  • English name: Diablo 3
  • Chinese name: Diablo 3
  • Game type: action role play
  • Sale time: May 15, 2012
  • Sales mode: physical version and digital board
  • Charging method: one-time payment for lifetime use
  • Manufacturer: Blizzard
  • Issuer: Blizzard
  • Official website: Click to enter

Share new ideas! Diablo 3 No Fist Technique Assists Monk in 105 Level Actual Combat

Author: chouXx- Time: 2016-09-11 15:46:48 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

   Introduction to playing methods

The method of fighting is basically the same as that of boxing and milk monk. The core skill is Hurricane Breaking, which basically keeps 0.3 to trigger a Hurricane Breaking skill. Black people and dazzle flash skills can be used when they have it. The truth skills can be triggered every 3 seconds (can be used according to the situation). The Golden Wheel Array skill needs to be covered as soon as the location of output is selected, so don't rush to gather strange people, Monsters out of the monster gathering range need barbarians to pull monsters. What should be noted is that you can manually buff the residual blood monster with a burst palm to maintain 15% damage increase. When encountering floor skills such as melting fire and arcane arts, you can maintain the trigger of healing skills to minimize displacement. In the face of remote elites, you can gather monsters by moving a small distance. Select the output location as close to a spacious place as possible.

Key points: The gems selected by this school are Gouyu, highly toxic, and Zhuansha. There is no ice crystal gem, so it needs a barbarian with ice crystal to trigger buff. It is recommended that barbarians use the Pain Cut (10% damage increase) skill in conjunction.

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