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Diablo 3 is a cliche! Barbarian Item Affix Selection Guide

Author: Liu Erxun Time: 12:30:38, September 22, 2016 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

Hello, everyone. Today is September 20, 2016, and everything from Arete to Saint Lucia is dark. Deathly loyal people who still stick to Saint Hugh Ariel, please firmly believe that this is just darkness before dawn.

I haven't written anything for a long time. There is nothing new in these versions of Barbarians. I don't know what to write. Recently someone suggested that I write an introduction on how to select attributes. This topic is a clich é, but it's actually good to review the old wine today.

The income comparison of affixes will draw completely different conclusions with the different stages, equipment and levels of the characters, which needs specific analysis of specific problems. This article may have some popular conclusions, such as "Please don't have a certain attribute", but not too many. Most of the time, when you need to know which of the two affixes is better, you need to use the formula marked in blue to calculate the benefits of the two, and choose the best one.

The analysis of affixes is boring. Although I really want to write some jokes, I can't do it~

   1.0 Attack Attributes

   1.1 Power

Strength is actually an attribute of both attack and defense. All equipment parts can carry strength. Each point of strength provides 1% damage bonus and 1 point of armor.

The damage increasing effects of strength are additive, for example, 100 force provides 100% damage increasing and 200 force provides 200% damage increasing, but the overall damage increasing effect of strength is accumulated independently of all other damage increasing effects.

Damage gain of strength affix=strength of this affix/(100+total strength before you acquire this affix)

Since the strength is generally thousands, tens of thousands or even tens of thousands, the part of 100 can be omitted in estimation and directly applied:

   Damage gain of strength affix=strength of this affix/total strength before you acquire this affix

At the same time, strength can provide armor. See Section 2.1 for the role of armor. If strength and another attack affix can provide the same damage gain, since strength can also provide armor, strength will be better at this time.

Due to the despair of Kad Mountain (ancient equipment can be enchanted with main attribute or physical ability), the main attribute of a full body enchant can easily break 1W. This has led to the fact that power has become a serious attribute of decline. But you must understand how the power decreases: if you have 100 yuan in your pocket, I will give you another 100 yuan, and your capital will increase by 100%; If you have 1000 yuan in your pocket, the 100 yuan I give you can only increase your assets by 10% - this is the decline of power, and also the decline of most attributes in D3. Sometimes someone will ask, after how much strength decreases, it will be serious? This question cannot be answered because the decreasing degree is gradually and steadily increasing. It can only be said that the higher the strength, the more serious.

1.2 Damage bonus to elite

Increase your damage to the elite. If you have 20% damage bonus to the elite, the attack that causes 100 points of damage to the white monster will be 120 points if it hits the elite. Elite includes Blue Monster, Gold Monster, Gold Monster's younger brother, Purple Monster, all leaders inside and outside the secret world, and players (in PVP).

Weapons can be accompanied by this affix, with a maximum of 10%. Other attack attributes at the same location can provide similar damage increases, and are effective for all monsters, while damage increases for elites are only effective for elites. This attribute is useful, but the upper limit value of the attribute is set too low, resulting in low returns, which is generally not considered.

The only highlight of this attribute on weapons is that, unlike attack speed and% damage, it only works on a single weapon. This attribute works on the whole body. It's a pity that the barbarians' double holding sects all need to be stacked to cool down, and there is still no place for essence damage.

Inserting diamonds into weapons can gain 20% damage bonus to elites. If you insert an emerald 130, the damage gain will exceed 20% of the total damage. Therefore, diamonds are generally not considered in weapons.

The fine wound of Incinerator and Jordan is also this attribute, because the attribute amount is relatively high, it is still worth using in some BDs.

1.3 Attack speed

Increase your attack frequency. The attack speed on the weapon is calculated independently. It is accumulated with all other attack speeds. If the gear effect is not considered, 7% of the weapon's attack speed is 7% of total damage. The attack speed affixes on other parts, including the 15% attack speed bonus for double holding and the peak attack speed, are additive to each other and work together - for example, 7% on the glove and 7% on the ring add up to 14% attack speed - this added attack speed is the second "attack speed bonus" in the figure above, which is cumulative with other attack speed factors as a whole.

The problem of attack speed is similar to elite damage. Its attribute limit is only 7%, The output revenue cannot exceed 7% without special mechanism support The practicability is worrying.

-The attack speed provided by the pain increasing gem used in the whirlwind is an additive relationship (directly displayed in the panel) with the attack speed of the armor jewelry, so the attack speed decreases seriously, and the attack speed is not considered in the armor jewelry; The attack speed only affects a single weapon due to the need for stack cooling and range.

