Sina Games>Online Games>Tianyu>Hot News>Body Page Author: Sina Games Time: June 24, 2015 14:21:43

Tianyu game copy - Underground Palace Seal - Lord's Underground Palace

   1、 System Introduction

The lord's underground palace system is an auxiliary play method of a guild territory war in the game of "Tianyu". Compared with ordinary dungeons, the lord dungeons have higher monster experience points and monster drops. At the same time, there is also the exclusive BOSS of the Lord's Underground Palace, which drops more rare props.

   2、 Enter the Lord's Underground Palace

The entrance of the lord's underground palace is the same as that of the ordinary underground palace. Players can choose to enter the ordinary underground palace or the lord's underground palace through the tag.

 "The oracles of heaven" lord's underground palace

Different from the ordinary underground palace, the entrance of the lord's underground palace needs to consume a corresponding entrance certificate of the lord's underground palace. On the day when the certificate is consumed, players can gain the right to enter the corresponding lord's underground palace for unlimited times, and this right will be recycled by the system while clearing the demon power value every day.

The entry certificate of the lord's underground palace is mainly obtained by the victory guild that occupied the fortress and stronghold in the territorial war; Players can also obtain a few corresponding admission credentials by killing world bosses. The entry certificate of the underground palace will expire at the beginning of the territorial war at 8:00 p.m. every Saturday.

   3、 Lord's Underground Palace Level Setting

The monster level of the lord's underground palace can be set freely by the leader of the corresponding fortress occupation guild. The leader of the fortress occupation guild can gain higher profits by setting the monster level of the underground palace.

   The correspondence between the underground palace and fortress of each lord is as follows:

 "The oracles of heaven" lord's underground palace

The fortress lord has a certain time interval to set the underground palace level, which is 24 hours by default. After setting the underground palace level once, you need to wait 24 hours to set it again.

   4、 Exclusive BOSS for the Lord's Underground Palace

There is also a special BOSS room in the underground palace of each lord. Players can take the exclusive task of the leader's underground palace by talking with the leader's monitor of the corresponding underground palace, kill the corresponding BOSS to obtain the essence of demon power, and then complete the task and obtain the high amount of guild building props.

 "The oracles of heaven" lord's underground palace

At every hour, the seal door of the exclusive BOSS of the underground palace will open, and players can enter the boss room of the underground palace through interaction with the seal door of the underground palace. After killing the boss of the underground palace, they can get a lot of equipment, skill enhancement props, guild props, rare fashion accessories, etc.

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