  • English name: Diablo 3
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  • Game type: action role play
  • Sale time: May 15, 2012
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  • Manufacturer: Blizzard
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Blue paste: the change plan of the future game to the "team trend"

Author: Compiled by Xue Tyrant Time: 2016-06-26 17:09:36 Your current location: Sina Games >> Diablo 3 >>Body

Since the introduction of the ladder in Diablo 3, the game's team building mode has always been developing towards the "optimal solution". So that players will not study their own playing methods, but derive the combination solutions of various positions, output and cooperate with pulling monster assistance and treatment, and build a team configuration. This problem has been the same since the day of the ladder. Today, Wyatt Cheng, the designer on the official forum, also released a blue post to talk about the current understanding of this problem and the solution. The brief summary is:

  • In the future, we will continue to observe the injury increase caused by the occupation, which is one of the factors leading to the imbalance of team formation
  • Adjust the skill of field control monster pulling, making it difficult for players to gather monsters and pull them to a point
  • The player's huge healing ability allows the player to stand up and masturbate regardless of monster damage, and then will slash the healing ability
  • The above is an attempt to form a team, or affect the game experience in the single player mode

   The following content is compiled by the Snow Tyrant!

   Wyatt Cheng:

hello everyone,

Many people have raised concerns about the current trend of team building - the optimal solution of playing methods under high level needs specific team composition. From the design point of view, our work as a development team is to give players tools and leave room for players to combine these tools and optimize them to reach their highest secret level. The specific combination of 4 people is not strictly designed by us. In fact, we think that if we had such a rigid optimal combination design in advance, we might not have created enough space for players to explore.

Over time, the player community will gradually combine these tools and fix them on some routines. Almost every once in a while, there are some new discoveries that shake this "big trend", but as the game becomes more mature, such discoveries become more rare. Some players want us to change the balance of the game just to change it. Here I would like to clarify that the "big trend" is becoming more and more boring, which is not a good enough reason for us to take action. The mature "big trend" of Diablo will not change in every season. Considering this, we need to consider the following three necessary criteria when making changes:

1. Are there different professions involved in the best combination at present? For example, in the past, when three demon hunters or two warrior monks and two barbarians were the best choice, we would take action.

2. What is the gap between the best combination and the second best combination? If the best combination is only 2 layers ahead, there is still room for improvement for the alternative combination, or players can choose their favorite game style at the expense of some efficiency. And when the best combination is 10 layers or more, even the team or leisure players who brush the reward will start to choose this combination.

3. The most important thing is, is this game fun? Although we all like to see various professions and game modes, the most important thing is whether the game is interesting and fascinating when you play these optimal combinations.

So how do we define interesting and fascinating?

  • Moving is better than standing
  • Because strange, it is better to perform skill than mindless 1 key
  • The dodge skill is just better than the hard skill
  • It is better to pay attention to coordination and mix than to fight without brains

There are many suggestions on how to shake this "big trend". There are really many good suggestions. We have also measured many of your suggestions through the three criteria just outlined. The most obvious example is the weakening of the twisted blade that many people call for. Although we really want to weaken the Twisting Blade, I also want to explain why we have to do more than that.

If we just weaken the Twist Blade, we believe that what will happen in the future is that most teams will replace the current mage combination with the highest DPS combination in the next version. You will still see a monster gathering/tank (usually a monk), a monster pulling (usually a barbarian), a wound increasing (witch doctor), and then the highest DPS output (currently a mage) in the version. Only solving mages has limited help in solving the problems of standard 2 and standard 3.

We are making three major changes to these three major issues.

Problem 1: It is more efficient to introduce the damage increasing bit than the second output bit. Since you can increase the output of output bit 1 by 300% in the injury increasing position, why introduce the second output bit?

   Change 1: We will review team damage increases for all classes. The great increase in injury to the team is a huge factor affecting the combination of 3 auxiliary and 1 DPS.

Question2: It's too easy to gather monsters. This is not good because:

  • Compared with the introduction of the second output bit, it will increase the efficiency of the single output bit disproportionately. If you gather twice as many monsters, you will not only cause twice as much damage - you also need to consider the increase of range damage.
  • In addition, many combinations encourage standing. If you can pull the monsters to a point, you will fight in a fixed position for a period of time.
  • In addition to standing, you always cast spells in one place - it will be more attractive if you dynamically adapt to the changing battlefield.
  • The combination mechanism also acts as a kind of soft monster control, so that the monster does not attack the player, resulting in the stagnation of combat pleasure without interactivity.
  • Finally, it can cause server problems. Although we have been optimizing the server performance, we still realize that the current game design rewards players to gather as many monsters as possible on the screen at the same time.

   Change 2: We will adjust the field control and monster pulling effects to make it more difficult for them to pull monsters to a point forever.

Question 3: The efficient recovery effect makes standing in place more conducive to output more damage, rather than making corresponding actions and evading according to the monster mechanism.

   Change 3: One factor that allows you to ignore monster skills is a lot of resilience. The skill will be restored by slashing in the future.

Will this affect single player games? Yes - some single brush strokes will be affected. In most cases, we try to make the changes affect multiplayer games more than single brush. The balance between multi player team and single player team is a never-ending and arduous task. In this case, we believe that priority should be given to changing the balance of multi player team. This is a continuous goal to make more combinations of playing styles feasible and make more professions competitive. This requires improving the ability of some sets or legendary equipment. We just think it is more important to make the multiplayer team game more meaningful at this time.

Will this cause the top layer to fall? Frankly - probably. We've never really done this before – weakening the best performing combinations. There are many problems before us. How will this affect the season? What impact will this have on off-season play? In the past, we have always had an idea to adjust the balance of the game by improving the poor performance, but this time, this is not the case. Review the problems and solutions we face - these are problems that cannot be solved with a larger number of injuries. These problems are based on the damage increase, treatment and battle combination of the team.

Finally - I want to go back to the statement at the beginning of the article - as developers, we don't know what the new optimization combination will look like. We will make some great changes, the game will become more complex, and we cannot get the optimal strategy in advance. The collective wisdom of the player group is more intelligent than us. So - we really need you to come to PTR test! Especially for four people to form a team. If some smart players find that the four crusades are the most efficient in some combination but deliberately "hide" them, our development team can do nothing about it. Although our developers are ultimately responsible for the quality of Diablo 3, we cannot improve the game without your help.

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