-When the Ancestor's Hammer Flow team acts as the DPS, the attack speed of the weapon will be increased. The attack speed is not considered for armor jewelry because it increases pain.

-If the attack speed of painful cutting is piled up, it is just that the action of hanging painful cutting is fast. The damage caused by painful cutting per second is unchanged, and there is basically no benefit, regardless of attack speed.

-In the charge and nuclear bomb flow, the charge skill is divided into three parts: forward swing, movement, and backward swing. The attack speed can only shorten the forward and backward swing part, and cannot increase the speed of middle movement, which results in low attack speed gains and is not considered.

-The attack speed of jump cut in the seismic flow is locked, and the attack speed bonus is not received. The attack speed gain is very low, so it is not considered.

-Thorn Crazy Flow is basically the only school with fast attack speed. However, I think the graduation affix on his weapon is actually elite damage, and the two weapons add up to 20%. And this BD basically only fights elites. It is just that the proportion of elite damage is very low, and it is difficult to pursue.

Incidentally, the attack speed provided by item special effects is independent.

   1.4 Critical blow and explosive injury

These two attributes blend together. Let's put them together.

Total coefficient of critical injury increase=1+critical injury * critical injury

This is a rectangular model. It can be seen that when the number of affixes is limited, the value of critical hit and critical injury is 6:50, and the maximum benefit is obtained. The traditional 1:10 model is an approximation. In fact, both the traditional 1:10 model and the current 6:50 model are of little significance. Because the era of ROS (sickle of soul snatching) is no longer an era of "what to choose" like the original, but an era of "what to have" - as long as it is equipment that can be dropped and attributes that can be produced, it is not a problem to get hands on it - and double violence is the king of all output attributes, and it is better to have no brains.

   Gain from stacking a critical hit/explosive wound=(1+post stack critical hit * post stack explosive wound)/(1+pre stack critical hit * pre stack explosive wound) - 1

So how high are the benefits of Shuangbao?

First, observe the return per 6% critical hit at a lower level of 410% critical damage.

Income statement of 6% critical hit under 410% critical injury

Critical hit Stacked to 31% Pile to 37% Pile to 43% Pile to 49%
profit 12.1% 10.8% 9.8% 8.9%

Then one critical hit and one explosive wound (if it can be piled up).

410% Critical Injury 49% Critical Injury Income Statement

Heap to 55% Critical Hit 460% critical injury 61% Critical Hit 510% critical injury 67% Critical Hit 560% critical injury 73% Critical Hit 610% critical injury
profit 8.2% 8.4% 7.8% 8% 7.4% 7.6% 7.1% 7.2%

The maximum critical damage of dual wielding weapons is 54%/610%, and that of two handed weapons is 54%/480%. When the stack reaches the full value, the return of 6% critical hit or 50% critical damage is about 8%. If there is a gap between the stack and the full value, it may be about 10%. The benefits of 10% critical hit and 100% critical wound are more exaggerated, about 15%. Therefore, double violence on the amulet is inevitable.

   1.5 Scope damage

To see how range damage works, place your mouse over the range damage on the panel.

All attacks have a (fixed) 20% chance to cause damage to all enemies within 10 yards. The value is equal to N% of the damage (your range damage value).

The more monsters within 10 yards (the higher the monster density), the higher the benefit of range damage.

   Damage gain of stacking a range damage=(1+(assuming the number of monsters within 10 yards - 1) * 20% * range damage after stacking)/(1+(assuming the number of monsters within 10 yards - 1) * 20% * range damage before stacking) - 1

Assuming there are 10 monsters within 10 yards (divine map level), the benefit of increasing range damage from 50% to 70% is 18.95%. Even from 90% to 110%, the yield can reach 13.74%. Is the income invincible?

But there are two problems:

First, the barbarian is a class with fighting rage and blood splashing (25% stronger than the level of the Taiwan uniform). Blood spatter and range damage do not trigger each other, and the mechanism of blood spatter is actually the range damage with different trigger probability and damage. The benefits of the two are additive - that is, they will decrease. So how much damage is the blood spatter equivalent to? (The range of blood spatter is 15 yards, and there are 10 monsters within 10 yards, so there are 22.5 monsters within 15 yards. Assuming that the critical hit is 54%, and the explosive wound is 480%)

Area damage transformed by blood splash=income from blood splash/1% income from area damage=(22.5-1) * 54% * skill trigger coefficient * 20% * ((1+480%)/(1+54% * 480%))/((10-1) * 20% * 1%)=skill trigger coefficient * 208

Skill trigger coefficient: Charge 50%; Riprap 47.1%; Ancestor's Hammer 66.7%; Whirlwind chop 20%; Earthquake 0% (so earthquake will not bring blood spatter!)

For charging and throwing stones, blood splashing means 100 range injuries.

