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Sword Spirit Novice Guide: fight, aim, and strike together

Sina Games 2012-09-19 14:36

All combat operations of this work are triggered by skills. There is no "automatic continuous attack" or "general attack".

Game features world outlook Configuration requirements Game interface Operation methods and shortcut keys
Introduction to Race Career Overview Introduction to skill cultivation Introduction to life skills Currency and Exchange System
Equipment quality level Bagua Card System Gem inlay system Weapon repair system Death, qi regulation, internal power transmission, revival
Vitality system Hatred system Detailed introduction to map and transmission Dragon vein system Goods picking and team bidding system
    Fight, aim, strike together Rest, food, medicine  

 Sword Spirit Fighting System

All combat operations of this work are triggered by skills. There is no "automatic continuous attack" or "general attack".

In the battle, the focus is on the continuous matching and accumulation of skills, rather than using a single skill attack each time.

The more consecutive skill links, the greater the cumulative damage, or the greater the damage that can break out after continuous attacks.

Through the continuous skill or counter attack skill, the powerful skills that originally needed to be exercised for a long time can become instant when they meet the conditions.

Each skill has its own cooling time, so how to instantly launch powerful skills through continuous skills is a very important topic.

The character needs to consider collecting strength through basic skills (or absorbing MP) in order to match more skills that need to consume strength.

This is a continuous skill that is basically configured at the R key for all classes. It can collect strength (absorb MP) when attacking.

Many skills other than the R key must consume a certain amount of Qi (MP) when they are used, so they must be used together with the R key skills.

There are many special ways to present the character combat, such as capture, whipping, air attack, physical skills, and sword fighting.

In the battle, there are also different reaction modes such as terrain damage (hitting the wall), blocking, counterattack, and grasping skills.

However, it should be noted that the pre attack skill of counterattack is timed. For example, a swordsman's block can only raise his sword for 1.2 seconds, and has a cooling down time

When you counterattack, you don't always wait for the monster to fight. You need to observe the enemy's action and then use the block skill to correctly block the enemy's attack

The repulsion or throwing effect in the battle can force the target to move.

The skills of some classes in the battle can lift the players or monsters trapped in an abnormal state to throw them far away.

After killing the monster in the battle, sometimes you can lift the monster's body or pick up the dropped bomb as a throwing weapon.

The attack in the game has the judgment of "directionality", but there is no judgment of specific "body parts".

It was mentioned officially in the Q&A interview that in order to consider rationality, such skills as joint skills will not be used on the Slim monster without bones

   Character energy

The character has a scale in red, blue and green (upper left corner of the screen)

 Sword Spirit Fighting System

Red: physical strength (HP)

The normal character's blood volume will enter a state of collapse after returning to zero, and can be restored with food and red water.

Blue: Force (MP)

The strength can be regarded as the MP of skill display. According to different professions, the strength of swordsmen and boxers is 10 beads, and the strength of Qigong and strongmen is long data, MP will be accumulated through general R key skills, while many powerful skills beyond R key can only be cast with a certain amount of MP (or beads), such as swordsman range sword skills, boxer kick skills, strongman whirlwind chop, etc.. All require MP, which also limits the player's ability to use this type of attack continuously and must use skills interactively to accumulate damage. MP can use liquid medicine (blue water) to supplement, but note that the cooling time of blue water and red water is shared.

Green: Stamina

The endurance will continue to be consumed when sprinting or floating on water, but it will continue to recover when gliding or walking on the ground.

   About aiming

 Sword Spirit Fighting System

The aim in the game is actually an automatic aiming system of "non mouse click to lock the target". When the player faces a monster, he will aim at the monster in a way similar to the first person shooting game. The player uses the mouse to face a target. When the player "sees" the target, the screen will judge that the player "aims" at the target, This target will have a square box (and marked with a distance), indicating that it has been locked by the player, and then launch an attack through the skills on the keys. However, if the player moves the perspective away from the target for various reasons, the target will be unlocked.

