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Who decides the ups and downs? Small comments on seven weapons of the sabre fan demon hunter

Author: gfocus Time: 2016-09-02 13:24:15 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

   Recently, several brain holes have developed a new idea for selecting knife fan DH weapons,

   It can be said that all kinds of weapons and blade DH can play with different styles, and the actual combat effect gap is not large,

   Seven kinds of weapons are selected for fans players to choose!

   The first weapon:

   Longevity Sword - Dawn!

   One weapon can bring huge benefits of seamless revenge, making Dawn always the first choice of DH's major schools,

   It ranks first among the seven weapons, which is well deserved.

   Representative knife fan schools: Qingshui knife fan, Na Tao knife fan, double holding bulk knife fan, double holding bulk hundred step knife fan.

   The second weapon:

   Peacock Feather - Blade Dagger!

   Without this weapon, there would be no knife fan flow.

   For the highlight of that moment, no amount of waiting is worth it!

   Represent the blade fan genre: Shadow Hundred Step Blade Fan.

   The third weapon:

   Jade sabre - Yang Gong!

   It is said that there is a big secret hidden in the jade sabre, which can solve the world-class problem: how to wash Yang Gong!

   The above sentence is a joke, but I listed Yang Gong among the seven weapons of Fan DH, but it is not a joke.

   The 50% consumption reduction of Yang Gong is also effective for discipline,

   For blade fan flow, Yang Gong can easily achieve "infinite smoke", or even infinite blood return smoke,

   While the survivability is greatly guaranteed, you can also consider changing the third gem into the attack direction, which increases the output in disguise.

   The result of our comprehensive assessment: Yang Gong is likely to become a strange weapon of blade fan flow!

   The fourth weapon:

   Affective ring - pantograph or hammer

   Pantographs and hammers have almost the same DPH and almost the same affix. They are twins of different weapon types.

   You can think of the electric bow as a bow with a catapult DPH, or as a catapult with a bow speed,

   Not only fast, but also ruthless! The knife fan is sentimental, and the pantograph/hammer is merciless!!

   The fifth weapon:

   Farewell hook -- elephant crossbow!

   You see, the demons and ghosts are going to the trap without hesitation, not to leave, but to get together.

The blade fan flow of elephant crossbow should be the only school that can use the new version of traps,

   With the high DPH of the catapult and the special effect of gathering strange traps, it is a very imaginative genre.

   The sixth weapon:

   Overlord gun - scorpion tail lion!

   Remember the glory of the two hole scorpion tail teacher?

   This legendary weapon has officially returned!

   As a catapult, it has the highest DPH, and the cluster wound affix can be washed away, which is one more affix than other catapults,

   Become the highest theoretical damage in the blade fan flow!

   It's worth the name of the Overlord Gun!

   The seventh weapon:

   Fist - daylight hammer!

   The big fist of casserole is for elite!

   I must update the post to talk about daylight guards alone!

   It was generally believed that the benefits of elite injury were not high when the blade fan flow dragged the small monster to send away the elite,

   But after our discussion, we found that the benefits of elite injuries may not be as low as we thought,

   See: About the benefits of elite injury against knife fan flow (supplement the detailed benefit calculation)

   So, daylight guard Just like the big fist of the casserole, it has a plain surface, but it is simple, rough and effective!

   The eighth weapon in the blacksmith shop:

   Secret Star Sting!

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   As a weapon that can be forged, the Secret Star Stab is undoubtedly the best choice for the cultivation of blade fans,

   Simple and easy to use.

   Finally, the legendary Install a magic weapon

   Wind blade!

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   The theoretical damage gap of various weapons used for knife fans is not large, Even with the wind knife, it should be very easy to pass the 90th floor,

   Remember Master Yang Gong by Daming Lake 20 years ago?

   Take Shangfeng Blade to the 90th floor, and then go to Xianzhai to install force!

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