If the range damage is from 150% to 170%, the profit is 9.73%, assuming 10 monsters at 10 yards; 8.14% from 190% to 210%.

The earthquake is not affected by blood spatter, which is also the key reason why the earthquake flow causes more extensive damage.

Second, range damage is an unstable attribute. With different monster density, the income will be different. Assuming that the income of 20% damage in the cave sewer may be less than 5%. And in most BOSS battles, it is completely useless, but when I bet on Snake Man, I don't say~

Therefore, the benefits of range damage cannot be accurately calculated, because you can't determine what the strange terrain or BOSS is in your grand picture. But from the above data, we can roughly draw the outline of the benefits of range damage in our mind - I Generally, the profit of 20% of the damage in the divine map is regarded as 8% (BD with blood spatter), that is to say, in the divine map, it can be comparable to double bursts, to compare with the exact benefits of other attributes. Earthquakes can be overestimated as appropriate, such as 10%. However, this is on the premise of God's plan, that is, "God of Gambling plans to go to the top". If you just play casually and don't plan to go to the top, then reduce the income of range injury by about 2%.

PS: Actually, the seismic flow may be a school with a range better than that of double bursts near the full value.

   1.6 Element damage

Element damage can be obtained from amulets and wristbands, and Jordan rings can also be obtained. The amount of affixes is a fixed 20%.

Elemental damage is an addition relationship and an independent cumulative relationship with other damage, so the calculation of the benefit of element damage is relatively simple.

   Increase damage gain of element damage=stacked element damage/(1+element damage before stacking)

Element injury income statement (if it can be stacked)

Heap to 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 140% 160%
profit 20% 16.67% 14.29% 12.5% 11.11% 10% 9.09% 8.33%

Because it can only stack up to 40%, the income is very high, and wrist guards and amulets are required if conditions permit. The benefit of 20% elemental damage is similar to that of 10% critical hit and 100% critical damage.

   1.7 Skill damage bonus

The attribute amount is a fixed 15%. Different skills increase damage in different parts. Common:

Whirlwind Chop, Ancestor's Hammer, Riprap: Head, Foot

Earthquake, charge, split: shoulder, chest

This attribute belongs to Class A increased injury. Class A injuries are additive, and can provide affixes for Class A injuries. There are many skills and passivity, which belong to serious injuries.

The benefit of this attribute is special for earthquake and ancestral hammer flow, because the earthquake knife directly carries 200% earthquake damage, and the hammer of judgment carries 100% ancestral hammer damage. These two BDs need to try to avoid the skills and passivity with Class A damage, as well as affixes. 15% of the affixes will yield about 5% of the earthquake income, and about 7% of the ancestral hammer income. Ancestor's Hammer Flow Ancestor's hammer damage income is approximately close to that of Double Storm, and it still needs to be stacked, while the earthquake is obviously low. Unless the peak is very high (strength 20000+), it will not be considered.

What? 60% Ancestor summon damage on Immortal Hammer? This skill itself does no damage. Please ignore it. If you want to make some friends in the game, you can try to wash the shoulder and chest armor with 15% ancestral summoning damage.

For other BDs, the barbarian's Class A damage is about 10% battle rage+25% rage+20% combative warrior=55%

It is approximately 50%, so 15% of the damage gain of a certain skill is about 10% of the total damage, which is even better than double violence. It is almost inevitable.

If accurate calculation is required:

   A skill's damage bonus and damage gain=15%/(1+the sum of all other Class A damage gains)

Category A injuries commonly used by barbarians:


Passive: Furious and aggressive

Item: Mr. Yang's demon pants, Lux wrist guard

Gem: Tai Chi

The damage increase of Tai Chi Gem is also a type A damage increase. At level 100, 60% of the type A damage increase is provided at most, and less than 40% of the total damage increase is provided. This benefit is crushed by trapped people, and I'm afraid that in Whirlwind BD, it is impossible to compete with the pain increase that can increase injuries and brush CDs at the same time. Visually, the version of Whirlwind rising in the future will need benches.

   1.8 Cooling time reduction effect

There is no income theory for this attribute, only enough and not enough. It is worth mentioning that this attribute is multiplied and stacked. Each item will reduce the cooldown time of each skill by X% instead of X% of the basic time written on the skill. So instead of reducing the cooling by 16%, the cooling by 8% for two lines is reduced by 1 - (1-8%) ^ 2=15.36%

1.9 Reduction of all energy consumption

It is also an attribute of seeing enough and not enough. But now there is almost no BD to stack this attribute (in 2.3, the Barbarian Team Ancestor's Hammer Double Current Holding used to stack), because BLZ almost solved the energy shortage problem of all BDs with item special effects.

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