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Dueling System

Sina Games 2012-11-30 17:17

   Introduction to Duel

Tai Zong was a man of great talent and great courage. Under the Zhenguan Temple, the people lived and worked in peace and prosperity. All the neighboring countries came to celebrate, and Tai Zong was also hospitable.

However, there are inevitably frictions between countries. Each country is its own master, and it is also difficult to judge right and wrong. Most barbarians establish their country by force, advocate martial style, and are used to judging events by the victory or defeat of duels. In order to avoid war chaos caused by verbal disputes, Taizong agreed to participate in the notarization on behalf of the neutral party, and the two sides of the struggle compete in front of the imperial court to settle the grievances.

It is also difficult to decide whether to be right or wrong in the Jianghu disputes, and duels have always been the first way to solve the grievances. So all the heroes told Taizong that they would like to be notarized by the imperial court and ended at the Chang'an Challenge Arena. Taizong allowed to play, and sent Yulin Zhonglang as the witness. The winner of the contest will not bear the pk punishment.

   Duel NPC

Chang'an Yulin Zhonglang General

   Duel rule

1. Only players with player level ≥ 50 can participate in duel application;

2. Level of duel object ≥ 50;

3. When applying for duel, the opponent must be online;

4. Duel application needs to pay a certain handling fee;

5. You can only participate in one duel at the same time;

6. After the application for duel is successful, duel can be conducted on any line.

7. Only players who have applied for the duel right can participate in the duel, and the duel initiator and duel challenger players will automatically open the duel right;

8. The responding party has one hour of response time;

9. The effective time of duel is one hour after the engagement of both parties;

10. The range of the contest between the two sides is the effective range of the challenge arena;

11. The duel can start only after the captain of both sides confirms;

12. The winner will not be punished by PK, the loser will be punished by death, and the player who falls to the ground at the end of the battle will be punished by death;

13. No escape, no new members and no assistance in the duel are allowed;

   Duel process

1. Click NPC and select "I want to leave";

2. Choose the duel mode as "single duel" or "team duel";

3. Waiting for the dueling object to respond;

4. Both the duel initiator and the duel challenger should stand on the challenge arena;

5. After the battle, either party clicks NPC to select "Start Duel";

6. The winner of the duel will get a duel voucher.

 Oriental Story
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