Happy life through the dark world

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Dark Cain's Diary

Sina Games 2011-05-13 14:15

It has been 20 years since Diablo, the demon lord, Memphisto and Barr invaded the world of shelters and launched a riot in an attempt to subjugate human souls to the evil will. Even the soldiers who fought with the devil in the past have gradually forgotten. When Dikakane returned to the ruins of Tristram Cathedral to seek clues to defeat the new evil forces, a fire symbolizing doom fell from the sky, and the landing point was where Diablo invaded the world at that time. This flame wakes up the ancient demons again, and calls on the heroes of the shelter to defend the human world and resist the growing power of burning hell again. This is Dika Kane, the last Heradim, the declassifier, leader and prophet. Master the ancient knowledge and know how to defeat evil.

This note is obviously written by Dika Kane. It records many events that the shelter world experienced in the Diablo catastrophe.

The 15th of the month of Yehanan

1265 A.D

Too many incredible things have happened in the past year. Although I have warned myself again and again that maybe all this is just my delusion, those facts are so solid that they will never go away. After Prince Albrecht was kidnapped, our King Leonrik was obviously crazy. He became manic and irritable, began to torture his subjects more severely and provoked a war with the Western Expedition. This absurd and unprovoked war ended in complete failure. Later, the king's guards betrayed him, and these once loyal warriors' dissatisfaction with the king eventually turned into an open rebellion. The rebellion was soon quelled, and the king nailed all the rebels to the stake. The tyranny ended when the king disappeared mysteriously like his son one day. There is a creepy atmosphere in the air, which seems to be... fear.

Danhe Moon 1st

1265 A.D

Heradim, what a glorious name. When I was young, I used to envy those fearless and heroic legends. I also imagined that I was one of them - the extraordinary Ta Rasha, the mysterious Heradim people led by the legendary mage! How glorious it is to be the "last Heradim", traveling all over the world, fighting with evil wherever it appears. Ah, it's a romantic idea. The energy of young people is inexhaustible. However, I haven't taken these legends seriously for a long time. However, now, I must seriously think about the amazing similarities between those legends and reality. Maybe there are some darkness under our town? Alas, if only my aging mind could remember those legends as easily as when I was young. I began to search the ancient books and find the true clues in those dusty stories. Although all signs show that there are some real roots in these legends, my education and knowledge still constantly remind me that these are just coincidences. So I can only doubt now, are those dusty stories true? Is the story of those brave Heradim people and the lord in the burning abyss not just a fairy tale told by his mother?

Danhe Moon 12th

1265 A.D

Damn, I'm such a fool. If I can take action early, if I can tell the guesses I care about, then those poor people may be able to escape death. Now, it's too late. Archbishop Lazarus of Light, the king's most trusted aide, gathered a group of villagers to go deep into the underground of the monastery in the name of finding the king's lost prince. Since then, these villagers have never been able to walk out of the monastery gate that reflects strange red light. The terrible truth is that the former Archbishop of Light has fallen to the dark side, and Lhasarus must be carrying out some evil ceremony under the monastery. The villagers who were lured underground by him were all met with chilling doom. They were slaughtered, sacrificed to demons, and transformed into terrible undead creatures. It seems that these evils that befell the town were built by him, but I suspect that he may just be an unknowing evil minion. The night is extremely long, and the low whispers from the monastery seem to come from the abyss of hell. I sat helplessly alone, unable to do anything about the scene in front of me. I have no power to fight against evil. At this moment, I can only turn to those broken chapters and sentences in the legendary books. Yes, I should continue to search for those legends. Now I have no doubt about these legends, and I firmly believe that there must be ways to defeat those evil beings who torture us.

The 20th of Danhe Moon

1265 A.D

Every day, the air in the town becomes more dignified. Every day, new fears come on our heads. More and more townspeople run away, but few people can escape from this evil place alive. There are few people left now -- Blacksmith Greyswald, Pippin, Ogden, Farhan, poor White (the little guy with broken leg), and of course, kind Gillian. I met Griswald this morning. The once fearless strong man's face was full of fear, and he seemed to be overwhelmed by fatigue and fear at any time. However, when almost everyone was running away, someone came to the town. When these adventurers heard of the change in Tristram, they gathered in the town like vultures who found decaying corpses. But one of them, Andrea, was different. I could do nothing about her. She declared publicly that she was a witch, and her arrival obviously aggravated the panic of the townspeople. She knows almost everything about arcane knowledge, and even knows the profound magic that I have never heard of. Why did she come here on such a dangerous day? Something was obviously wrong with the mysterious witch.

