12 issues All for the player's sex

Nowadays, the playability of the game is no longer important for some game manufacturers who have no integrity. In order to please otaku, these game manufacturers have spared no effort, from condoms to sexy underwear, from masturbation sticks to inflatable dolls, from Japanese brides to young models at their first night, for the sake of the sexual well-being of the players!

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Phase 11 Who will accompany you when Professor Du is gone?

Someone summarized why Professor Du (Jin Xiuxian) charmed hundreds of millions of girls, because he is handsome, tall, gentle, knowledgeable, has six abdominal muscles, is extremely rich and has superpowers, and is an alien! In fact, these conditions are nothing in the game.

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10 issues Games we played in 2013

2013 is a wonderful year for players, in which many of our long-awaited masterpieces are listed. We lost our integrity for a precious activation code, and we stayed up late for a wonderful battle... I listed several games with memory in 2013 to see what we played.

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Issue 09 What those girls taught me

Games have always been the field of boys, but now more and more games are related to girls. These girls bare their breasts for games, or have both money and people, or have unlimited scenery. Just, how many of these girls will you remember?

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Issue 08 You want me to see this with your pants off?

If you see the question, please don't make a mistake. It is said here that you should bring your own toilet paper, not for that purpose, but that you may feel nausea and intermittent pains and vomiting when you see the following stories (I think you should go to the obstetrics and gynecology department...). Recently, in order to hype all kinds of social news, some game companies made up stories. Today's hero is not Xiaoming, but Xiaohong, Xiaoming's girlfriend.

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Phase 07 Everyone loves Miss Glasses

Glassy girl refers to a beautiful girl wearing glasses. For lovers, glasses are not only equipment for correcting eyesight, but also external embodiment of femininity and knowledge. Through the magnifying effect of glasses, the emotional expression effect in the window of soul is also magnified. Therefore, the eye mother in the second dimension is highly praised by the otaku!

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