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Quick access to activity rewards Old drivers teach you 45

Author: powerchenhai 2015-08-24 09:23

It is shared by old players of Sword Spirit and teaches you how to reach level 45 within one day through recent activities.

matters needing attention:

1. You need a lot of time, for example, about 8.10 hours

2. You need perseverance, because the process is too long, and you really vomit.

3. You need 200 coupons or 200 bound coupons.

Attachment: 1. If there is a large size, please give the small size 10 gold use funds, as well as 100 recovery drugs and 50 spirit stones.

2. Recommended professions: Spirit Sword, Summon, and Strength, because these three professions are fast in drawing.

OK, everything is ready, then we will open the number, and the moon old activity will bind its own large number. There is no secret. Keep working on the main line, but some skills can be used for your reference

1: When you arrive at Lvming Village, you can choose two life skills to collect. You need to learn this. Why? Because you have rich experience in collecting samples.

2: There was a green experience symbol when I was in the tenth grade. Please be sure to eat it, because you can't eat it when you are advanced, which is a waste.

3: The level 16 gift pack has a 2S cooling vitality pill, which can be eaten when the level 21 experience is almost gone, so that you can practice to level 31.

4: Run the main line all the way to Level 31. When your energy is running out, use your coupons to buy a 24 hour cooling vitality pill in the mall and eat it. In this way, you can raise the level to Level 39.

5: When you reach level 36, you can go to the official website for pink bricks, blue bricks and where to get the novice gift bag. (Even on the page of drawing penguins now, non brick QQ numbers can also receive them). There are two red experience symbols in total. Eat them, and they can be upgraded by two levels.

6: Because we ate two experience runes, which are not included in vitality, we can now upgrade to level 40 at most.

7: At level 33, a 2S vitality pill was given in the level gift package, so when the vitality of level 40 was exhausted, eat the vitality pill, so that we can reach level 45.

Last P:

1. The road is long, so when you can run away from the ground, you should run away from the ground, because running is very tiring

2. Upgrade when you can upgrade weapons. All sacrifices are free, and now the growth price of main line weapons has dropped a lot and costs little, but the upgrade is relatively large, which is conducive to our upgrade.

  3。 Don't worry about jewelry, because new jewelry will be sent to Baiqing. It's tiring to upgrade too much. Take the gift and make do with it.

4. If you are too tired and don't want to practice, you can stop when you run out of energy at level 40, but you need to eat the Vital Pill before leaving the production line, because tomorrow these experiences will double, so we won't have to work so hard.

The above is a little experience of my level training. Yesterday I stayed up late to practice until 2 midnight, and the panda eyes came out. However, it is finally level 45. It will be easy to do the main line in the future. I hope this article will be useful to everyone