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Sword Spirit Novice Guide: Bagua Card System

Sina Games 2012-09-18 18:09

This article introduces the Eight Trigrams system, one of the important props of the Sword Spirit, and tells you one of the most basic and important common sense: the Eight Trigrams system must be used together with clothes to be effective, that is, the ability of Eight Trigrams can be effective only when clothes are equipped.
Game features world outlook Configuration requirements Game interface Operation methods and shortcut keys
Introduction to Race Career Overview Introduction to skill cultivation Introduction to life skills Currency and Exchange System
Equipment quality level Bagua Card System Gem inlay system Weapon repair system Death, qi regulation, internal power transmission, revival
Vitality system Hatred system Detailed introduction to map and transmission Dragon vein system Goods picking and team bidding system
    Fight, aim, strike together Rest, food, medicine  

[Bagua Card System]

There is always such a contradiction in other games: this dress has good properties, but its appearance is ugly

Or the appearance is beautiful but the properties are poor.. How will players who love beauty and power choose?

Jianling successfully solved this problem.

The clothes in the sword spirit have no attributes, and each one is a suit, so there is no mixing and matching.

You can wear whatever shape you like. In addition to the camp attribute, it is just a shape.

However, it is the gossip cards that really play the role of equipment in the game.

There are 8 pieces of Bagua cards in a set. Each piece has its own attribute. Some are attack+1, and some are dodge+1

You can select gossip cards with corresponding attributes according to your professional needs.

There are more complete sets of gossip cards in the game, which are equivalent to other game sets.

Therefore, there are also suit attributes. If three attributes are saved, one attribute can be activated; if five attributes are saved, two attributes can be activated; if eight attributes are saved, all attributes can be activated

 Sword Spirit Bagua Token

But before introducing how to play the Eight Trigrams, let's first tell you one of the most basic and important common sense: the Eight Trigrams system must be used together with clothes to take effect. That is, the ability of the Eight Trigrams can take effect only when clothes are equipped. Don't covet beautiful lace underwear without wearing clothes. It will be very ugly!

 Sword Spirit Bagua

As you can see, even if equipped with gossip cards, it is gray without wearing street clothes.

Use of Eight Diagrams

Press P to open the personal message window to see the gossip.

 Sword Spirit Bagua

Because it is the Eight Diagrams, there are eight categories and eight spaces in which eight different Eight Diagrams can be placed

 Eight Trigrams

The Eight Trigrams Card is a prop that can be equipped or removed at any time. It can be obtained through various ways such as fighting monsters and tasks

Each of the Eight Trigrams has different directions and installation positions. You can also get a glimpse of the direction and type of the treasure plate by looking at the prop diagram

Each treasure card has different strengthening ability. Equipping these treasure cards can improve the character's attack and defense, lethality, hit, avoidance and other combat power

Through the combination of various Bagua cards, players can create characters specialized in different abilities, such as critical hit, avoidance, or defensive enhancement classes.

Suit Eight Trigrams

A set of Eight Diagrams can obtain additional attributes. If you accumulate three, you can activate one attribute, five activate two, and eight activate all.

Players will surely ask, how to distinguish which gossip cards are a set?

 Sword Spirit Bagua

Pay attention to the picture above. As long as the name in front of the Eight Trigrams is the same as the words marked with [] brackets in the middle, we know that they are of the same type. It's very simple. When you put together a set of gossip suits, the character will have a faint blue glow

 Sword Spirit Bagua

▲ The blue fireworks on the summoner is the effect of a set of zombie gossip cards~isn't it beautiful?

Synthesis of Eight Trigrams

Bagua cards can improve their ability through the combination of Bagua cards in the "backpack (shortcut key I)".

Three items are required to synthesize: the main gossip card (the synthesis will succeed or fail, but if it fails, the attribute will not increase, and the main gossip card will not disappear), the additional attribute gossip card (will disappear), and the gossip essence (obtained by disassembling equipment).

After the synthesis is successful, the part that improves the ability through synthesis will be shown in blue.

 Sword Spirit Bagua

Special attention is that only one attribute can be synthesized at a time. Before level 20, each gossip card can only be strengthened a little, as shown in the figure above. If you need to strengthen a certain attribute, the additional attribute gossip card must include the attribute you need to synthesize.

Acquisition of Eight Trigrams Essence

The essence of gossip is obtained by decomposing equipment and weapons.

Press the disassembly button on the backpack to disassemble the items you want to disassemble.  

 Sword Spirit Bagua

Additional abilities can be learned from the ability information of Material Babies. If Material Babies have more than one ability, only one of them can be combined.