  • English name: Diablo 3
  • Chinese name: Diablo 3
  • Game type: action role play
  • Sale time: May 15, 2012
  • Sales mode: physical version and digital board
  • Charging method: one-time payment for lifetime use
  • Manufacturer: Blizzard
  • Issuer: Blizzard
  • Official website: Click to enter

Single explosion? Feasibility Analysis of Exporting Warrior Monk Bingbailie

Author: alitatsuki Time: 2016-09-08 13:36:32 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

First of all, let's assume a model for drawing. Because the AOE of the hundred strong system is too bad, we still consider using fire to subdue demons, using ice to subdue demons, and using fire to subdue demons all the time.

Push map stage:

Model 1 (Basic Fire Subdues Demon Physical Hundred Strong Model), Fire Subdues Demon+Physical Hundred Strong, equipment fire damage 40%, Demon Subdues A damage 30%

The 20 second damage model of the Element Ring is: (765 × 3+765 × (1+1+1+1)) × 1.4 × (1+physical hundred strong buff+0.3)=7497 × (physical hundred strong buff+1.3)

Model 2: Fire Subdues Evil+Ice Hundred Fierce, equipment fire damage 20%, ice damage 20%, subdue evil 15%, hundred Fierce 15%

The 20 second damage model of Element Ring is: (765 × 3+765 × (1+1+1)) × 1.2 × (1+0.15)+880 × 3 × 1.2 × (1+0.15)=6334.2+3643.2=9977.4

So the physical 100 strong damage buff only needs to reach: 9977.4/7497-1.3=0.03, that is, 1 layer of buff, that is, you can explode the ice 100 strong combination after the non boss war

Model 3: Fire Subdues Evil+Ice Hundred Fierce, equipment fire damage 40%, Subdue Evil 30%

The 20 second damage model of the Element Ring is: (765 × 3+765 × (1+1+1)) × 1.4 × (1+0.3)+880 × 3=8353.8+3643.2=10993.8

So the physical 100 strong damage buff only needs to reach 10993.8/7497-1.3=0.166, that is, 4 layers of buff, and then the ice will explode 100 strong.

Model 4, Fire Subdues Evil+Ice Hundred Fierce, equipment ice damage 40%, Ice Hundred Fierce 30%

The 20 second damage model of the Element Ring is: (765 × 3+765 × (1+1+1))+880 × 3 × 1.4 × (1+0.3)=4590+4804.8=9394.8

It's better to fight fire and subdue demons.

   Conclusion: In the drawing stage, as long as the physical hundred strong combination can maintain a little buff, there will be various combinations of complete explosive ice and hundred rage.

Single boss war stage,

Model 5, fire subdues demons+ice is 100 strong, equipment ice damage is 40%, 100 strong is 30%, here in order to obtain the limit single output, it is assumed that in addition to fire, ice is 100 strong in the whole process

The 20 second damage model of the Element Ring is: (765 × 3)+(880 × 3+880 × (1+1+1)) × 1.4 × (1+0.3)=4590+9609.6=11904.6

In this case, the pure monomer output model is 11904.6/7497/1.35=18% higher than that of physics

Model 6: Fire Subdues Evil+Ice Hundred Fierce, equipment fire damage 40%, Subdue Evil 30%

The 20 second damage model of the Element Ring is: (765 × 3+765 × (1+1+1)) × 1.4 × (1+0.3)+880 × 3=8353.8+3643.2=10993.8

In this case, the pure monomer output model is 10993.8/7497/1.35=8% higher than that of physics

   Conclusion: In the single boss war phase, if you play pure ice 100 strong in addition to the fire element, and all the elements and skills on your body are piled with ice 100 strong, it will only be 18% higher.

   So the final conclusion is that in addition to the pure single boss war, the fight method of extreme ice building hundred strong can be about 18% higher than the physical hundred strong anger (8% if the equipment is in the direction of fire subduing demons), the buff brought by the physical hundred strong is the perfect ice breaking hundred strong whenever there are a few white monsters around your elite.

   One more thing, you should not think that the boxing monk's AOE is not good because of his small range. In fact, as long as his range is full of monsters, his clearing speed will break the sky. Why? The attack speed is extremely fast, and the range damage trigger is too frequent. A single attack can trigger simultaneously on different monsters.

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