enter the battle.

   52. How to join a gang?

Players can find the name of the current guild at the "Guild Leader" in Chang'an, select one to join, and wait until the leader of the guild or other people with receivers of the guild allow to pass. After successfully joining a sect, you will get the name of the member of the sect and can enjoy the base area of the sect. You can join a gang only if you are above level 11.

   53. How to reincarnate?

When the player's game role level meets the reincarnation requirements, he can find Meng Po to reincarnate after completing the task assigned by Meng Po under certain conditions. Reincarnation can re select race and gender, obtain attribute points and other rewards, and re experience the game with certain advantages. See "About reincarnation" for details.

   54. How can I get help and more information?

Consult and check with other players in the game Official website Play in the guide or often pay attention to the official forum.

   55. Does the game charge?

Generally, normal games need to pay a certain fee, but newly registered accounts have a certain amount of free time to try to play to experience the game. In addition, the "game trial" server does not charge, but its related game data will not be retained.

   56. Where can I buy game cards?

Netease rechargeable all-in-one cards can be bought in software store stores, Xinhua Bookstore, big newsstands, bookstands and other places all over the country. If you don't want to go out to find them, you can also get them through online purchase.

   57. How to delete a role by "committing suicide"?

Talk to the enchanting horse in the fishing village or the reincarnation department, and then commit suicide. Please consider carefully before committing suicide, because once you decide, you can't restore the file again. If the player's game role level is above level 10, he/she must go through a certain period of consideration before committing suicide.

   58. How to record the coordinates in the game (use flying flags to achieve instant movement)?

You can buy the prop "flying flag" for 500 liang from the grocery store in Chang'an and other places. Click the flying flag in the prop column, and then click "Use", and your current coordinates will be recorded in this flag. When you leave here and want to quickly return to the coordinate, you can click "Use" for the recorded flight flag, and a dialog box will pop up indicating the "Destination Coordinate" corresponding to the flag. Select "Send Back" after confirmation. At the same time, there are advanced flight chess (10 times) and Kongming Light (99 times+8 coordinates).

   59. What's the use of character resistance?

Character resistance refers to the player's resistance to different attacks and spells in battle, including the following 13 different resistances:

Fire resistance increases the resistance and absorption ability of players to fire magic

Water resistance increases the player's resistance and absorption ability to water magic

Wind resistance increases the player's resistance and absorption ability to wind magic

Thunder resistance increases the resistance and absorption ability of players to thunder magic

Three corpses resistance increases the player's resistance and absorption ability to three corpses

   60. How to use remote to chat in the game?

Usage of action emote:

/Emote to everyone

/Emote [you | u] to the current private chat object

/Emote [me | i] sent to yourself (parameters are case insensitive)

Remote means facial expression and supports Chinese. Specific expressions can be obtained by looking up the table.

[you | u] indicates that the expression is aimed at the target. You can enter either you (me) or u (i). Letters are case insensitive.

If there is no target, it means that the channel is currently used to send to everyone.

For example, entering ":/: (i" means that you only feel a pain in your heart.

Action Emote Comparison Table: Click to view

   61. What are the five elements? What role will it play in the battle?

There are five attributes of gold, wood, earth, water and fire in all things, which are called the five elements. However, there is a mutual restriction between the five elements, which is: gold against wood, wood against earth, earth against water, water against fire, and fire against gold.

The five element system of the game will give all monsters and summoners five element attributes. Players can decide their five element attributes by buying items that change their five element attributes. On this basis, players, summoners and monsters will encounter mutual resistance, which is reflected in the stronger attack power of the restrained party when attacking the restrained party. Including physical attack, magic attack, etc.

   62. How to obtain gang skills? What's the use of gang skills?

After the players set up a sect, they can challenge the Ten Gods Array by leading a team to find the sect's patron saint. If you can rush through the array and the Guild Leader will not die. The Guild Leader can choose two resistances as the resistance of the Guild. In the future, players in the same gang can increase their resistance to the gang by increasing the contribution of the gang. That is to say, the more money you donate to the guild game, the higher the guild resistance you will get. However, there is a limit. After the amount of money you donate to the guild reaches 13.5 million yuan, you can get the maximum guild resistance. If you continue to donate beyond 13.5 million yuan, you will not get any more guild resistance.

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