Introduction to the life of Elder Jinghui

 Elder Jinghui Elder Jinghui

Master Jinghui, whose name is Miaozong, was born in Xinzhou, Hubei Province in 1933. It passed away on the morning of April 20, 2013. At the age of 14, he went to the Three Buddhas Temple in Wuhan to follow the Great Xin Monk, and at the age of 18, he went to Yunmen Temple to receive the Pacification Ring and became a waiter and disciple of the Xuyun Monk. In 1956, the China Buddhist Academy was founded, and was admitted to further education. It was highly praised by Zhou Shujia, Master Mingzhen, Master Zhengguo, and Master Zhao Puchu. In 1963, he was wrongly classified as a Rightist and took part in labor in Beijing, Guangdong and Hubei. In 1979, he removed his hat, corrected his mistakes, and returned to Beijing to participate in the restoration work of the Chinese Buddhist Association. In 1981, he was the responsible editor of Fayin, and the chief editor from 1983 to 2002; In 1982, he was added as a member of the Chinese Buddhist Association; In 1987, he was elected as the executive director of China Buddhist Association; In 1988, he was appointed to prepare for the establishment of Hebei Buddhist Association and was elected as the president; In 1992, he presided over the reconstruction of Berlin Temple; In 1993, he was elected as the vice president of China Buddhist Association; In 1998, he was elected as a member of the 9th CPPCC National Committee; In 2002, at the invitation of Mr. Chuang Shiping, founder/chairman of the Buddhist cultural industry in Hong Kong, and Zugu Baima Ose Rinpoche, he served as the permanent honorary adviser of the Buddhist cultural industry in Hong Kong; In October 2003, at the invitation of relevant departments in Huangmei and Dangyang, Hubei Province, he served as the abbot of Sizu Temple and Yuquan Temple.

On October 15, 1987, Master Jinghui, who was then the executive director of the Chinese Buddhist Association and the editor in chief of Fayin, accompanied the Japanese "Japan China Friendship Association for the Yellow River" delegation to China to visit the Zhaozhou Tower in Zhaoxian County. He saw that the Berlin Temple gate was depressed and the clock plate lost its sound. Only the broken Zhaozhou Tower was linked to more than 20 ancient cypresses. As a disciple of the sect, he could not help crying, At that time, the idea of restoring the Zuting Berlin Temple came into being, and two poems were written: "Come to visit the Zhenji Guanyin Temple, where is the National Master Tower? After thousands of years of silent Zen practice, who will the cypress treat in front of the court?"

On May 19, 1988, under the auspices of Master Jinghui, who was newly elected as the president of Hebei Buddhist Association, the foundation laying ceremony for the reconstruction of the Berlin Temple and the establishment of the Buddhist Charity Nursing Home was held at the site of the Berlin Temple. Since then, the Berlin Temple has embarked on the road of comprehensive revival:

(1) Great construction: After more than ten years of efforts, Zhaozhou Conghui Zen Master Tower has been repaired, more than 300 cypresses have been newly planted, and Puguangming Hall (the main hall), Bell and Drum Tower (the third floor), Guanyin Hall (the second floor, above which is the Sutra Pavilion), "Huixian Tower" (the second floor), "Zhiyue Tower" (the second floor), "Wenchanliao, Zen Hall, Bingfu Hall" (above which are Huaiyun Tower, Falun Pavilion, and Kaishan Tower respectively) "Yunshui Building" (second floor), "Xiangji Building" (second floor), etc. At present, a "Ten Thousand Buddhas Tower" is under construction, with the first floor as the main hall; The second floor is Wanfo Building. With a total height of 37 meters and a floor area of more than 8000 square meters, the building will accommodate thousands of people to go to the hall and hold various large-scale religious activities at the same time. It is scheduled to be completed in 2003. At present, there are many halls in Berlin Temple, red walls and yellow tiles, cornices and carved buildings, which are magnificent. The lawn, green trees and winding corridors are like a fairyland. The whole temple covers an area of nearly 100 mu, with a building area of more than 20000 square meters. It has become a famous northern temple both at home and abroad.

(2) Expand the Sangha and formulate a strict forest management system. At present, there are more than 140 monks in the temple, most of whom are young people with a high educational level. More than 10 of them have bachelor's and college degrees, and some have graduated from master's and doctor's degrees. The monks get up at half past four in the morning, go to the temple at five, have breakfast at more than six, and then clean up. At half past eleven, I will have a rest at noon. In the morning, afternoon and evening, except for working or other special circumstances, you must go to the meditation hall to meditate, with a total of six sticks of incense. Turn off the lights at 22 o'clock. In case of large dharma meetings, meetings and half month recitation of precepts, certain adjustments will be made. Three "Zen Seven" are held in the beginning of winter and December every year.

(3) Put forward and implement the concept of "Zen of Life". Master Jinghui, the abbot of the Berlin Buddhist Temple, was a disciple of the old monk Xu, the leader of the modern Zen sect, and graduated from the Chinese Buddhist Academy. He is currently a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vice president of the Chinese Buddhist Association, editor in chief of Fayin magazine, editor in chief of Zen magazine, and president of Hebei Buddhist Association. In view of the great changes that have taken place in the times, he, based on the principle of Buddhist agreement, inherited the Zen style of "ordinary mind is Tao" in Zhaozhou, and put forward the concept of "Zen of Life" that has the significance of the times and can fully reflect the spirit of "human Buddhism". He tried to choose one of the many Buddhist practices, "one that can not only achieve the ultimate goal of insight and liberation from life and death, but also adapt to the living environment of modern people." Its purpose was:; "Inherit the tradition (reason), adapt to the times (opportunity), based on the Dhamma, promote Buddhism, develop wisdom, improve morality, realize life, and dedicate life.