Danhe Moon 27

1265 A.D

The dark days continue to go on. Every night seems endless, but every dawn brings more adventurers. They are strong, irritable and aggressive, but a little daring is closer to recklessness. Obviously, none of the rabble can be called a hero. One by one, they entered the underground of the monastery, but they never came back. I can do nothing about it. Their recklessness is just increasing the number of evil armies. I can only continue to bury myself in dusty old paper books to seek the answer to defeat evil. These legends have more and more similarities with reality. Damn it, I should have taken these legends seriously rather than ignored them hastily.

The first day of the month of Rashan

1265 A.D

I finally waited for hope. I observe these adventurers every day, and now a soldier stands out. He was silent and calm, exuding a calming temperament from his body. In those occasions that were enough to make other adventurers who only wanted to plunder and share the spoils embarrassed, he remained motionless and focused all the time. I think I have finally found a hero, the wanderer. In the evening, I invited him to my hut. I interpreted the dark chapter of history for him, and told him my guess and confirmed reality without reservation. He didn't say a word from beginning to end, but nodded slightly when he indicated that I would continue. It seemed that no matter how terrible the darkness was, he could not be frightened. I also shared my knowledge with him, the methods I learned in the legend to defeat evil. Hopefully, this knowledge can play a role in his bloody battle against evil.

The 21st of the month of Rashan

1265 A.D

Just today, the curse staff of evil priest Lasarus was brought to me. This seems to be an encouraging news, but I know that this is only the prelude to a deeper horror. In fact, I have been wondering what the source of the darkness that befell Tristram is. It's too scary to admit the fact that this evil body is evil. Any ordinary person will shudder at the mention of this name. In any case, it is time for us to face up to this terrible reality - the source of this series of events, the evil power that afflicts us is the devil in charge of terror, Lord Diablo of the Abyss. The facts are very clear. Lazarus kidnapped Prince Albrecht, sacrificed the prince to Diablo, and released him from the ancient cage. No one knows how far the priest who once served the light intends to go on the road of blasphemy, and what more evil plans he has. The only lucky thing is that he has died under the sword of our hero, and has no life to continue his dark ritual.

The 6th of the month of Athena

1265 A.D

I wandered through nightmares. In that terrible dream, there was a child who was suffering from inhuman torture. When he died, his wailing seemed to originate from the abyss of hell. The sound of desolation shattered the decaying windows of the monastery. When I woke up, I heard Diablo's terrible scream when she was terminated. Although the dawn has broken, I can't help shivering when I hear such a frightening cry. I couldn't fall asleep again, so I had to venture out to wait for the return of the soldiers. At the moment, it seems that the time is very long. Every second more, my worry will increase by one minute. He finally appeared. The rising sun set off his body, and the blood covered his body -- the enemy's and his own. I finally relaxed. The hero defeated Diablo. He survived the cruel test, and all the fears have become a thing of the past. Looking at the wounded heroes, the burning corpses outside the monastery, and the ruins left after the battle, my mind is still confused. If I had taken those legends seriously, would all this be avoidable? I was caught in deep remorse.

The 18th of the month of Athena

1265 A.D

Diablo was defeated. In the next few weeks, Tristram, a small town, erupted into an atmosphere of joy I had never seen before. When everyone was immersed in the happiness of finally getting rid of the nightmare, the quiet and always meditating hero in the town, whom I called a soldier of friends, accepted all the celebrations in a low profile. He always watched the festive crowd silently in the distance, thoughtful. In my opinion, compared with the scars left on his body, he suffered too much mental trauma under the church. These inner shocks may have changed him forever. I tried to give him some advice, but he always kept a distance from me. I didn't feel offended. Time may be the only thing that can cure him.

