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Introduction to Sword Spirit Devil Cave (Wormhole) with simple experience

Sina Games 2012-09-24 17:26

Demon Cave dungeon (commonly known as wormhole) is undoubtedly the most valuable dungeon in the early stage of Sword Spirit. The small monsters that can split bring huge experience. You can learn to draw monsters and brush small monsters with a little learning.
Lv14 Devil Cave (Wormhole) △ Hulei, a branch of South China Sea Fleet of the 20th Chongjiao Regiment Lv24 Turbid Gas Cave Replica
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Demon Cave instance (commonly known as wormhole) is undoubtedly the most valuable copy in the early stage of Sword Spirit. The small monsters that can split bring huge experience. You can learn to draw monsters and brush small monsters with a little study. Moreover, items exploded by boss can also be exchanged for the top 15 weapons. Of course, the gossip exploded by boss is also very good. Here's how to brush demon cave instances.

First pick up the task, and then you can start painting in the Devil Cave at the top of the regional map!


Copy location

After entering the dungeon, players will encounter a lot of small monsters. If you want to eliminate the boss's strange poison, you must first eliminate these small monsters. Note that they all spray highly toxic drugs, which will reduce the player's physical strength continuously within 15 seconds, and the highly toxic drugs will stack. It is recommended that novices form a team and take the antidote liquid with them. Once you are familiar with them, you can single brush. Now, let's show you a video of a single brush pulling monster. Is it very simple.

After eliminating these monsters, we finally came to the boss. The strange poison is like a magnified version of the little monster in front, but players should not take it lightly! In addition to the poison prevention skills of small monsters, strange poisons can also summon small monsters in battle. These monsters are self explosive monsters with automatic tracking skills. Players should pay attention to their positions!


Introduction to fighting against different poisons

1. When the strange poison stretches the body, it means that it is about to spray virulent poison. At this time, the distance should be more than 5m

2. Attack at the moment when the poison is sprayed.

3. Unlimited repetition 1 and 2

4. When summoning monsters, try to avoid them until the summoner bursts

The action of the strange poison spraying: shake your body from side to side once, and then spray the poison when you stretch to sit on the ground. As long as the plague insect king stretches his body, he should immediately pull back.

Strange poisons occasionally summon small monsters. At this time, as long as you avoid them, they will burst and disappear after being sprayed with virulent poison.

After fighting the boss, you can get the spoils. The attributes are good
