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Official tasks

Sina Games 2012-11-30 11:08

   Task description

Constable Xing is jealous of evil and careful. In the daytime, he is a constable. At night, he is still a constable. However, with his own strength, he can not complete the numerous wanted tasks issued by the government. He looked for those chivalrous cultivators in Chang'an City, hoping that they could help him and contribute to the peace of the world.

   Task requirements

Role level ≥ 25, ≤ 60

When the role level is greater than Level 60, you cannot receive official tasks, but you can obtain official tasks as a team member

At least 3 people shall form a team to complete

   Task NPC

Constable Xing, Chang'an (414252)

   Task reward

Character experience, pet experience, morality, money, have a chance to get item rewards.

 Oriental Story
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