Introduction to Jianling Game

The world of "Sword Spirit" is set in a corrupt world invaded by demons. There is a battle between justice and evil between decent masters who bear the divine will and evil masters who are driven by evil thoughts. And there is also constant war between the two great powers that divide the world.

   Sword Spirit Story | Secondary occupation | Cross server transaction | talent | Collection of Fashion | Eight Trigrams

Sword Spirit Anti harmony Jianling Database

At present, Sword Spirit has announced the four major races of human, dragon, spirit and heaven, as well as six professions of swordsman, strongman, boxer, Qigong master, assassin and summoner. The characters of each race have distinctive characteristics, and each profession has its own characteristics. As a novice, how can you quickly start "Sword Spirit"?

Data acquisition station Career Strategy Station

   Equipment growth tree | Full copy introduction | Copy Falling Complete | Pinch face data sharing

Career choice
Professional skills

   Collecting minerals, wood, herbs, meat and other materials

The gathering in the Sword Spirit is not to look for trees or herbs everywhere for gathering, but to sign a contract with the sickle hoeing union to entrust the collection of the required collection.

   Hoe sickle union

The sickle hoeing trade union includes 7 trade unions, including the herb workshop for collecting herbs and flowers, and the annual harvest meeting for collecting soil and grains. Players can join 2 of them.

7 Labor union: Herbal Shop -- Harvest meeting -- BaiLieZhuang -- Metallurgical Village -- Stone workshop -- Wood workshop -- Big Fish Workshop Collection point summary

   Acquisition process

1. Joining the hoe trade union: after selecting the craftsman association, meet with NPC and choose to join

2. Collect samples: collect samples of collected objects and tell the trade union what kind of objects to collect.

3. Entrusted collection: select the items entrusted to collect in the entrustment directory window and submit them for entrustment. The higher the reputation of the hoe and sickle union, the more kinds of collected objects can be collected.

4. Collect entrusted articles: After the collection of entrusted articles is completed, the collection is completed below. You can click the collection completion icon to get the item, or go to NPC to get it.

Join the sickle hoe trade union

 Join the sickle hoe trade union

Meet the NPC of the sickle union you want to join, choose to join, and then join. In Lvming Village of Yulong Forest, there are all 7 NPC members of the sickle hoeing trade union. Each character can join at most 2 NPC members. >>Click to view details

Withdraw from the hoe and sickle union

 Withdraw from the hoe and sickle union

You can join up to two hoeing trade unions at the same time. To join other trade unions, you must first withdraw from the former hoeing trade union and then rejoin. After quitting the hoeing union, the accumulated credit value disappeared. >>Click to view details

   You can obtain weapons, amulets, gossip cards, cooking, potions and other useful equipment and consumables

The gathering in the Sword Spirit is not to look for trees or herbs everywhere for gathering, but to sign a contract with the sickle hoeing union to entrust the collection of the required collection.

   Craftsmen Association

According to the types of props made, the Craftsmen's Association has 7 Trade union, each role can join at most 2 Labour Union.

7 Labor union: Blacksmith's Shop -- Wanjintang -- Holy Monastery -- Yaowang Hospital -- Flavor Gate -- Taishangmen -- Ceramic workshop Collection point summary

   Production process

1. Joining the Craftsman Association: After selecting the Craftsman Association, meet with NPC and choose to join

2. Confirm the props you want to make: view the directory you can entrust in the collection and production directory.

3. Material preparation: prepare the required materials. Production materials can be obtained through collection, leader dropping, copy collection, item decomposition, production, etc.

4. Entrusted production: prepare materials and entrust them in the entrustment directory window. Different kinds of goods require different materials, costs and time.

5. Collect the entrusted item: After the entrusted item is completed, the production is completed. You can click the Make Complete icon or get it from NPC.

Joined the Craftsman Association

 Joined the Craftsman Association

Talk to the NPC of the Craftsman Association you want to join, and choose to join. Each character can join 2 craftsman associations and 2 hoe and sickle trade unions. It is difficult to collect all materials at the same time, make intermediate materials, and make the final product. >>Click to view details

Quit the Craftsman Association

 Quit the Craftsman Association

One character can join at most two craftsman associations. If you want to join other craftsman associations, you can quit the current craftsman association and join a new craftsman association. After quitting the Master Craftsman Association, the credit value accumulated previously disappeared. >>Click to view details

Upgrade Guide

When we first enter the Sword Spirit, we will learn some basic knowledge under the guidance of Shifu and his brother NPC, and then we can see the wonderful plot animation under the guidance of the task. After knowing the plot, we will be introduced to the novice village, and your journey of Sword Spirit will officially start.

Grade 0-10 Grade 10-20 Grade 20-30 Grade 30-40 Grade 40-45

   Level 1-10 Upgrade Guide

Before Level 10, we only need to follow the main task and learn about the game while playing. While watching the story and completing the task, we can learn many basic skills. With the improvement of the level, we will continue to learn new skills.

   Growth strategy: Level 1-10 Upgrade Guidelines | Field equipment repair | Resurrection of multiple states | Task skill sharing | Package Introduction | Key operation | Field BOSS


1. In Sword Spirit, all skill keys are fixed QTE responses, so we don't need to set shortcut keys for skills!

2. Different from previous games, you don't need to point monsters when fighting, but like shooting games, you can automatically lock monsters after aiming!

3. There is no automatic path finding function in the Sword Spirit, but the task guidance has very detailed and thoughtful tips.

4. Sword Spirit's clothes and equipment do not have any attributes. If you like novice clothes, you can wear them until you are old!

5. Bagua is the equipment to improve character attributes, and it also has suit attributes!

6. When the character reaches level 8 or so, he can fight the millennium zombie and win the best blue weapons, gossip and fashion in the early stage through the roulette lottery.

7. When the role reaches level 10, it can receive daily tasks and rich rewards such as exchange brands.