Of course, there is an exception to targeting, which is the range skill. There are many special range skills in the game that do not need to be targeted. For example, this skill will automatically determine whether there is a target within the attack range. For example, the whirlwind chop of Lishi, the moon chop of swordsman, etc. can attack many targets around. At this time, there is no need to consider whether there is a targeting frame, Anyway, it's just right to sweep a piece of it. You can also play it while running. It's a hit and run game.

The automatic locking mode is no different from the general MMORPG in the simple one-on-one close combat, because it is very attentive to the target and will normally look at the target. However, if it is a multi target group war, it is necessary to avoid the situation that the target is blocked. If the technology is poor, the situation that the target disappears may occur. For example, if a player knocks off the target he is attacking in the direction of just behind another monster or among a bunch of monsters, the player will be unable to continue to aim at the target. When there is an obstacle between the player and the targeted target, the player will become able to aim at the obstacle, which will lead to the inability to continue to pursue the previous target.

Because of this, players need to draw up the battle direction before encountering the state where obstacles may appear. If a monster is locked, it is better to shoot it out of a group of monsters for a certain distance first, rather than blindly driving the target into a group of monsters, which leads to the difficulty of continuous aiming.

When players conduct group warfare, they can also protect our personnel through this system, thus extending the concept of formation, which will be an important operational policy in group warfare. Because this game has no traditional occupation of vanguard (cavalry) and guard (healing), when a friendly player is attacked by an enemy to the point of death, he can move slowly to find a safe area to adjust his breath. At this time, other friendly forces can play the role of vanguard protection, block his body between the enemy and the dying friendly forces, and block the enemy's attack, It is a very important way of survival in group warfare to make the enemy unable to aim at the friendly forces in the rear.

There are also players who can use the visual field to automatically aim when jumping in the air or gliding in the lightness skill, so be careful that the sneak attack may also come from "above".

   The aiming system is difficult to be familiar with?

In CB1 and the previous Demo experience, both online game veterans and novices have responded that targeting requires some time to get familiar with it. Everyone has different starting time, which is also related to the difficulty of professional skills. For example, boxers have high requirements for skill locking and distance, which is recognized as a profession that needs to be familiar with for a long time, while strongmen and qigong practitioners are familiar with fast, and swordsmen are medium, because the skill settings in the game have their fixed positions. As long as you get used to the rhythm of your own attacks and the common skill key sequence, you can quickly become familiar with this system.

   Automatic assignment and change of skill keys

When a character learns new skills through the task, upgrade and cultivation system, all skill fast keys will be assigned to fixed positions

For example, a boxer's counterattack is always triggered by pressing the 1 key. Later, when he learns the Iron Mountain Skill, he will appear at the V key

When a player opens his/her skill interface, each key will mark the position where he/she appears

When the distance between the character and the target is different, the skill keys on the body will change automatically

For example, when a swordsman's distance from a monster can trigger the Throwing Knife skill, the R key will automatically change into a Throwing Knife for you to use, and then change back to the Chopping Skill after being close to him

When the character status is different, the skill keys on the body will automatically change

For example, when a strongman triggers an angry state, the 1, 2, 3, 4 keys on his body will switch to a special skill that can only be used after being angry

The R key is a commonly used attack key, and the F key is a versatile key

When a character attacks continuously, the attack key R will automatically rotate the subsequent skills, and the player can directly press it to issue a continuous skill

   Joint attack technique

When facing the Boss monster, the team requires the team's joint attack skill. The so-called joint attack skill is that the team members connect to use the martial arts that create an abnormal unified state, break the resistance of the Boss monster, make the abnormal state last, and then fight more easily. For example, 1 player uses the skill of falling to the ground, 2 players also use the skill of falling to the ground within 2 seconds, and so on, then the falling state of BOSS will last longer. Since the abnormal state of BOSS only lasts for 2-3 seconds, the cooperation between players is very important.

 Sword Spirit Fighting System