Official response to the shrink of Wizard 3: the host "dragged down" the PC version

2015-05-21 10:03:23 Source: Sina Games

Recently, some players released a comparison between the pictures in the trailer of Wizard 3 VGX and the pictures after the actual release, and found that there is still a big gap between the two. Now the official CDPR has finally explained the shrinking problem: the host directly "dragged down" the PC version.

Marcin Iwinski told the media Eurogamer: "If there is no mainframe version, today's shrinkage problem will not be seen. Of course, we can easily achieve that kind of image quality, but we can't afford it. Because the platform with the largest sales volume is still the mainframe, and our budget will be higher for multiple platforms, to ensure that we can develop a large-scale world."

 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"

Marcin said that it would be better if the PC monopolized the game picture, but CDPR did not dare to take this risk. After all, the production cost of Wizard 3 was high.

Then the CD said The version seen on VGX is not an open world. The CD says that changing that version into an open world will face many problems, and it is almost impossible.

Then the developers talked about the new rendering system when the Wizard 3 was actually released. He said that the picture of the new rendering system did not look as good as before, mainly because of some graphic differences. He said: "We changed the rendering system after VGX, which may be a wrong choice. There were two possible rendering systems at that time, but we chose a system that looked better in the whole world during the day and at night. The other system needed a lot of dynamic lighting, which would not work in such a huge world."

   For the smoke and flame effects after shrinking, the developers said that most PCs could not bring them. He said that without DX12, these special effects are not effective in every game.

Marcin concluded:“ Maybe we shouldn't show that VGX trailer. We do not know that it cannot be used in the open world. Therefore, we didn't cheat everyone, nor did we want to. This is also why we did not respond to queries so positively. We don't think this is shrinking, but players may feel different. If the players decide to buy Wizard 3 according to the pictures in 2013, I am very sorry, and we will discuss how to compensate you, because it is very unfair to them. "

Well, CDPR has finally made it clear about the shrink of Wizard 3. Don't dwell on this problem. The problem now is that even if it shrinks, most of today's computers are also under pressure. When Hairworks and high image quality settings are turned off, 780Ti has only about 60 fps of frames. If all the special effects are on, it is estimated that they will burst.

   Below is the picture quality comparison chart released by foreign netizens The above is the picture in the VGX trailer, and the following is the picture after the actual sale.

 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"
 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"
 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"
 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"
 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"
 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"
 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"
 Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3" Official response to shrink of "Wizard 3"

(Editor: okami)

Excellent recommendation
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