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To control the rhythm, barbarians must watch the four man team barbarian strategy

Author: War God Guild - Oute Time: 12:55:38, September 26, 2016 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

   1、 Assembly skills and attributes

In fact, the equipment attributes of the auxiliary barbarians are not fixed and they don't pay much attention to attributes. For example, the choice of necklaces, double knives or pig killing knives are not very different.

The four charge pieces are equipped with a pig killing knife and shield. The double belt (Ziranic's chain and Cassius's pride) Cui 1 belt 1, the divine eye belt 1, the light ring, the power ring, the zodiac two out of three, Cui 1 belt 1, the revenge wrist guard belt 1, the plum head (to ensure the cdr), the necklace can be used for delusion (to increase the wound), one of the five immunity necklaces, or the hell fire.

The equipment attribute ensures that the cdr reaches the standard (60+guarantees the seamless shield wall), the HP reaches the standard (1 million+), the attack speed (the pig killing knife is the basic attack speed of the dagger, and the hook is also fast), and the tenacity (guarantees that you will not die). For example, the building owner's jewelless street outfit, in the picture, the tenacity can reach 7.9 billion, which can be said to be as tough as a dog, even if the building was dominated by four people on 120 floors last season, Still don't take Spring Brother to die.

Skills: furious charge (rush), threatening shout (increase wound or blood cell), battle roar (reduce wound), ignoring pain (dominate body and reduce wound), ancient spear (hook monster), beating or cutting one (increase wound)

Here is a brief comparison of the current another genre (the wasteland is equipped with whirlwind twin sabres), which the building owner has used. Maybe the building owner is inexperienced in using it, and feels that it is troublesome to use it. Sometimes it is too late to go back and save it. And now the resistance of monsters to repel is increasing, and it is difficult to pull the strange hook hit by the whirlwind, so the building owner gave up.

   2、 Manipulation

It can be said that BD is complete. It is only a beginner, and the technique is the key factor for a barbarian to be proficient.

1. Move the speed and shield wall to control the monsters on the road and protect the team members. Never run to a far place alone while your teammates are still dying on the way. Normally, barbarians should not leave their teammates three screens away.

2. Ensure seamless shield wall. This practical operation is a bit difficult, because the barbarians not only need to take rhythm (as described below), but also take the front and back strange, hook and loose strange, look at the elite affix, calculate the progress, calculate the tower. They are very busy during the progress period, and it is easy to get busy if they are not skilled. But remember one thing, before going out, you should go on the shield wall and battle roar. When the fight is very strange, you should come back every 8-10 seconds to control the monsters and hook up the remote monsters scattered outside. If a teammate dies, don't hurry to go. If you can save him, save him. If you can't save him, wait until he gets up and buffs again.

3. Hook monsters and pull monsters quickly and accurately. The distance between the hook and the monster is the same, that is, how far away you are from the monster, the monster will be thrown behind you. So the hook monster should control the distance so that the monster can land at the place you want. For example, if the monster needs to be carried to a far place and the terrain allows, the hook can be pulled out from the same screen from the monster, so that it can be carried with the highest efficiency at a time, Of course, some monsters are "heavier", such as the fat man (who can clap his hands), the ticket tearing monster, the stone man, the sledgehammer, etc., which can't be carried or is difficult to carry. At this time, pull with your face! As long as you are in the monster's sight, he will always follow you. You can hook other monsters without paying attention to these heavyweights.

4. What about blocking the door? The most common problem often appears on maps such as assassin's secret room (air wall), barracks and cathedral. There are two ways to solve it. One is to directly stand on the threshold and pull out the hook towards the vertical direction of the door, the other is to reverse the hook, that is, first pull out the hook behind the monster and then stand on the threshold and pull out the hook once. During this period, do not rush to the monster.

5. How to solve monster resistance? The monster resistance of 2.42 has been improved a lot, which makes it difficult for many novice barbarians, especially if they are hit by teammates, they can basically give up the monster for the time being. According to the experience of the building owner, the monster can only be controlled twice every 5 seconds. Therefore, after each monster is hooked twice, don't touch him again within 5 seconds. Pull him with your face for a while!

   3、 Rhythm

This is the strictest standard for judging whether a barbarian is a barbarian god. Without considering other variables, how to reach the ultimate rice level depends on the pace of barbarians. It can be said that every time the rice can pass the limit layer, a third of them look at the picture, a third of them look at the operation and cooperation of their teammates, and the other third of them look at the smoothness of Manzi's rhythm belt, so what is rhythm.

