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Author: Time: 2017-09-29 17:59:51

Treasure World teaches you how to do super detailed tutorial of MOD weapon making

abstract Come and read to Brother Bao: I'm strong and handsome! Babies, do you want to make your own weapon MOD? Do you want your MOD to be officially adopted? Today, Brother Bao stole the weapon MOD production strategy carefully produced for us by the player Demon King and Salmon. Move the small bench quickly and learn with Brother Bao!

hot tip


Determine that the point color RGB color table is (255, 0255) color code (FF00FF)

There must be no pixels around the decision point except for the connection

   1、 Melee weapon sword axe hammer

Let's first look at the production of melee weapons MOD. The melee weapons include swords, axes and hammers. If the production is started from an empty model, pixels should be placed towards the Z axis.

 The maximum range of making MOD is: 10 pixels high, 10 pixels wide and 35 pixels long.

The maximum range of making MOD is: 10 pixels high, 10 pixels wide and 35 pixels long.

The decision point must be accurate to 5 grid pixels, including its position to the ground. One pixel shall be connected at the front and rear ends of the decision point, and no other pixel shall be allowed in the 3x3x3 range for the hand release model.

   2、 Pistol

Gunsmiths are one of the most popular professions in the second test, and their weapons are also very handsome. How to make the MOD of gun weapons? The maximum range of pistol MOD is 5x5x12 pixels, that is, 5 pixels wide, 5 pixels high and 12 pixels long.

It should be noted that unlike other weapons, gun weapons need to flip the model to the muzzle down after production. Except for the pixels connected to the gun body, there should be no blocks around the 3x3x3 judgment point (in some special cases, there may be pixels below the judgment point, such as the appearance of some handguns)

   3、 staff

The wand is another common weapon in Treasure World. The maximum range of the wand MOD is 12x12x35 pixels, that is, 35 pixels long, 12 pixels wide, and 12 pixels high. In addition, when making the magic staff weapon MOD, it should also be placed with its head facing the Z axis, similar to the melee weapon.

It should be noted that there should be at least 16 pixels from the head of the staff to the decision point, and at most 14 pixels from the tail to the decision point. The 3x3x3 around the decision point cannot have any other pixels except the handle itself.

   4、 Bow and arrow

Want to make a unique bow and arrow? The shape of the bow doesn't have much room to play. It looks like a bow. It should be noted that when you design the bow, you have done something outside. Please make sure that you will not insert or penetrate the player's own model. The handle of the bow and arrow has the same style as the sword. Don't add your own bow string.

 The mod range of bow and arrow weapons: 1-3 pixels wide, 6 pixels after the decision point, 3 pixels before the decision point (9 pixels in total), and 21 pixels long.

The mod range of bow and arrow weapons: 1-3 pixels wide, 6 pixels after the decision point, 3 pixels before the decision point (9 pixels in total), and 21 pixels long.

 About Bow Animation

About Bow Animation

In the animation, as shown in the above figure, if you want to add a hand shield in front of the hand, it will be turned into two halves when attacking, which makes it look strange. So please avoid it when making.

   5、 Long spear

The maximum range of the spear weapon MOD is 45x11x11, and the head range is 15x11x11. It must be 45 grids long from the beginning to the end. The handle theoretically needs 21 grids long to make it look reasonable. The end needs a 3x3x3 square, and this will not be included in the handle length.

Like the previous sword/staff, the lance weapons need to be placed facing the z-axis, and the 3x3x3 around the handle cannot have any pixels except the linked pixels.

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