16:35, August 13, 2012 Sina Games

Background story

Ancient Gods' End-

This is the land of Mayland, where ancient gods once existed.

In the distant past, the ancient gods ruled the mainland with powerful scientific and technological power, writing their glory. But the meteorite falling from the sky changed everything - from this meteorite, the ancient gods found the remains of the giant creature "dragon".

The ancient gods revived the "dragon" with the power of technology, created the dragon family, and then enslaved them.

Dragons are proud and powerful, and they are unwilling to be driven by ancient gods. Therefore, the war between the dragon and the ancient god broke out, and this war lasted for many years. Finally, when the smoke of gunpowder cleared away, the trace of ancient gods had completely disappeared from the mainland.

The victorious dragons roamed the mainland, and the age of the dragon clan came.

Human Rising-

The era of dragon rule is also the dark era of mankind.

Human is a race abandoned after being created by ancient gods. In the era of the dragon, they are indisputable weak people, living a miserable life trampled by the dragon.

But in such an era, a human brave was born, his name is Egmont.

Egmont and his companions fought the dragon bravely. They encouraged people to use the technology left by the ancient gods to develop magic and fight against the dragon. Most importantly, they finally defeated the Dragon King, the ruler of the dragon family.

Under the shining light of the brave, the darkness brought by the dragon was dispelled, and the era of mankind came.

The people who followed the brave built the unified country of mankind, "Agna", and became the master of the land of Mayland. The name of Egmont has also become a synonym for the dragon hunter, which has been used to this day.

Disaster Dragon Wave-

After hundreds of years of peaceful human history, the ominous shadow once again enveloped the land of Mayland.

The evil guide of the Dark Devil gained the technological power of the ancient god. He searched for the remains of dragons, revived them with the power of science and technology, and built the legion of giant dragons. He deluded himself to conquer the whole continent.

Under the attack of the Dark Devil guides and dragons, the kingdom of human beings, Agna, almost fell. The kingdom urgently summoned all the Egmonts in the country, that is, the dragon hunters, to make the final resistance.

In the final battle, due to the struggle of two young dragon hunters, a female knight and a male magician, the evil guide of the Dark Devil was finally defeated. Later, the giant dragons that were attacked by the tide were gradually eliminated by the dragon hunters.

The kingdom of Egna is at peace again. The war brought by the giant dragon is called "disaster and disaster and dragon tide".

Age of Egmont-

After the disaster and dragon tide receded, more than ten years passed.

Now, the relationship between human beings and the dragon race in Egna Kingdom has become more extreme: the dragon race that obeys human beings has been brought into the strict management of the kingdom and become human servants; The dragons who disobey humans become more cunning. They occupy their strongholds and fight with humans to the end.

The threat of giant dragons to mankind has not been lifted.

Some people speculate that the giant dragons still want to create the era of dragons, and they are planning a general attack on human beings.

Some people speculated that the Dark Devil Guide's men still controlled the dragon, and they were ready to make a comeback at any time.

However, no matter how people guess, they all know very well that Egmont, that is, the brave dragon hunters, will stand in the forefront of the battle with the dragon. The battle between human beings and dragons continues, which is the Age of Egmont.

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  • ·Dragon Hunting: fresh style

    Dragon Hunt is a fantasy style online game developed by NetDragon Company. It mainly tells an adventure story like a brave man fighting a vicious dragon. "Dragon Hunt" used to use "Code AOE" as the name of the game. We also made a review in 2012. Because the game is playable, it impressed me deeply.

  • ·Code AOE: Japanese style works with fresh style

    As one of the earliest online game development companies in China, NetDragon has a small market share in recent years. Up to now, I'm afraid no one knows that the first independently developed work in China was created by NetDragon. Perhaps because they didn't want to be lonely, NetDragon recently announced the official test of its new game Code AOE. From the original paintings and screenshots previously exposed, we can easily see that this work adopts the oriental fantasy style settings familiar to NetDragon. The official propaganda also vigorously advocates the classic Japanese design of the game and the grid battle mode. So, what new elements of the game itself are worth looking forward to?

Game highlights
  • 1. Exciting dragon hunting battle
  • 2. Fresh fantasy style
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