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Introduction to the World of Diablo 3

Horn of Cairn 2011-05-31 17:21

 World map
World map, click to enlarge


The land of fear was once called the Northern Steppes, which was the former barbarian highland. After Diablo 2, due to the destruction of the World Stone, the barbarians who once protected the land have left, so the land gradually becomes barren. The name of the Land of Fear comes from this.

Bastion's Keep

The son of bul kathos once used several fortresses to protect the northern grassland and Mount Arete from invasion, and the rampart fortress is one of them.

Areat Crater

Arete crater is the remnant of Arete mountain. It was born about 20 years ago, when Tyrell destroyed it to prevent Barr from polluting the World Stone. This is a scorching ruin of fire and rocks west of the land of fear and north of the rampart fortress:

It is said that at the beginning of the world, tribes in the northern grasslands were entrusted with sacred duties. In the deep of Mount Arreat, there is a place that is the source of a powerful force, which is related to the well-being of the entire human race. These tribes undertook the sacred mission of guarding the source of this power, and formed their own way of life in the process of believing in this power. These tribes were called barbarians by the people of many Western Kingdoms.

After the end of Diablo 2, the powerful World Stone was destroyed, and the whole mountain range was destroyed, leaving only a huge ring mountain, which also destroyed the barbarian society.

Western Kingdoms

The Western Kingdom is a region of the Dark World, including the territory of Westmar, Candelas and Enstinge. Some of these countries are the core of the main line of the game. The first acts of Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 are set in Honduras, while others are added to enrich the background.

Sharval Wilds

Savor Wasteland is a region and a country in the western continent. It is located to the north of Candelas, to the south of Arete Ring Mountain, with the coast of Westmar Bay on the southern edge and the mountains of Taimo Highland on the east.


Enstinge is a country and a city located in Savor Wasteland. The city is the capital of the country.


It is a region of Savor Wasteland, located at the foot of the mountain, and is the hometown of Monk.


CANDURAS is a country in the western continent, and has a long-term alliance with Westmar. Candelas is surrounded by the powerful Westmar in the west, the Enstinge in the north and the Aranock Desert in the east.

Background: Long after the disappearance of the Horadrim Brotherhood, western society began to form and prosper. Many Eastern pilgrims settled near Candelas, and they formed some small conceited countries. Although there are some disputes over the ownership of property or trade routes, there is no need to worry about the long-term peace between the western kingdoms. Kanduras and its powerful ally Westmar have kept restraint due to the booming trade.

Zakarum, a bright religion in the Far East, began to spread to the West and quickly spread to Westmar and many northern states. The new religion requires believers to act bright and avoid the darkness of the soul. The priests of Zakarum began to spread their beliefs regardless of whether the people of Honduras welcomed them, which made the relationship between Honduras and Westmar tense.

  King Leoric

Leoric is one of the great lords of the East. After arriving in Honduras, he declared himself king in the name of Zakarum. He, his knights and priests are very devout. His most trusted adviser, Archbishop Lazarus, uses the dilapidated monastery on the outskirts of Tristram as the seat of power. After renovation, the old glory here can reappear.

The residents of Candelas were not happy about being suddenly ruled by a foreign king, but finally they began to respect the king, because Leoric was the only one who could guide and protect them against the dark forces.

Unfortunately, when the beast hidden in the monastery tried to occupy King Leoric, he became crazy. Leoric launched a war with Westmar, an ally, and the people suffered a lot.

When Leoric's army commander Lachdanan was defeated and returned, he was forced to kill his king. Before he died, the king cursed those who killed him. Soon after, Leoric reappeared as the Skeleton King.


The ruling constitution of Candelas after the death of King Leoric is unknown, but people seem to have successfully survived the Diablo incident.


Westmar is a western country, and Enstinge is a neighbor of Honduras. This name is also the capital of the country, but it seems that Denkrieg is the capital in the Diablo II manual.

Background: Westmar and Kanduras had a long period of peace and reciprocal trade until Lord Leoric came to Tristram, and he soon declared war on Westmar.

Westmar's army is well trained and strong, so they can undoubtedly defeat King Leoric's army.

Gulf of Westmarch

Westmar Bay is located in the west of the shelter world, connecting Westmar in the south and Enstinge in the north. It is an important route and has made great contributions to the prosperity of the Western Kingdom.


Bravel is a city on the Westmar Peninsula. It is the hometown of Darrick Lang and comes from the novel Dark Road. Buyard Cholik built the first Way of Dreams church here. Dream Road is a kind of belief, believing in the prophet Dien Ap Sten, who is actually a Kabroxis demon.


Detailed historical information of the old Tristram can be found here.

The official background information of New Tristram can be found here.


The monastery is the headquarters of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye, which can lead to the Aranock Desert in the east. The Blind Sisters Association is a ranger. In Diablo 2, the monastery is occupied by Andariel, and then rescued by the hero played by the player.


