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Analysis on the Position of Swordsman

Sina Games 2012-10-16 11:01

Is the strongman profession of Sword Spirit fun? Personally, I think it's good. It's the most powerful control. No one should doubt it. At the same time, take people with you and be T.

Is the strongman profession of Sword Spirit fun? Personally, I think it's good. It's the most powerful control. No one should doubt it. At the same time, take people with you and be T.

No pressure.

Envy SS and complain that he has no SS base oil.

Please carefully watch your keyboard C key skills.

This C individual feels that it is the magic skill of Lux. Hua Lan has never been there. Except Hualan, all other BOSS attack C skills can be perfectly resisted. (For example, Big Saint's eight fireballs, Big Saint's big butt seat, cool ice, green wind's spitting poison, etc... Only those you haven't tested, can't resist it)

Tab 400% defense. If you are T, this skill is used to resist BOSS attacks. I'm the Great Sage Bagua (original, not synthetic), Red Porpoise, Blissful Bliss, and Qingfeng (green wind is toxic, but I dare not fight it. If I don't fight it head-on, spiders can't stop -- # But I feel that if I lose a set of synthetic defenses, I can eat it hard), I can all be T.

Say control. I believe no one doubts the position of Lux Wang Dao.

18 seconds CD 6 seconds capture. The burst of teammates is very objective when capturing in 6 seconds.

Lux single control 3 rounds... knock down weakness, dizziness.

Elite monster, basically I never need any light from my teammates

I can give enough CDs myself.

There is a team... As a strongman to control and assist, you should have the concept of controlling the whole process. In 18sCD, you can completely fight the fire (our team can't play at will, so I basically run around -- #). If there is no T in the opposition team, you can guest star in T to catch the body (of course, you can't afford to be stiff)

It's very powerful. However, those who like high explosion and high damage should not choose the class of Lux.


F Even if you are not the first hatred when capturing people. BOSS will attack you once if he still comes down. You will turn back to find the first hatred. Of course, if you are the first hatred, you don't need to consider this