  • English name: Diablo 3
  • Chinese name: Diablo 3
  • Game type: action role play
  • Sale time: May 15, 2012
  • Sales mode: physical version and digital board
  • Charging method: one-time payment for lifetime use
  • Manufacturer: Blizzard
  • Issuer: Blizzard
  • Official website: Click to enter

Blue paste: Data analysis is not allowed. Big pineapple pets will not be online temporarily

Author: Agency Time: 15:39:39, July 15, 2016 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

Many players in the community have seen some tools to do data mining for the new version of PTR before, and even we have seen the data mining that Huajie wants to delete special effects. Recently, Kauza, the community manager, released a blue post to clarify that the content in the data analysis is often lost or has errors, so please refer to it only. In addition, Kauza also reminded players that the "big pineapple" pets seen in the previous data analysis will not appear in the 2.4.2 patch update. Combined with the significance of Diablo to the series, it is more likely to be used as carnival virtual rewards. After all, this is also the 20th anniversary of the Diablo series.

   Reply: Data analysis of patch # 38247

In addition, please note that parsing does not include all changes and information.

The "parsed" information can sometimes be misleading or wrong, so I won't go to see it to be bothered by its spoilers.

As suggested by these comments, because the content corresponding to the data string may not be the current version, or it may be something that is not ready to go online (for example, some things are just for occupying places), it is very important for parsing information references.

For example, some people noticed a string indicating that Diablo's pet appeared in the recent patch. Let me clarify here that this pet will not appear in patch 2.4.2.

This is why we always encourage players to check our latest PTR patch update list to see the changes; The parsed information may be correct, but it is not fully displayed.

Sina statement: The purpose of posting this article on Sina.com is to convey more information, which does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description.