  • English name: Diablo 3
  • Chinese name: Diablo 3
  • Game type: action role play
  • Sale time: May 15, 2012
  • Sales mode: physical version and digital board
  • Charging method: one-time payment for lifetime use
  • Manufacturer: Blizzard
  • Issuer: Blizzard
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Devil Hunter's knife fan kit Introduction with 84 layers of secrets

Author: Mo Haoli # 5763 Time: 2016-09-08 13:23:48 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

2.4 The mechanism of the two piece sleeve has changed, resulting in unstable gear compared with the previous one.

To put it simply, strafing will occupy the public built-in CD of the two laptops, while the left button will not occupy the built-in CD

For example, if the attack speed of panel 2.0 is changed, the ICD of Arrow Rain 2-piece set is 0.45

For example, from 0 seconds, I left click to trigger at the first time. Before 0.45 seconds, I will trigger again if I strafe

From 0 seconds, my strafing will trigger at the first time. Before 0.45 seconds, I left click it and it will not trigger the Na Tao subtract CD

In actual combat, due to the chaotic timeline, the gear is unstable. For example, 43% gear will be 2+2 for a period of time, and 2+3 for a period of time. This is the result of different skills triggered at the first time.

   1、 43% gear overall

Equipment: 6 pieces of napkins+matching rings+energy conducting shoulder+Dawn+Mingche wrist guard+Heaven Collapsing Hate Rain+Hell Fire necklace/Ice Free necklace/Eye of Aliki

Extract: Grinstone's Dagger+Sky Eagle Fighting Clothes+Omnipotent Ring

Gem: Tai Chi+Punished+Trapped

   2、 Skills

   Key skills: Entangled shooting - justice+revenge rain - arrow rain covering the sky+strafing - missile storm+blade - shot without fail+smoke bullet - unique smoke+revenge - heart of darkness

   Passive: Dying instinct+bullying+night stalker+blood sucking+perfectionism/paralytic trap/tactical advantage

Attention! If you are shooting with one click and one release (click to scan), then the night tracker can give up and use a cost reduction affix to get extremely high Sky Eagle armor coverage!

Adjust! The peak attack speed is not too fast. The equipment can be equipped with a strip to reduce consumption or repel. The strafing can also give up the night tracker and obtain higher coverage of the eagle.

   three , assembly

42.7% gear, easy to stabilize the 2+3 gear (2 left button+3 strafe), if you want to make better use of the gear, you can open the 2+2 gear. It is also the first diamond. After the peak of 10CDR, you need to fire sweep CDR. 2+3 of 4 parts!


Head: sensitivity+body+critical hit+hole (diamond) physical resistance/ice resistance

Shoulder: agility+body/blade/arrow rain skill damage+range damage+CDR physical resistance/ice resistance

Clothes: Sensitivity+Body+Sword Rain Damage/Blade Damage/Repentance+3 Holes of Resistance/Kill Repentance/Melee Reduction/Remote Reduction+Discipline

Hand: sensitivity+body/cdr/range+critical hit+critical damage resistance/ice resistance

Ring: critical hit+critical injury+CDR physical resistance/ice resistance+kill back

Critical hit+CDR+range damage/ancient average damage/critical damage resistance/ice resistance+kill back

Wristband: electric injury+sensitivity+body+critical hit resistance/ice resistance/melee reduction/remote reduction

Belt: sensitivity+body+total resistance+% HP regeneration+freezing

Pants: agility+body+full resistance+2 hole kill back+deceleration

Shoes: sensitivity+body+total resistance+running speed/armor

Na Gun: Min+ED+range damage+skill damage discipline

Dawn: Sensitivity+body/cost reduction/hatred+range damage+CDR greater than 61 special effect discipline

Red is a must, and blue is one of them.

Weapons and clothes should be disciplined.

Note: Dawn should not be written in white, so Dawn with CDR is the most cost-effective. If graduation Dawn does not come out, then change CDR by hand, because the weapon range damage is 24, and the hand with 1000 attributes only has 20 range damage.

   4、 39.99% CDR 3+3

This gear has a high requirement for equipment. It requires Dawn with special effects greater than or equal to 64, then two 8CDR affixes+one 10CDR affixes, and one consumption reduction affixes, which can achieve 3+3 cycles. If 1 CDR is less, there will be a jam. 3+3 scanning and live scanning! You have a chance to play 2+3 cycles!

Advantages: 3+3 can ensure more perfect coverage of the Skyhawk, and can passively replace the night trackers with perfectionism/tactical advantage/paralysis traps, which increases more tenacity. Because of the more attrition suffixes, the number of smoke increases, so 3+3 survival is better than 2+3, of course, 2+3 damage is higher than 3+3.

   5、 Single player play

Due to the existence of revenge, immunity to all controls increases security. Ensure that the hate value is greater than 90%, and improve the coverage rate of Skyhawk.

The blade fan will be released when the element ring turns to electricity. It must be at the most secret place of the monster, because you have high range damage, either 16 or 30 layers. If you have ambush passivity, the first wave of monster will be released at 30 layers.

The twining shooting mechanism will refresh all twining time in the whole field after you hit the monster with twining, so when you want to drag the monster, please hit the twining shooting at the place where the monster is.

Don't release the smoke at will. It's not ready to be released. Try to use the smoke reasonably. If I have diamonds all over my body full of BUFF, I can be 12E tough, so I'm relieved that the smoke doesn't need to be released frequently.

The running speed tower depends on the situation, because it will obtain 30% attack speed, which will lead to the lower coverage of Tianying.

BOSS that don't summon monsters are all good BOSS. Calling monsters will share your punished gems, slowing down the time to kill BOSS.

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