Introduction: The latest data has been released. The end game revenue in 2014 was 60.89 billion yuan, and in 2013 was 53.66 billion yuan, an increase of about 13.5%, accounting for 53.2% of the overall market share. In 2014, the number of new end games was reduced, but the reduction was only equivalent to a batch of low-end online games that lacked competitiveness in the market in the past. The number of new high-quality end games was not reduced. In addition, many online games that have been tested for more than one year will be officially launched in 2015, Therefore, in the field of end travel in 2015, you are still worth looking forward to.


   According to the standards of last year, Xiaobian listed the online games expected by the major manufacturers in 2015, and found that there were more than 30 models (18 models in 2014). It can be seen that although the overall number of end games launched decreased, the number of high-quality end games launched increased. The companies that launched these games were all the first tier companies with considerable strength in the field of end games in the past, Of course, these manufacturers will not easily give up their advantages accumulated over the years.


   Due to the large number of products, we recommend them one by one according to the manufacturers. When game companies are turning their attention to mobile games, Changyou has always maintained a high priority in the field of end game. Changyou executives have repeatedly said that when major companies reduce their investment in new end game products, end game will become a blue ocean, and Changyou will promote a large number of high-quality end games during this period to quickly occupy the market, In 2015, Changyou's strategy will begin to enter the harvest period. Major works such as "Xuanyuan Sword 7", "Flaming Empire 2", "God Bless", and "Wild Search for God" will meet with players one after another. These games will make Changyou one of the best new products in domestic high-end tourism.



   Note: This article only includes client online games that are known, will be launched in 2015, have high game quality, have not been large-scale tested.

Xuanyuan Sword 7

Xuan Yuan Sword 7

Changyou released "Xuanyuan Sword 7" in 2012, and the 2014 Game+conference announced the first test of the national service at the end of the year. It seems that the official will skip the ticket now. However, it is said that a player offline test has been organized for "Xuanyuan Sword 7" in December. It seems that the game has reached a certain degree of completion. The editor officially confirmed that "Xuanyuan Sword 7" will be officially launched in 2015.

  • Development company: Changyou
  • Game score: temporarily unavailable
  • First test expectation: the first half of the year
  • Public test expectation: 2016
  • Subscription activation code: get into

Kingdom Under Fire II

Kingdom Under Fire II

The first small-scale test of Flaming Empire 2 was conducted on December 26, 2014. This is not the first test in a strict sense, but a technical test on a scale of 100 people. What's important is that the development and localization of this game have reached a certain degree of completion, and it is likely that a large-scale test will be conducted next year.

  • Developer: BLUESIDE
  • Game score: temporarily unavailable
  • First test expectation: the first half of the year
  • Public test expectation: 2016
  • Subscription activation code: get into

God bless


"God bless" is a high quality MMORPG online game developed by South Korea. At present, Hanbok is still in the testing stage and has not been officially launched. Changyou said at the 2014 Game+press conference that the national service of the game will be launched in 2015. The editor expects that the game will not meet Chinese players too soon. The attack mode of God Bless is lock attack.

  • Developer: NEOWIZ
  • Game score: temporarily unavailable
  • First test expectation: the second half of the year
  • Public test expectation: 2017
  • Subscription activation code: get into

Wild Search for God


Wilderness Sought God is Changyou's first 3DMMOARPG independently developed with Cry3 engine. The game features action and is an open action online game in non copy mode. The book is based on the well-known fantasy novel of wild fox under the tree. The 2014 Game+conference announced that it will be launched at the end of the year. At present, it is about to skip tickets. However, I have confirmed that a player offline test will be launched at the end of this month.

  • Development company: Changyou
  • Game score: temporarily unavailable
  • First test: 2015
  • Public test expectation: 2016
  • Subscription activation code: temporarily unavailable


At the same time, Changyou will also launch two stand-alone games with great brand influence in 2015 - "Xuanyuan Sword: The Gate of the Dome" and "Legend of Swordsman 6".



External Story of Xuanyuan Sword: The Gate of the Dome

Gate of the Sky

"Xuanyuan Sword: The Gate of the Dome" is the external biography of Changyou's agent "Xuanyuan Sword 6". At present, the official has confirmed that it will be sold on March 17, 2015. Daewoo said that "The Gate of the Dome" has added more human and emotional ink under the framework of history and culture. The editor predicted that the first test of "Xuanyuan Sword 7" will be launched after the sale of "The Gate of the Dome".

  • Development company: Daewoo
  • Operating company: Changyou
  • Game score: temporarily unavailable
  • Sale date: March 17
  • Subscription activation code: temporarily unavailable

Fairy Sword Legend 6

Chinese Paladin 6

The completion of the agency right of "Sword 6" marks a closer cooperation between Changyou and Daewoo. Changyou denied this rumor about Changyou's acquisition of Daewoo. It is expected that "Sword 6" will be launched in the summer. It is likely to be developed using the illusory engine 3, and is expected to log on to the Xbox one platform.

  • Development company: Daewoo
  • Operating company: Changyou
  • Game score: temporarily unavailable
  • Date of Sale: Summer
  • Subscription activation code: temporarily unavailable

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