Denkrieg is a city in the south of Westmar Kingdom, close to Lewang Port, not far from Brawell. Denkrieg's information is described in the Diablo novel, and only a star is marked in the world map of the Diablo 2 manual. There is an independent city Westmar in the new map, so Denkrieg is still not sure whether it is the capital of Westmar Kingdom.


Lewang Port is a city at the southern end of Westmar Kingdom, adjacent to Denkrieg. Like other major cities in the world, this city has busy trade, such as Rugaoin and Kurast. Masev listed Lewang Port as one of his maritime trade stops. The city is located on the south coast of Westmar, opposite the Skoworth Islands in the Amazon across the sea.


The Aranock Desert is located on the east coast of the western continent, to the east of the Taimo Mountains.

Lu? Lut Gholein

Located in the Aranock Desert, the desert pearl Rugaoyin is one of the largest trade centers in the Western Kingdom. This is the main city of the second act of Diablo II. Whether it will appear in Diablo 3 is unknown, but it is an important part of the shelter.

Even in the Aranock Desert, the Desert Pearl is still a huge trading port, mainly because it is located in the center of the Western Kingdom and Kyrgyzstan. Rugaoyin is a huge and rich city located in the east of the Sea of Gemini. It has prospered successfully in the harsh environment of the Aranock Desert. Its proud urban location and thriving maritime trade connect the western and eastern kingdoms. Although a small group of herdsmen can find their way to survive in the ferocious desert, most will still bypass the wasteland full of yellow sand.

The culture and architecture here are very close to the eastern Arab countries, while the mummies and scarabs commonly seen in remote relics and dungeons in the desert give people the feeling of Egypt.

Defense: Huge cities often have very good defense measures, including solid walls and well-trained troops. However, after the arrival of the Dark Wanderer, many guards were killed, and the rest were ordered to return to the palace to resist the invasion of demons from the Arcane Sanctuary. What is unknown is that the Sultan King Jerhyn has closed down this place.

Gerhain hired Greiz and his mercenaries to defend the city. He did a good job, but in the end, he failed to stop the devil outside the city wall. Fortunately, a hero arrived and successfully helped the city out of trouble. Of course, the same is true of the palace interior.

Background: Rugaoyin has a history of prosperity for hundreds of years, but 20 years ago, because Diablo blocked the trade route through the mountains, the city's contact with the Western Kingdom was more or less cut off. He came here to rescue his brother Baal who was imprisoned by Tal Rasha's body from the Horadrim dungeon.

Diablo has changed many natural creatures, including Lacuni, so that they can attack any passer-by ferociously.

The city was tortured by Radament, another Horadric mage who was mummified by demons. Radement hid in the city's sewers.

A group of heroes solved the crazy mummy, followed Dikakane's instructions to use the Heradic block to save the Heradic scepter, in order to prevent Diablo from rescuing Baal from Tarashi's tomb. In this process, The Summer began to release demons into Rugaoin's palace and kill everything he saw. All the troubles were solved by a hero, and many citizens hid their more mysterious memories than legends.

Skovos Isles

The Scovos Islands is an archipelago south of the Sea of Gemini. It is famous for its hometown of Amazon. Each island has a very rich ecosystem, most of which are tropical plants, but also have towering mountains and volcanoes, which makes the living environment very bad, thus creating a terrible Amazon warrior. Hunting and fighting in the darkest place at night is a necessary skill for every sister on the Amazon island.


Shatra is one of the Amazon Islands. No additional information.


Skoworth Island is located at the southernmost end of Skoworth Islands. It is also a city and the home of Amazon soldiers. The city is a coral atoll in the Sea of Light and a trading port with the rest of the islands. It is said that Scovos society was discovered by a human and an angel.


Phylios is one of the Scovos Islands. Karceus Mountain is located on this island. It is the only island in the archipelago where ice and snow can be found all year round. It is the hometown of Karceus the Watcher. Arnazeus Mountain is also located on this island. Hefaetrus lives on the volcano. She is the Amazon god of fire and life.

Twin Seas

The Sea of Gemini extends westward to Lewang Port, eastward to the humid land, northward between the two continents and to the edge of the dry grassland, and to the south is the Amazon Islands. The Sea of Gemini is very important for commerce and trade? The Goyne, Kurast and Skovos Islands are major commercial centers.


Xiansai is an island in the northern hemisphere, which has a culture similar to that of East Asia. This is the hometown of the mage, but now the information about this island is very limited.

Frozen sea

The frozen sea is located at the northern end of the shelter, similar to the Arctic Ocean on Earth. The land of Xanthai and the coastline to the north of Sogren meet the frozen sea.


Sogolen is in the northern part of the eastern continent of the sanctuary. The climate here may be quite cold, based on its higher latitude (similar to the barbarian highland). Suoglen is the home of the ancient druids. Tadula, their largest druid college, is located here.

