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Nine Yin Classic offline system
Nine Yin Classic Adventure System
Nine Yin Experience Cultivation System
The Nine Yin Classic has no hierarchy
Nine Yin Scripture Identity System
Nine Yin Scripture Sect Challenge System
  • Q: The charging mode of the Nine Yin Scripture?
  • Answer: According to the information exposed, it is the monthly card charging mode
  • Q: Is the configuration of the Nine Yin Scripture demanding?
  • Answer: The picture effect of the Volkswagen computer is OK
  • Q: How many professions does the Nine Yin Scripture have?
  • Answer: The final version is eight career tests, only four of which are open
  • Q: Can Jiuyin fly? Can we get married?
  • Answer: There is a lightness skill system in the Age of Wulin, but long distance flying is not. After all, it is martial arts rather than magic marriage system
  • Q: The level of Nine Yin?
  • Answer: There is no character level setting for the Age of Wulin, but the difference is the internal skill level
  • Q: What is the experience of Nine Yin?
  • Answer: Experience points equivalent to other online games need to be converted into cultivation for use
  • Q: What's the function of the cultivation of Nine Yin?
  • Answer: Cultivation is used to improve moves and internal skill levels
  • Q: How to transform experience and accomplishments?
  • Answer: Conversion by online time or using money
  • Q: What is the difference between moves and internal skills?
  • Answer: Moves are skills Internal skill increases the player's basic attributes and the damage of the corresponding routine moves, and the internal skill level is also the decisive factor to distinguish the strength of Jiuyin players
  • Game name: Nine Yin Scripture
  • Game type: MMORPG True Wuxia
  • Charging mode: free
  • Development company: Snail
  • Operating company: Snail
  • Current status: Epic public beta (Xiake Travel)
  • Official website: click to enter
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Wudang Sect was founded by Zhang Sanfeng in Wudang Mountain, Jun County, Hubei Province in the Ming Dynasty. It is called Wudang Sect and Wudang Taoism. To worship Zhenwu Emperor as the main god. In fact, Wudang Mountain was a holy place for Taoist activities before the Ming Dynasty. Before the Han and Wei Dynasties, it was said that many badminton and hermits lived in seclusion and practiced here. Wudang and Shaolin are both known as the great masters of Wulin. In addition to spreading Taoism, the Wudang Sect stresses on overcoming hardness with softness, using strength to fight, and winning with long breath. Taijiquan is characterized by the combination of form and spirit, and the intention is not to exert force [More>>]
In the late Southern Song Dynasty, the second daughter of Xiangyang Great Xia Guo Jing and his wife Huang Rong was named Guo Xiang. When I was 15 years old, I passed the Fengling Ferry on the Yellow River and met Yang Guo, the Great Hero of Divine Sculpture. Since then, I have always loved him and belonged to him alone. Yang Guo led the Jianghu heroes to congratulate her on her sixteenth birthday. Later, Yang Guo reunited with Xiao Longnv and separated from others in Huashan after the third Huashan debate. From then on, Guo Xiang began her journey to find Yang Guo in the Jianghu. At the age of 40, she suddenly became enlightened and became a nun in Emei, creating the Emei Sect [More>>]
In all dynasties of the world, all people became beggars. They gathered together to fight against injustice. Their behavior was between good and evil. As for the end of the Song Dynasty, the leader of the Beggars' Sect raised the banner of resistance to gold, put national justice first, started a career, and eventually became the first decent sect in the Jianghu. Although the members of the Beggars' Sect are the people with the lowest social status, most of them are unyielding and noble. The Beggars' Sect has always been generous and willing to sacrifice their lives for justice and friendship. All beggars belong to the Beggars' Sect. Apart from the strong and helping the weak, they are loyal and trustworthy. They are famous righteous organizations in the Jianghu [More>>]
In the 19th year of Taihe, Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Batuo, a Hindu monk, came from the Western Regions and was revered by Emperor Xiaowen, a devout Buddhist. Batuo saw that Song Mountain was like a lotus flower, so he intended to neutral the temple in the "flower". Emperor Xiaowen built a temple in Shaoshi Mountain to worship Batuo. The temple is located in the forest of Shaoshi Mountain, so it is called Shaolin. Shaolin Temple not only has extensive and profound Buddhist Buddhism, but also has martial arts that belong to other martial arts. Its Shaolin Qigong, Bone Softening Skill, Boy Skill, Shaolin Temple Iron Sand Palm, Shaolin Temple Overlord Elbow, Pai Da Gong, Plum Blossom Stake, Whip Power, Stone Lock Skill, Shaolin Temple Five Element Boxing, Shaolin Temple Eight Section Brocade [More>>]
The Tang Clan in Sichuan is a family style Jianghu sect, famous for its concealed weapons in Wulin. It dominates Sichuan with concealed weapons and poisons and has been wandering the Jianghu for hundreds of years. Tangmen people are good at designing, inventing and using various concealed weapons and poisons, which are extremely powerful. Tangmen disciples seldom walk in the Jianghu, and the Tang Family Castle is surrounded by many secret devices and hidden weapons, making it very difficult to enter. Therefore, although Tangmen is famous, it is always covered with a mysterious veil. Tang Clan people seldom walk in the Jianghu, but also act secretively and erratically, giving people a feeling that they are neither good nor evil, and can't understand [More>>]
  • Sect Characters
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  • Sect Strategy
The leader of Blissful Valley Shan Tianming is resourceful and changeable. He has mastered the long lost art of fate. As he calculated that he would not live to be 46 years old, he secretly established Blissful Valley to avoid this death. He kept recruiting some notorious people in the Jianghu and brewing a major conspiracy. Most of the disciples of Blissful Valley have strange temperament and are insidious. They rely on their secret and vicious martial arts to run amuck in the Jianghu and kill people like dirt. They are powerful mysterious evil sects in the Jianghu [More>>]
Its predecessor was the Imperial Arch Guard Department set up by Zhu Yuanzhang, the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. In order to monitor, investigate and suppress the illegal acts of officials, Taizu successively appointed trusted civil and military officials to act as "inspectors". "He specially observed the injustice, illegality and rumours of officials in Beijing, big and small, and heard about them." In the 15th year of Hongwu's reign (1382) of the Ming Dynasty, the Royal Guards were set up as the military organization of the emperor's bodyguards. In order to strengthen the centralized rule, Zhu Yuanzhang specially ordered him to take charge of the criminal prison and gave him the right to patrol and arrest. He set up a town magistrate's office to engage in reconnaissance, arrest and interrogation activities without the judicial authority [More>>]
Fourteen years ago in the Mid Autumn Festival, Xiao Bieqing, the world-famous "Farewell Young Master" of Xiao Men, rode a boat into Taihu Lake to enjoy the moon. He ran into Shi Yanbing, "Mr. Jade Brush" of Green Clothes Villa. They became friends at first sight and decided to establish a Scholar's Academy to make friends with people who are as talented as they are and who are proficient in music and dance skills. At the same time, they will teach their martial arts to everyone. All the disciples of the Scholar's Academy are refined and romantic. They are proficient in zither, chess, calligraphy and painting, and their martial arts are very strange. They mainly attack with music and dance, and pay attention to the use of internal qi [More>>]