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Weapon Introduction weapon
Weapon type: melee
Operation difficulty: 〇〇〇
Keyboard trick table Handle trick table Successive Move Display

The weapon with attack range and high mobility is one of the symbols of the development of workshop forging technology. Once the 'Qi training' accumulated with each attack is full, the shining light on the blade can improve the attack power and sharpness. Numerous hunters are attracted by this charming feature.

Weapon move
Longitudinal chop Air Blade Chop Cassock Chop Prickle Monthly shaving A thousand winds
Weapon type: melee
Operation difficulty: 〇〇〇〇
Keyboard trick table Handle trick table Successive Move Display

This weapon is extremely powerful and has a sense of weight. It seems that even the earth is shocked when wielding the sledgehammer to hit the monster. The sledgehammer has a terrifying attack ability, and it also has an excellent gas consumption performance for monsters. Accumulated power attack can cause huge damage to monsters when used properly, but the too long hard straight time also has higher requirements for hunters to release accumulated power attack, which is a favorite of hunters who advocate violence aesthetics.

Weapon move
Vertical swing Transverse vibration Accumulated force attack Rotary accumulator blow Meteorite Ground burial
Weapon type: melee
Operation difficulty: 〇〇〇
Keyboard trick table Handle trick table Successive Move Display

The length is higher than the height of one person. With the weight of terror in a wide range, each chop can play a very destructive role; The thick and broad sword body can provide a stable defense like a city wall. It is the first choice of many hunters. However, because its weight will have a great impact on mobility, people who can control it must have gone through a lot of trials.

Weapon move
Longitudinal chop Crosscut defense Stored power chopper Hell Gate Styx River Chong
Weapon type: melee
Operation difficulty: 〇〇
Keyboard trick table Handle trick table Successive Move Display

Swords are used to attack and shields are used to defend. The combat mode is balanced and smart, and it can flexibly fight in a variety of situations. It has the highest versatility among all weapons, so it is very popular with hunters. After proficiency, the continuous combination of multiple attack modes can also make up for the lack of attack power.

Weapon move
Continuous chop Jump chop Roll forward strike Whirl chop Seal of Insight Wrath of the Guardian
Weapon type: remote
Operation difficulty: 〇〇〇
Keyboard trick table Handle trick table Successive Move Display

Similarly, as a long-range weapon, although the shooting speed of the bow and arrow is not as fast as that of the catapult, it also has the elegance and calmness that the crossbow does not have. When using the bow and arrow, you do not need to care about the ammunition, and you can move while aiming and shooting. It is the freest hunter on the hunting ground. For experts, using different parabola trajectories can make arrows fly to places that are difficult for other partners to reach, causing effective killing. The selection of different 'attribute bottles' is the key to exert its power.

Weapon move
Accumulator arrow Turn and shoot Secret Arrow Drop shot Kill the front line Cloud Piercing Bullet Rain
Weapon type: remote
Operation difficulty: 〇〇〇
Keyboard trick table Handle trick table Successive Move Display

It is a weapon that matches with various special ammunition and accessories to fight with sniper technology at a long distance. At the same time, because of the portability of weapons, they can move flexibly in hunting grounds, and they are the most versatile long-range weapons in the battlefield, combined with the colorful attack modes such as "rapid fire", "full bomb burst" and "energy storage shooting" given by superb technology.

Weapon move
Energy storage shooting Full burst Melee Attack Sniping Dragon Charming Bullet Type I - Binding Dragon Charming Bullet Type II - Strike
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Game name: Monster hunter ol
Game status: Internal test
Editor in charge: Tang Yayin
Game companies: tencent
Official website: Click to enter

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