T ú r D ú lra

Tadula or the Tower of Nature is the largest Druid Academy, which is located in the Sogolen area.

A giant tree named "Gl ó r-an-Fh á idha" stands in Tadulari, the largest Druid Academy. This tree is the most respected source of Druids' guidance and instruction. For hundreds of years, under its branches and leaves, the druids of Suogren not only honed their powerful natural magic, but also had war skills preserved from their barbarian ancestors. What they are doing now is because they believe that they are the last line of defense in the world when the big shock comes, and they believe that the time is coming.

Dry steps


Cagistan is the largest kingdom in the east, with many cities, such as Cardian, Weidshire, Uri and Kurast.

Background: Kyrgyzstan has a history of thousands of years. On the east side of the Gemini Sea is the green jungle of Kaijistan. Thousands of years ago, hunter gatherers found themselves interested in the green and rich rainforests and rich prey that inhabit in Kyrgyzstan.

In addition, the territory of Kyrgystan is full of nodes of magical energy, and people born with mysterious ability begin to perceive this power, and then gather and settle in special areas. Here you can find the oldest mage clans Vizjerei, Ennead and Ammuit. Unfortunately, the history of Kyrgyzstan was not peaceful, and the war between the mage clans almost destroyed them.

Wise men came from all over the country to study and collect rare plants and animals, and set up their homes in the rainforest of Kyrgyzstan. Until the first Devil War, the jungle became too dangerous to go to, let alone live in. All villages, even small towns, were destroyed.

Then Kurast, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, was besieged by the Hell Corps. The only safe thing was that it could only separate the demons from the powerful magic barrier.

After a short difficult period, the country began to revive. Emperor Hakan was the last ruler in the country's prosperity. After he was knocked down by the disease, his son Hakan II replaced him. Because of his incompetent rule, this land became ruins and slums. The extreme Zakarum religion reappeared to confront the mages.

Geography of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgystan occupies one third of the eastern continent of the sanctuary. The average annual precipitation is more than 400 inches, and Kaijistan has the largest rainforest in the world. This vast jungle nurtures the Argentek River, which is the longest and widest river for shelter. Hundreds of tributaries and waterways interlace to weave green tropical rainforests until they flow into the wide Argentek River. This rainforest is revered by herbalists and alchemists due to its diverse ecological species.

Well known citizens of Kyrgyzstan

The language used in Kyrgyzstan is very similar to Arabic in the real world, but not all names are. The name of Abd al Hazir directly derives from the Arabic meaning, and many other names are similar to it. The following names come from several Diablo characters, including the mage mercenaries of Diablo 2. These names are only nicknames of their mercenaries, not their real names:

  Abd al-Hazir - Ajheed - Barani - Devak - Flux - Geshef - Hakan - Haphet - Jabari - Jarulf - Jelani - Khaleel - Narphet - Phaet - Raldin - Rhadge - Scorch - Telash - Thadar - Valthek - Vanji - Yashied - Yatiraj


Kyrgystan is one of the cities with the largest shelters and has long been the center of trade. It is the second confirmed city in Diablo 3.

The city became the capital of Kyrgyzstan after the destruction of Kurast. Cardian was originally dominated by the Trade Consortium Council, but Emperor Hakan unified the city before he fell ill.

Cardian is dominated by the Vizjerei mage clan and the Yshari mage guild. In the Yshari Sanctum, you can find some evil caves called Bitter Depths.

Gea kul

Kikul is a city or town at the mouth of the eastern continent, near the ferry to Rugaoin.


Kurast was once a huge and chaotic city in the eastern jungle, and the second largest city in the eastern Kaijistan Kingdom. Shortly before Diablo II, Kurast, once the capital of Kyrgyzstan, was almost completely destroyed by the demon army. Now the situation of Kurast is unknown, but Cardian has once again become the capital of the kingdom.

Marsh land

Torajan jungles

The Toraj jungle is part of the dense rainforest of the Eastern Continent, a sanctuary. Southwest of Kurast, it extends to the coast and wet land in the south of the mainland, covering a large area of the shelter.

Viz jun

Wizjun was once a huge city in Kyrgyzstan, but now it is not. The reason is unknown.

Swamp land

The marshland is located in the southeast of the shelter world, which is a huge area full of dense forests. In the north, huge steep mountain peaks separate the marsh land from Kaijistan. This area is sheltered by the Nymyr Mountains, where the famous city Uri is located. Swamp Land is the hometown of the necromancer.


Urui is an ancient mysterious city built at the foot of Nymyr Mountain, in the middle of the Oriental jungle of the world. It connects the sanctuary, the high heaven and the burning hell.

Sea of light

The Sea of Light is a sea to the east of the sanctuary. There is no information about its origin and name.

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