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Guild Introduction

Sina Games 2012-11-27 13:46

   Guild Introduction

1. The Guild will be divided into 5 levels, and each level of the Guild will have different functions. Players can talk with the Chang'an NPC "Sect Administrator" to create a sect, respond to a sect, join a sect, transfer to the sect map and other functions.

2. There are different positions in the Guild. The Guild Leader can appoint members of the Guild to take certain positions to manage the Guild. You can also set the sect declaration, the sect announcement, the leader's passing, the member's prohibition, and expel members. Guilds have the function of appellation. Members who join a sect can obtain the corresponding sect appellation according to their position or contribution.

3. Members who join a sect can use the sect channel to communicate with members of their own sect.

4. After a guild is created, it can obtain a guild map. After returning to the guild map, members of the guild can carry out some operations related to the guild, such as upgrading the guild building, setting building functions, receiving guild tasks, storing items in the guild warehouse, receiving guild salaries, refining poisons, participating in guild activities, etc.

   Guild icon

When the Guild is successfully created, the default Guild icon will be obtained, and the Guild icon will be displayed in front of the title or name of all Guild members. The Guild Leader can change the personality icon provided by the system at the Steward's Office of the Guild Loyalty Hall. Each change will consume a certain amount of guild construction.

Upload a custom guild icon: When the guild level reaches Level 2, the leader can upload his own guild icon at the Steward's Office of the Guild Loyalty Hall.

The uploaded image file must meet the following conditions:

1. Picture size: 22 pixels × 22 pixels

2. Picture format: PNG

3. Image size: ≤ 5K Each time you upload a custom icon, it will consume a certain amount of gang building.

   Sect welfare

Guild salary: When the Guild level reaches Level 2, all members of the Guild can receive salary once a week at the warehouse manager. The salary is related to the contribution to the gang last week.

Sect exchange: After joining a sect, you can use the gang tribute exchange materials, equipment, accessories, etc. at the sect exchange shop. The type and quantity of exchanged items will increase with the guild level.

Pet storage: After joining a guild, you can use the pet warehouse to store pets in the bank. Upgrading the guild warehouse building level can increase the number of pets stored.

Guild bank page: When the guild warehouse building level reaches Level 3, all guild members can add a page of "Guild" storage space in the bank.

   Guild Level Menu


   Level 1 Guild

The maximum number of people can reach 50;

Guild leaders can set up sect declarations and announcements, and appoint sect positions;

Guild channel can be used;

Five people can be called "elite", and one person can be called "meritorious official";

It can produce one kind of raw material, process one kind of product, and sell one kind of product on the market;

Can complete sect tasks;

The pet warehouse can store 2 pets.

   Level 2 Guild

The maximum number of people can reach 100;

Guild leaders can set up sect declarations and announcements, and appoint sect positions;

Guild channel can be used;

10 people can be called "elite", and 2 people can be called "meritorious officials";

It can produce 2 kinds of raw materials, process 2 kinds of products, and sell 2 kinds of products on the market;

Can complete sect tasks;

The pet warehouse can store 4 pets;

Guild salaries can be paid.

   Level 3 Guild   

The maximum number of people can reach 150;

Guild leaders can set up sect declarations and announcements, and appoint sect positions;

Guild channel can be used;

15 people can be called "elite", and 3 people can be called "meritorious officials";

It can produce 3 kinds of raw materials, process 3 kinds of products, and sell 3 kinds of products on the market;

Can complete sect tasks;

The pet warehouse can store 6 pets;

Guild page added to the bank;

Can pay gang salaries;

The Five Poisons Hall can develop and refine poisons.

   Level 4 Guild    

The maximum number of people can reach 200;

Guild leaders can set up sect declarations and announcements, and appoint sect positions;

Guild channel can be used;

20 people can be called "elite", and 4 people can be called "meritorious officials";

It can produce 3 kinds of raw materials, process 3 kinds of products, and sell 3 kinds of products on the market;

Can complete sect tasks;

The pet warehouse can store 8 pets;

Guild page added to the bank;

Can pay gang salaries;

The Five Poisons Hall can develop and refine poisons.

   Level 5 Guild       

The maximum number of people can reach 250;

Guild leaders can set up sect declarations and announcements, and appoint sect positions;

Guild channel can be used;

25 people can be called "elite", and 5 people can be called "meritorious officials";

It can produce 3 kinds of raw materials, process 3 kinds of products, and sell 3 kinds of products on the market;

Can complete sect tasks;

The pet warehouse can store 10 pets; Guild page added to the bank;

Can pay gang salaries;

The Five Poisons Hall can develop and refine poisons.

 Oriental Story
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