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Equipment evolution

Sina Games 2012-11-26 15:18

   Evolution description

Equipment evolution can upgrade low-level equipment to the next level, reducing the cost of re manufacturing equipment and modifying equipment.

   Evolutionary rule

1. NPC with equipment evolution is Lou Lan's greatest treasure.

2. Players above level VIP2 can directly evolve equipment by clicking the Moonlight Treasure Box button in the treasure chest in the item bar.

3. Equipment evolution needs to consume rising star stone, equipment and a certain amount of money.

(1) The money required for evolution is related to the equipment level. The higher the equipment level, the more money will be consumed.

(2) Each evolution needs to put 2 pieces of equipment at the same position, the first 5 stars need to put equipment at the same level as the main equipment, and the last 5 stars need to put equipment at the main equipment level+10.

(3) Each evolution needs to consume 1 material Shengxingshi. Different levels need different Shengxingshi, as follows:

Material type Applicable level
Rising Star Stone Grade 50, Grade 60
Advanced Rising Star Stone Level 50 to 90

4. The success rate of equipment evolution depends on the score of the expendable equipment. The higher the score, the higher the success rate.

5. Requirements for equipment evolution.

(1) Equipment level ≥ 50.

(2) It must be a master recognition or binding equipment.

(3) Must be gold or green.

(4) The character level must reach the dress level of the equipment after successful evolution.

(5) Unqualified equipment cannot be attached with attributes.

5. Requirements for accessory equipment put in during equipment evolution.

(1) White and green equipment cannot be used as auxiliary equipment.

(2) Unqualified equipment cannot be used as accessory equipment.

(3) The parts of the auxiliary equipment must be the same as the main equipment.

(4) The first five stars need to put equipment of the same level as the main equipment, and the last five stars need to put equipment of the main equipment level+10.

(5) Modified equipment, evolving equipment, main equipment and binding equipment cannot be used as auxiliary equipment.

6. For every successful evolution, 1 star will be added to equipment, 1 level will be added to wearing level, and basic attributes and transformation attributes will be increased.

7. When the number of stars reaches 10, the equipment will be upgraded successfully, the equipment evolution will increase by 1 level, and the relevant attributes and elements of the equipment will change, as follows:

Features and Attributes Changes after upgrading
Equipment name Change to the name of the next level of equipment
Wearing level Add 10 levels
Attribute requirements The type is unchanged, and the value is randomly generated according to the value interval of the next level of equipment
Equipment durability Change to the value of the next level of equipment (only the upper limit value is changed, and the current value remains unchanged)
Basic Attributes It becomes the value of the next level of equipment
Bind or recognize primary attribute It becomes the value of the next level of equipment
Modification level Consumption transformation level 1 time

It will not be consumed when the equipment spirit level is equal to or greater than the equipment transformation level

Transformation attribute It becomes the value of the next level of equipment
Bonus attribute The attribute type remains unchanged, and the value fluctuates according to the next level's value interval (the split value remains unchanged)
Additional Attributes The attribute type remains unchanged, and the value fluctuates according to the next level's value interval (the split value remains unchanged)
Green clothing bonus Attribute type remains unchanged, and numerical values are generated randomly
Too strong attribute The attribute type remains unchanged, and the value is randomly generated according to the next level of numerical interval
Selling price It becomes the value of the next level of equipment
Equipment rating Recalculate according to equipment scoring rules
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