In short, the rhythm is to keep the team mates playing with elites or a large number of white monsters, so as to ensure that the progress is always in the lead or not behind, each tower can play a role, and there will not be too many dps gaps in each picture. The rhythm is very complicated. Even the strategy can't be explained in three or two sentences. This is a matter of practical experience. A real barbarian god needs to know every map, every tower point, every strange progress contribution and monster distribution. Here, only some experience can be shared.

1. How big is this picture? Generally speaking, if there is a ring road, there must be a big picture; if there is a dead road, there must be a small picture. You can also distinguish the size of a chart by the number of elites. Each chart is symmetrical in blue and yellow. If there is one blue, there must be one yellow, and if there are two yellow, there must be two blue. If there are only two groups of elites with one blue and one yellow, we usually call them small charts, and the rest are called large charts.

2. Where to start the fight? In general, there are barbarians in the team who find a good place and then flag their team-mates to gather and fight, so the selection of points becomes very important. The building owner thinks that the selected point must meet at least one of several conditions: open and good at pulling strange things, and teammates are good at hiding skills; Extending in all directions can make the surrounding monsters gather quickly; The center of elite settlement; A place where you can move forward when you can move forward; The places that meet these conditions are generally intersections, T-junctions, Y-junctions, open corners, etc. The following is a map of the most common spider hole. The red dot is a suitable place to open a fight.

 Rhythm driver! Diablo 3 patch 2.4.2 Charge to assist advanced strategy

3. Where is the tower? You must not say that, because your three teammates also want to ask you that, "Man God, where is our tower?". We are gods, so we should say, "Hang on, I will open a tower to save you"! The tower only appears at the tower point. Every map has many tower points. When to get out of the tower, it is a test for barbarians. The building owner has some different opinions about finding towers at 25, 50, 75 and 95. In the Great Mystery, there will be one tower painted every 25 progress. The tower attribute is random. From the first tower appears, you can find the tower point every 25 progress. If you leave the tower before 25 progress, for example, 12% of the tower, then it will be 37, 62, 87. If the tower does not exit before the 25th schedule, it will exit at 25, 50, 75 and 95, just like the previous experience.

4. Is this tower open or open? When is it open? First of all, no matter what tower, the teammates must be alive when driving, otherwise it is meaningless. According to the attributes of each tower, speed shift tower, shield tower, consumption reduction tower, shock tower, power tower. The speed shift tower and shield tower are usually driven directly, especially at the time of rush (team-mates are prone to sudden death). The shield tower is best driven at the initial moment when monsters gather around the starting point, because team-mates are most dangerous when they gather at the beginning; The towers with the three attack attributes of consumption reduction, power, and electric shock are different from the speed of movement and shield of the partial defense attribute. You should be careful when opening them. The three towers with the greatest contribution to propulsion in the Great Mystery are usually opened after two or three waves of elites or enough white monsters gather near the tower to maximize the output of teammates. In addition, we should also consider the progress. If the progress is below 70, or the time is tight, or there are many strange things around, we should not hesitate to start. If the progress is good, the progress is more than 70 and there is plenty of time, and there are enough monsters in this layer to get out of the boss, then consider staying in the tower. In case of a boss who can't recruit small monsters, you can also drive some out to let the team-mates' range injuries play a role and speed up the killing of the boss. In a word, whether the tower is open or not should be paid attention to the actual situation. A barbarian should have a steelyard in his mind. If he opens the tower, the progress will not make money, the time will not make money, he will stay if he doesn't make money, and he will open if he makes money. The following is an illustration of the distribution of tower points in Westmar, a poor topographic map

 Rhythm driver! Diablo 3 patch 2.4.2 Charge to assist advanced strategy

5. Are you going to fight this monster? All the little monsters are dead, and there are only one or two blood remnant elites left. The team-mates will ask if they still want to fight, pretty god?

Take two cases:

① Disgusting and unavoidable elites, such as the strong arcane group, are frozen and desecrated. If there are two or even one wave of elite with this graduation affix, the team often can't afford to die, so there is no way to give up, let the teammates go first, and the barbarians drag these disgusting things.

② The residual blood elite will continue to fight to death or take away. This depends on the progress, terrain, tower, and teammate's output form (element ring). For example, when the progress reaches 23, no tower has been found, and the team's element ring stage has passed. If you know that this is a big picture, the terrain allows you to quickly take it away, and there are elites ahead, then call your teammates to go, and drag them to the front to fight. If the progress is the same as 23, this is a small picture. After exploring the tower, there are no monsters around, and the elite's HP is still more than 50%, so resolutely give up the next layer.

There are still a lot of things to do. It depends on the confidence of the barbarian. In my heart, the steelyard needs to be taken out to measure.

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