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Sword Spirit Swordsman Bonus Analysis PVP Bonus Practical Skills

Sina Games 2013-08-07 10:35

Sword Spirit Swordsman Bonus Analysis PVP Bonus Practical Skills

All the way, use PVP points to brush the book. The first feeling is that the children's shoes who are still struggling with PVP and PVE's extra point training and level playing are reliable. If you are a pure PVE party, and occasionally act as a camp, you play NPC card oil on the side every day, rather than those who will collide with the players in the real sense or often play for hours in the arena after vitality brushing, please ignore my analysis and choose the extra point route of pure PVE, In addition, local tycoon Gao Fushuai and Bai Fumei said that they should also ignore what they washed once when changing. Great masters should look at it casually. If there are differences, please be merciful.

There are many experiences and tutorials on the Internet. This post only analyzes and discusses some additional points based on my research and practice.

In fact, players who really like me often wash extra points, read posts on their mobile phones to study extra points and then go home to practice every detail difference should have the same tangle. Whether spirit sword can give consideration to both PVP and PVE with a set of talents, the conclusion is yes, but the premise is that you don't want extremes. The reasons and analysis are as follows. I saw a post of a boxer on the forum before that said that a boxer can add a little bit and ignore one thing and lose another. I haven't played with a boxer before and don't comment on it. However, as far as the career orientation of Spirit Sword is concerned, it is actually a little contradictory, but also depends on personal preferences. The final conclusion is that if you want a talent training program, you can play both hands and kill people, The answer is that PVP is the best choice.

The reason is very simple. Maybe PVE is simple and rude in terms of damage, but it can not make up for the lack of controlling the connection between floating and falling, PVP opponents are not stakes or monsters. They need more opportunities to control the floating chain when fighting. In addition to Qigong, which has two escapes (WW SS), the killing point of the sword spirit is not the amount of damage for no reason, but an effective floating combo after deceiving the other party's escape skills. As a sword spirit player, first of all, understand that if a profession is not under charge, No matter how violent you are, you will be blocked and countered by the experienced opponent. This is the basic reason why PVP adds more essential oil. There is no dispute about the necessary points for soul sword to add PVP and PVE points, while PVE more chooses to strengthen damage, while PVP gives up the extra damage to exchange for combo control and survival. The addition of PVE is generally simple and rude, while PVP requires more control over the connection of combo moves to complete these damage amounts.

The simplest example is the enhanced dash, a controversial skill. The cost is that the CD has been extended from 9 seconds to 30 seconds, and only+1 after the enhancement, and within 3 before the enhancement. But after the enhancement, three more flat cuts can be made. The third flat cut and F simultaneously press the "hit the sky" combo, which is one of the most commonly used three skills in parallel with the "proud cut" and "sword god", And the probability of being kited can be reduced by cooperating with the guard spirit and ghost hand. In simple terms, if not strengthened, the dash is just a pure close body+PVE skill inside the loop. Although it can be used frequently and within the loop, there are many uncertain restrictions on how to hit the air behind. If you encounter a novice who immediately cut the wind after your dash and hurriedly received an arbitrary attack and triggered the sword pulling, that is not within the scope of discussion, Maybe the long CD and the low level will make you feel a little uncomfortable when you practice level or copy, but strange is strange after all. Flying Swallow Sword leads strange Q/E5 to cut off the current or pull out the sword to catch the sky when you break into the CD, which also makes you more proficient in several kinds of sky. In fact, playing strange is to let you gradually get into PVP, master and master each combo skill, Therefore, I recommend strengthening breakthrough as a must.

The other controversial points are that each player can choose according to his own habits and preferences due to time constraints. They are to strengthen the Wind Chopping (+400% defense), and make the skill of deceiving counter attack and catching the sky go up to a new level in terms of cost performance. It can speed up without control and reduce damage when being wrongly kited. The cost performance can be imagined. It can also replace the delayed Proud Chopping SS and the guard spirit in the CD when the Internet speed is poor but the internal power is sufficient, It is better to reduce the injury than not to take full damage. In addition, there is the mark of the imperial sword (the test clothing is called the imperial sword binding spirit), the sky dance (the test clothing is called the flying dragon seizing the moon) and a flash. I can only choose two out of three of these three skills because I have chosen to strengthen cutting wind and dash forward. At present, I choose Twinkle and Sky Dance as my bonus points. The reason is that although the competition field is currently stacked with explosive resistance, once a flash is triggered, it will be a 2 second stun, and if it is exploded, it will be 3 times. If it is not exploded, the 2 second stun will be reflected quickly, and then it can be followed by a flat cut and a continuous floating control. However, different people have different opinions, depending on their own preferences. In addition, as a long CD but high damage skill, Sky Dance has given up the low damage and relatively low CD mark of the imperial sword because it is necessary for a complete set of floating skills.

There is basically no dispute about other points. If there is any doubt, I will update my reply or keep me private. When I am free at work, I can't write what I think of, but I can't figure it out. Sorry for the poor layout. I hope this post can give some advice to many Lingjian relatives who tangle with the above points. In addition, Ps: some children's shoes may ask, does the martial arts god have any influence? The answer is: if you don't focus on ranking, why bother with the amount of damage and efficiency? The talent of PVP ensures full control and survival. With no problem in the technique and understanding of the boss, the access and pure pve talents will not be too long in time, while the application scope of PVP bonus points is wider, and the two points of cutoff enhancement will not be added.

Hesitate Now PVP has increased critical resistance, and the utilization rate of flash is reduced. I suggest you mark flash and sword according to your habits