• Team Copy Demo
  • In game world Boss
  • Fighting in the arena
  • Field PK demonstration
  • Exclusive interview on battle planning
Game Dahui Station Issue 89
Official microblog
Game feature 1: the design concept of "simplicity"

We hope to endow the elements in the design with the concept of "liveness". In the process of heterogeneity, integrity and balance, rationality and sensibility exist at the same time. In the play design of Bu Tian Zhi, rational multi angle logic cuts in and lays out, and leads each other with perceptual process design. Neither emphasizes its own existence to make them exist in balance, Or they have left enough space for each other in advance. [More]

Game feature 2: five characters and ten professions

There are 5 roles for players to choose from in the "Record of mending the sky", and each role corresponds to 2 professions respectively. The character's occupation will also change through the change of the player's only weapon "artifact". In terms of career positioning, the two professions have completely different preferences, which can make a role both defensive and output, and a single output role can also become a group assisted existence. [More]

Game feature 3: full service anti world BOSS

Our R&D team has added a new way of playing "World BOSS" and dual mode battlefield to the game, making the interaction between players closer. In terms of the characteristics of BOSS in the world, it is based on ordinary players and focuses on elite players, so that everyone can participate. After successfully killing the world BOSS, the player will be rewarded regardless of his level and ability. [More]

Game feature 4: original myth background

The Chronicle of Mending the Heavens takes myths as the theme, and uses original ideas to build a grand and grand world view setting, setting the story in a mythical world where people, demons, demons, gods and other races coexist. The setting of each race is closely linked with each other. There are not only independent ethnic backgrounds, but also racial enmities. The appearance settings of each race also have the story settings behind the race, hoping to bring players a real mythical world. [More]