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Author: Time: 2017-09-29 17:10:41

Technology House Decrypts the Hidden Code and Instruction Disclosure of Treasure World

abstract We often see super hackers in some Hollywood movie blockbusters. They easily "hack" into other people's security systems, input a lot of complex code expertly, and crack complex programs in a short time. Although they are not legal enough, they still attract the envy and love of many people. Want to be one of them? Let's break the secret of Treasure World! The treasure player Big Baby, known as the "technology house", has carefully sorted out a hidden code instruction for the game. With it, you can easily play the treasure, solve all problems, and use various cute expressions to excite your friends!

We often see super hackers in some Hollywood movie blockbusters. They easily "hack" into other people's security systems, input a lot of complex code expertly, and crack complex programs in a short time. Although they are not legal enough, they still attract the envy and love of many people. Want to be one of them? Let's break the secret of Treasure World! Treasure player known as "technical house" Big Baby Carefully sorted out a hidden code instruction for the game. With it, you can easily play with the treasure, solve all problems, and use various cute expressions to excite your friends!

 [Secret instructions first open internal information at a glance]

[Secret instruction first discloses internal information at a glance]

The conventional operation instructions can no longer meet the operation needs of the god players. It's too tired to dig the details by relying on the big keys on the surface, so the secret instructions come into use. In Treasure World, players can quickly reset the cornerstone, check their position and character status, invite other players to join their team, and so on by entering secret instructions. With a flick of your little finger, you can easily get everything done!

Secret instructions:

/Loc display coordinates

/Who shows players in the same world

/Chatlist<chat channel name>players displayed in the same chat channel

/Getxp/xp displays the level, current experience, and experience required for upgrading

/Friend<player ID>add friends

/Ignore<player ID>Add players to your ignore list

/Store has the same function as the "N" key

/Respawn forced rebirth

/Getworldid Get the digital ID of the world


/Joinme<player ID>invites players to join themselves

/Tutorial is transmitted to the novice teaching world

/Kick<player ID>to kick out of the current world (such as guild, shadow tower)

/Clearcornerstone resets the cornerstone (that is, your house)

/Master Display Master Level and Points

/Welcome displays the welcome interface

/Debugtext displays FPS, delay, coordinate and direction in the upper left corner

 [No difficulty in making friends Chat command can be switched at any time]

[It's not difficult to make friends, and the chat command can be switched at any time]

It is not a rare thing to speak freely in the game. For newcomers to the treasure, they may be busy building and ignore making friends, but it is not difficult to have a quick chat command. Players can switch freely between the full service channel and the current world, and can find the players nearby through the chat channel to have a chat, which is very convenient and fast!

Chat command:

/1 Switch to full service channel

/2 Switch to the current world channel

/S chats with players within 40 spaces

/Whisper<player ID><chat content>send private chat to players (/w,/t,/tell are all available)

/C1 Switch to Club 1 chat channel

/C2 switches to Club 2 chat channel,

/Reply/r Reply to the last person who talked to you privately

 [The movie star who was delayed by the battle changes into an expression pack every minute]

[The movie star who was delayed by the battle changes into a facial expression pack every minute]

You may be a silent person in life, but you like to use facial expression bags to contract the laughter points of the whole audience. Now coming to Treasure World can also let you perform your own piece of heaven. As long as you input the corresponding expression command, the occupation you use will immediately put on the corresponding posture and expression. Skilled children's shoes can even arrange a group of dance movements, and it is not impossible to dance a square dance!

Expression command:


/Pose to show wings







/Shrug shrugs

With the help of these hidden instructions, I believe that babies will be able to operate more easily in Treasure World. At present, the second test of the national service of Treasure World is in the hot test. Now, sign up for the activity of lighting up the Homestone, which can not only increase the popularity of your guild, but also win multiple awards such as the Thundersnake keyboard and mouse set, 360 speed router, customized treasure surroundings, rare Pinata and so on! Light up the Love Home Stone and win the strongest guild>>>:

 Official website of Treasure World: Official website of Treasure World:

Official microblog of Treasure World:

Official WeChat of Treasure World: trovegame

Introduction to the game:

The world's first sandbox online game, "Treasure World" (TROVE), ingeniously integrates the two features of sandbox construction and RPG adventure. Players can build and explore freely in the game world, and create a world we want through infinite imagination and creativity. Boundless map, rich people, extreme adventure, powerful PVP, Treasure World will bring you unprecedented happiness!

Sina statement: The purpose of posting this article on is to convey more information, which does not mean to agree with its views or confirm its description.

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