The concept of "Zen in Life" requires that the spirit and wisdom of Zen be generally integrated into life, and that the transcendence of Zen be realized in life, reflecting the artistic conception, spirit and style of Zen. "" Realize Zen Joy in life, and implement life in Zen Joy. "In the activities of Berlin Temple, he asked the four disciples to" put their faith into life; Implement the cultivation in the present; Melt Buddhism into the world; Melt the individual into the public. "Emphasize" public recognition, public participation, public achievements, and public sharing in the cause of law promotion. "He often advised his disciples and believers to always be kind, say good words, do good things, and take the lead in setting an example. While doing well in teaching affairs, he actively committed to the cause that is beneficial to the country, society and people.

(4) Preaching scriptures and promoting Buddhism, and developing Buddhist cultural undertakings. The specific implementation is as follows:

(1) Print and circulate Buddhist books. With the support of Berlin Temple, Hebei Buddhist Association founded the first Zen magazine in China in 1989, and has published 66 issues. In addition, more than ten kinds of Buddhist reading materials are compiled, printed and published every year, and various scriptures and relics are circulated at the same time.

(2) Regularly teach the Three Return Five Commandments and the Home Bodhisattva Commandments, and hold scripture teaching sessions.

(3) During the summer vacation, the "Life Zen Summer Camp" series of learning activities were held, and nine sessions were successfully held from 1993 to 2001. The average number of campers per session is about 250. The campers come from more than 20 provinces and cities in China, most of whom are at home Buddhists with college education or above. In addition, there are a few campers from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Britain, France and other countries and regions. Activities include learning Buddhist etiquette and rules, learning five lessons and going to the temple in the morning and evening, going to the classroom at 2:00, learning to sing Buddhist songs such as the Three Treasures Song, listening to the teacher's instruction and teacher's lecture, sitting in meditation, passing a lamp on the Dharma Seat (a kind of ceremony of lighting a lamp, repenting, and vowing in front of a Buddha statue), going out of the slope, walking in the cloud water, visiting temples, Berlin night talk (forum), and teaching Sangui and Five Commandments. This has been well received by both teachers and students.

(4) He founded the Hebei Buddhist Institute and Hebei Buddhist Academy to continuously strengthen the training of monks and promote Buddhist academic research. Hebei Buddhist College, founded by Hebei Buddhist Association in 1999 and organized by Berlin Temple, is an intermediate Buddhist college with a three-year schooling. At present, there are more than 50 monks in school, and the teaching staff is relatively strong. Berlin Temple also funded and organized some experts and scholars across the country to compile teaching materials for Buddhist Academy, which went well.

(5) We will strengthen international Buddhist friendly exchanges, and participate in social hope projects and charities.

Zhaozhou Zen not only occupies a very important position in the history of Zen Buddhism in China, but also has a certain impact on Zen learners in Japan, South Korea and even Europe and the United States. Therefore, many overseas people have paid great attention to the restoration of Berlin Temple and the promotion of "Zhaozhou Zen" and "Life Zen". For example, Japanese Zen scholars regard Berlin Temple as their ancestral temple, and send a delegation to participate in every major celebration; A Japanese monk of Cao Dongzong studied in the temple from 1993 to 1999. According to the arrangement of the Buddhist Friendly Exchange Agreement between China, South Korea and Japan, in recent years, a Japanese and South Korean meditation experience group has made a special trip to Berlin Temple to experience spiritual life. For more than ten years, the temple has received many foreign and overseas Buddhist friendly organizations and people to visit, and the French Plum Village Sitting Zen Center led a large meditation group twice to Berlin Temple to participate in meditation activities. In addition, there are also famous Chaozhou Guild Hall in France, Fashen Temple in Thailand, Miaoxin Temple School of Linji Sect in Japan, and participation groups organized by relevant Buddhist groups in Taiwan. In addition, the masters of Berlin Temple have been invited to visit overseas for many times, including Japan, France, Thailand, South Korea, Myanmar, Hungary, etc. At the beginning of 1994, three monks from Berlin Temple participated in the Chinese Buddhist cultural delegation headed by Master Jinghui, and successfully paid a one month visit to Paris, France. In May 1994, Master Jinghui and others went to Budapest, the capital of Hungary, to hold the opening ceremony of the Buddha statue for the "Xuyun Temple", and at the request of local overseas Chinese, they appointed two monks to stay there permanently to preside over the legal activities.

Based on the Buddhist spirit of compassion and the idea of repaying four benefactors, the Berlin Temple has also worked hard to engage in social charity and relief, donated money to assist teachers, and done many useful work for many years.

All laws originate from the origin. Berlin Buddhist Temple rose from the rubble in a short period of more than ten years, thanks to the kindness of the founder of Zhaozhou, as well as the people from Minglangde. Master Jinghui was able to properly handle the relationship between politics and religion, the relationship between the religious and academic circles, and the relationship between monks and customs. Therefore, he was widely supported and recognized by both inside and outside the church, as well as at home and abroad, in the construction of the Berlin Temple and the implementation of the concept of "Zen of Life".

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