The Year of the Rooster: Cold knowledge of chicken games: chickens with different personalities

2017-01-14 06:30:00 Source: Sina Games

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In two weeks' time, we will usher in the Year of Dingyou, which is known as the Year of the Rooster. For all the kids, the most suitable game in this year is certainly the game with the theme of "chicken". At this (upcoming) moment of farewell to the old and ushering in the new, we might as well review those chickens with different personalities in the game with Kongjun.

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   "Chickens" that are most unlike chickens

 Electronic chicken, also known as electronic pet Electronic chicken, also known as electronic pet

When talking about the game with the theme of "chicken", Kongjun first thought of the popular electronic chicken. Electronic chicken is also called electronic pet, although with the development of the times, today's electronic chicken is not as simple as a chicken outlined by several black squares, with various formats. All kinds of pets can be stuffed into a pocket sized machine. However, over the years, the playing method of the electronic chicken has not been greatly updated, and it still continues the playing method of the nurturance department. When Kongjun was young, it would be a great god to raise the electronic chicken for a month or two. The electronic chicken in Kongjun's hands can barely survive for two weeks. He has seen various ways of "chicks" dying, and Kongjun has lost interest in this kind of formative games.

   The hen in the hail of bullets

 Chicken in Call of Duty Chicken in Call of Duty

   Where there is oppression, there are oppressed hens. Have you ever noticed the chicks around you in the days when Tu Tu Tu is popular? In Modern Warfare two 》In Favela In the town, hens in the market were under the fire of bullets. In this town, special forces should SAS We are tracking the target and encounter fierce resistance. The battlefield gradually shifted to the farmers' market, and the hens in the cage were shot by stray bullets. Compared with being scalded by hot water, plucked and buried at the bottom of the pot in life, this kind of death is a bit painful, but it is more enjoyable.

   A chicken that died with a pot on its back

 A live chicken died in Shale A live chicken died at Shale's feet

As a chicken, in addition to being killed in the pot or fighting, it may also die without reason. In the Dragon Century: Origin, there is a Golem called Shale who was trapped in a village for 30 years by magic. Unable to move freely, the local birds regarded him as a stone statue, and they willfully pooped and urinated on it. Until one day, Grey Warden Commander released him, and his hatred for birds was all vented on a passing chicken. This poor chicken may just come out to look for food, but it suddenly turns into a pile of meat mud.

   The "fighting chicken" in the game

 If you offend the chicken in the Legend of Zelda If you offend the chicken in the Legend of Zelda

As amiable poultry, chickens are generally unable to fight back in the game, but the chickens in the Legend of Zelda are different. These chickens can't be killed by chopping or destroyed by frying. If you want to irritate them, they will summon their companions to fight you to death. If it was not for the help of the fairy in the game, it was estimated that Lin Ke would have died.

   A chicken with a big man behind it

 Don't underestimate the chicken in Ancient Scroll Don't underestimate the chicken in Ancient Scroll

Compared with the invincible "fighting chicken" in "Legend of Zelda", the chicken in "Ancient Scroll: Sky" is more aggressive. Although they seem friendly and not as invulnerable as the "fighting chicken", they have solid backing. As long as someone bullies them, the angry villagers will surely take up their dung forks and swords and go straight to you. What you are facing is neither imprisonment nor sentence, but death.

   Flying Dark Blue Egyptian Roast Chicken

 Pharaohs Eagle Farah Pharaohs Eagle Farah

The last "chicken" is a little different from the previous one. Compared with the brown and white feathers of ordinary hens, her blue dress is unique among the "chickens". Yes, what Kongjun said was "Faji" in "Watch Pioneer" - Sister Farah. The strong upper body and thin lower body also doomed Farah to have an indissoluble bond with the "chicken". Although everyone is saying that "the landing Farah is not as good as the chicken", Kongjun wants to say that the hasty takeoff Farah may not even be able to do the chicken. Why? Because it has already become a sieve!

Well, the cold knowledge of this issue is over. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can leave a message below, or on Weibo @ Game Controller. Finally, Kongjun wishes everyone a good luck in the Year of the Rooster... Let's meet again in the Year of the Rooster!

(Edit: WB)

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