The 20th of the month of Athena

1265 A.D

How can I be so short-sighted? I attributed my friend's depression to the natural reaction caused by the terror he had experienced, but I never noticed that what he hosted was Diablo. After defeating Diablo, the conceited soldier inserted the soul stone that imprisoned Diablo into his own body in an attempt to restrain the fear lord with his body and spirit. However, it is obvious that he failed. He began to wear a large black cloak, hiding his physical changes in the dark. After meditating for weeks, he finally set out in one night. Maybe he went to the "East", where he woke up screaming his name countless times after defeating the fear lord. Soon after he left us, thousands of demons appeared from the ground. They attacked our town and burned it to the ground. The bloodthirsty devil did not spare anyone, including women and children, and even the dead could not get the peace in the tomb. They were eventually resurrected into horrible undead monsters, and became the devil's claws. The poor blacksmith Greyswald, who used to forge sharp weapons and heavy armor for the wanderer with piety, has suffered the worst fate. After being tortured for countless days and nights, he was corrupted into a demon monster that craved human flesh and blood. There is no doubt that the fear lord has occupied his body. This fool thought he could control Diablo's evil, but his reckless conceit finally killed all of us. Now, I am sitting alone in a cage, waiting for my end in the flames of hell and the screaming of the ground around me.

Kashan's Month 2

1266 A.D

I had already given up hope and surrendered to the inevitable fate. Tristram burned in the flames and everything was destroyed. But the impossible happened today, and I was saved. A group of brave men came to Kohaduras to fight against the corrosion brought to this land by the dark wanderers. They have experienced soldiers, magicians who know magic, and the remaining rangers of the Blind Eye Monastery. The dark wanderer, the soldier who once saved the world but brought havoc to the world again, has left with some unknown purpose. Before he left, he corrupted the blind monastic order and killed those rangers and nuns who had fought for the light. Most of them degenerated and surrendered, becoming the pawns of darkness. Andariel, the demon demon, hid in the deepest part of the monastery and blocked the road to the "East". Only by getting rid of her can the heroes continue to chase the dark wanderers. I should follow in the footsteps of these warriors, hoping that my ancient knowledge can be used.

Kashan's Month 28

1266 A.D

The east is an endless desert. Along the way, we fought with beasts, demons and exhaustion. Before being overwhelmed by the pressure, we finally crossed the desert and came to the bright pearl in the desert, the oriental city of Lute Ghosn. Although I didn't tell anyone, Diablo's fear still left a mark on me. I couldn't sleep at night, and the scene of the destruction of my hometown constantly tormented me. Those unclean scenes, unarmed villagers being slaughtered, repeat the evil dark ceremony underground. I hope these fears will gradually fade with time, but I'm afraid I can never escape from these curses. In order to search for the whereabouts of the dark wanderers, I kept talking with the residents of the town, hoping to get some clues. But very little information has been obtained. We only learned that he did not travel alone - he had a mortal companion named Marius. I can't help wondering what role this person will play in the whole event.

The 11th of the month of somanese

1266 A.D

Just when we were about to lose the clue to continue tracking the dark wanderers, the warriors found the Heradim Scepter. Ah, as the last Heradim, I am too familiar with the legend of this scepter. This staff is the key to open Tal Rasha's tomb. The leader of Hladim, the extraordinary Tal Rasha, defeated the destruction lord Baal and sealed Baal in his tomb. But even the great Tar Rasha could not endure the evil for a long time. The purpose of the Dark Wanderer is obvious -- he wants to enter the tomb and liberate his dark brothers. Tal Rasha has set numerous mazes and traps for his tomb. At last, my warriors found the real tomb of Tal Rasha with the clues left by the dark wanderers, but it was too late. After killing the devil Darrell, the warriors met the Archangel Tyrrell. Tyrell once fought with the Dark Wanderers when they tried to rescue Baal, but when they were about to win, Baal was released due to the intervention of a mortal. Now the soul stone of Baal has been lost, and the free destruction lord and dark wanderer have set out for Travance to liberate their brother, hatred lord Memphisto. We must stop this from happening.

