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National Costume Mage Season Top 101 with BD Experience

Author: elppA Time: 2016-09-30 12:18:18 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

At the end of this season, we will say goodbye to next season. After countless 4 seconds and 10 seconds, we finally fulfilled our long cherished wish.

101 has exhausted all the enthusiasm for single player this season. As for the final choice of playing single player with Black Magic, it is also to prove that the black magic bird of version A is very powerful and close to Black Fire.


   First share BD configuration:


The BD configuration is similar to that of the Black Fire Hawk. The only difference is that I gave up the transport and didn't need to bring a magician, so I chose the passive burn with partial output.

The core damage reduction of the mage comes from the Gupa, so it is completely possible to stop using the Gupa to reduce the damage. Extracting Tianying personally feels that it is just icing on the cake.

Treatment of black people entering the gate: when the density of the first wave of black monsters entering the gate is not very high, it is unnecessary to consider overlapping sets and go directly to places with elites to become black people and trigger 6 sets of Firebird BUFF

Start to gather monsters and wait for the second wave of black people to break out. If there are many white monsters in the door, they can become omnipotent black people by folding sets.

Most afraid of elite affixes: imprisonment is one of the most dangerous affixes in BD, because white people spend a long time, and when they are basically white people, they try to attract and gather strange people

If there are few monsters nearby and a small number of remote monsters are imprisoned at the moment when they just go out to pull monsters, they will hand over Brother Chun.

When freezing white people, pay attention to moving to avoid freezing. There is basically no danger.

Promotion: wearing strange shoes is a special effect that can be triggered by stepping on the holy wood ring. Unless the place where the holy wood ring is brushed is far away, you must step on the ring if you can.

Maybe someone will ask why I want to give up the most representative skill of the mage - teleportation

First of all, we don't need to worry about the problem of being stuck by monsters when wearing strange shoes. As for the problem of running map, it is not much slower than transporting with strange shoes,

Personally, I think that this season, the mage is very stupid. Even if he takes the teleportation, it will not change the fact that he is stupid. Why not change a skill with both offensive and defensive skills - Deflection Shield.



Bye bye, mage. Goodbye. Next season, Fa Shen will be with Xianmeng.

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