Sina Games>Online Games>Tianyu>Hot News>Body Page Author: Sina Games Time: 2015-06-02 17:12:06

Introduction to Tianyu Game Profession - Holy Hall

   Weapons: Heavy weapon shield

Features: advanced defense, thick blood and resistance to melee

   Job description: The iron armour is still strong as before. The Holy Hall uses its fighting skills inherited from the power of the Yellow Emperor, a strong body trained with thunder, and the most sacred heavy sword and shield in their hearts to protect their teammates behind and provide output opportunities. It is a melee class with strong defense and good output ability.

   Overall score: single fight ★★★★ Teamwork ★★★★★ Upgrade ★★★ Operation difficulty ★★★

Historical background: In the era of peace and stability, the most reverence and love of the people of Yunchui were dedicated to the soldiers holding heavy weapons and shields.

It is said that the fighting skills of the disciples of the Holy Hall contain the magic power inherited from the Yellow Emperor. Their bodies have been trained by thunder, which not only makes their bodies strong, but also fills their hearts with courage and strength. Only such a person can, as a disciple of the Holy Hall, take up the most sacred heavy sword and shield in their hearts and defend civilization and weakness. The Holy Church never understands "being independent" and will only do everything possible to punish the evil and help the weak. For this reason, hundreds of years later, the Holy Hall is still the most trusted loyal teacher of the people in the mainland of Xia.

Career introduction:

As the most reliable guardian, everyone is willing to go to the battlefield with the people of the Holy Hall. As long as the disciples of any sect are in the team with the people of the Holy Hall, they will naturally feel the sense of security brought by the blood and fierce body. The status of those who are shrines is not only limited to the level of fighting or strength, but also lies in the belief of guarding one side, punishing the evil and helping the weak. Therefore, the disciples of the Holy Hall, regardless of their status and strength, will try their best to use shields and heavy swords to prop up a comprehensive area for their companions behind them. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they will always put their bodies in front of all their companions, face the murderous intent and danger, and not be afraid of trauma and death. And any enemy who wants to threaten the guardian objects of the Holy Temple can't touch them before the disciples fall down.

And the ability of the disciples of the Holy Hall is not only to guard. When they use shields to block the enemy's attack, huge weapons and thunder will come, and with loud cries and decisive courage, they will inflict double damage on the soul and body of the enemy.

As long as there are still disputes in the world, as long as the weak are still bullied, the battle of the temple disciples will not stop.

Character temperament: because of the baptism of long-term fighting and training, all the disciples of the Holy Hall have a resolute appearance and giant physique. They are braver than any race, and their heavy armor, shield and sword exude a sense of strength. For the enemy, the appearance of the temple is as scary as Shura, while for the teammates, their powerful posture gives a sense of security.

Professional characteristics: The holy temple disciples armed with strong armour and powerful soldiers can withstand the most brutal attacks, and are good at defending and suppressing the enemy. Once they catch the enemy's flaws in defense, the holy temple will wield heavy weapons to defeat the enemy through fierce attacks.

Difficulty in getting started: the relatively weak mobility and the positioning of the main resistance make most of the shrines only need to protect teammates and withstand attacks in the battle, and find the right opportunity to give output to the enemy. The combat mode is simple and intuitive, easy to get started, and is suitable for newcomers and beginners. Expert players can try the output type and other routes to find a breakthrough.

Class advantage: The unshakable main resistance position in PVE, the only class that can confront powerful enemies head-on. The strong survival and control ability of PVP also makes it the core of group warfare.

Class disadvantage: The Holy Hall lacks a stable attack ability, which makes it less efficient in daily monster brushing.

Development direction: aggressive (mainly stable attack) explosive (seeking high explosive) survivable (harassing opponents for long-term survival)

Occupation positioning: the unshakable main resistance position in PVE. On the battlefield or in the wild, depending on excellent survivability and control skills, it can create attack opportunities for teammates, guard the stronghold and bear damage, and cooperate with the attack outbreak skill to give the enemy a fatal blow.

 sanctuary sanctuary
 sanctuary sanctuary

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