Month of Montaigne 1

1266 A.D

Today, I saw the man who had saved us from the Lord of Fear despite all dangers. I saw the change in him after defeating Diablo. In the jungle outside Kurast Harbor, we saw the dark wanderer for the first time. His figure disappeared in a flash. The evil laughter echoed in the humid air of the marsh for a long time, and a large number of demons swarmed toward us. Even if the hero who is firm and noble like him can't resist the corrosion and influence of the fear lord, the hero has already died. I waved his old shadow from my mind, cursed his arrogance and led him to this dark road, and spread pain and death in our world. The resurrection of Memphisto in our world is short-lived. The people of Trivank have long been corrupted by hate lords. They suspect each other and kill all dissidents. The rest of the people became the faithful servants of the devil lord. They poured their hatred on the warriors, but these could not stop them. They overcame incredible hardships and fears, and finally defeated Memphisto when he was just resurrected, and recovered his Soul Stone. The warriors witnessed a frustrating scene -- although the mind of the wanderer had already been occupied by Diablo, the news that Diablo had broken through the bondage of mortal flesh and gained complete rebirth was still trembling. All the humanity of the Dark Wanderer has disappeared, and he has been completely replaced by Diablo, whether in mind, body or soul. Diablo has returned to the burning hell. He is building an army of demons that can sweep the whole world. The warriors decided to launch a surprise attack on Burning Hell to end Diablo's existence forever. With the help of the Archangel Terrell, they went to the outpost of hell - Heaven Sanctuary without hesitation. All I can do now is pray and wish them good luck.

Ostana 4th

1266 A.D

In the abyss and hell, the warriors rescued the corrupted angels and marched all the way to the fortress of fear. The hell war is more cruel than all mortals imagine, and the devil living in the abyss cannot even describe its appearance and cruelty. In the end, however, the warriors won and Diablo died. I have been longing to hear the news for a long time. When the news finally came, I felt a little relieved. However, my relaxation seems too early. Immediately, news came that another demon army was marching towards Arest. There is no doubt that Barr's army is attacking the ridge of the world. We set out immediately and marched northward on the tide of war. In any case, we still have something to bless -- the soul stones of Memphisto and Diablo have been destroyed in the furnace of hell, and they will not obstruct us anymore, never again. Now, there is only the last one among the three lords of the Devil Gods.

Beishan's Moon 2

1266 A.D

The piercing cold of the northern mountains tested my old bones. Barr's army guarded all the roads from the last fortress, Halogas, to the peak of the mountains. The glory, strength and dedication of my warriors have never ceased to amaze me. They bravely defeated countless demons and approached Balbon. The final battle is at hand. While the warriors were fighting hard, the rumors of betrayal were hanging over the whole town. The situation of the defenders is getting more and more difficult. This time, we must not be late.

The 10th month of Beishan

1266 A.D

We seem to be cursed. After every victory, we are faced with failure. Although the warriors destroyed Barr, the archangel Terrell brought the news of despair. There is a powerful artifact in the peak of the Ridge of the World, which he called the World Stone, and now the World Stone has been corroded by Barr. I know very little about the stone of the world and the energy it contains. This artifact has been secretly protected here since ancient times. It is said that it connects the foundation of the whole world. Archangel Terrell believes that the only choice is to destroy the World Stone. Although I am afraid that such a move will bring unimaginable trauma to the world, I can only pray that Angel Terrell has made the right choice at this moment.

(Travels ended abruptly)

The story after that is well known. Three Demon Lords have been destroyed - at least that seems to be the case. However, the stone of destroying the world shook the foundation of the whole refuge world, although its far-reaching impact is still unknown.

Twenty years later, the refuge world enjoyed a rare peace, and the memory of the last catastrophe gradually began to fade. Until recently, some new evils began to breed in the dark, and rumors about the revival of evils were rife.

So Dika Kane went to the ruins of Tristram Church alone and began to search for clues about the new evil. At this time, the natural changes, burning evil marks across the sky, from heaven to the place where Diablo once came back to life. The flames of hell began to burn, and countless ancient evil creatures woke up from the abyss.

The darkness came again.