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Master Yinguang, the 13th ancestor of the Pure School (picture)

10:20, August 22, 2012    Sina Buddhism
 Master of Light Printing Master of Light Printing

   Master of Photoprinting (1861-1940), whose name is Shengliang, was born in Zhaochen Village, Heyang County, Shaanxi Province, and whose name is Shaoyi, with the word Ziren. There are three mage brothers, and he is the smallest. When I was young, I read Confucian books with my elder brother. I was very clever and had been admitted as a scholar. At the age of 15, I was unable to get up in bed for several years. So in 1881, when he was 21 years old, he became a monk from Daochun in Wutai Lianhuadong Temple, Zhongnan Mountain, Shaanxi Province. The next year, he received the vow of vow under the lawyer's seat of Yinhai, Shuangxi Temple, Xing'an County. The Dharma Master took the Pure Land as his home. Before receiving the precepts, he used to take photos of people in Lianhua Temple, Zhuxi, Hubei. When he was drying scriptures, he had to read the fragments "Long Shu Pure Land Writing" Only then did we know that there was a way to chant Buddhism. From then on, the mage transformed himself all his life and forged an indissoluble bond with the Pure Land Sect. He devoted his whole life to promoting the Pure Land, and was honored as the 13th ancestor of China's Pure Land Sect by Pure Land Buddhists.

Dharma masters enter Buddhism from Confucianism; He was nicknamed "often ashamed monk". In this way, we can see what he did to Buddha in his later life. He came from Buddhism and was driven by shame. Ordinary people are trapped in many evils, and their good roots are very weak. Only the shame of valuing good over evil can make people overcome evil, and make the root of good appear and tend to increase. Shizun said, "Shame is the place where human beings are different from animals." In his whole life, Master Inguang has always followed this kind of enlightenment that tends to be bright. The Dharma Master is always ashamed of himself as a monk. He practices Buddhism and points to his own heart. I just want to be honest. Be responsible for yourself. The objective consequences of doing so, however, have benefited all living beings and achieved the effect of doing good to the world alone. If people in the world act according to this and are responsible for their own words and deeds, that is, the world has already become a blessed place full of joy and purity, and everyone can become Buddha.

The actions of a mage are better taught by example than by precept. He integrated his experience of studying Buddhism for decades into his daily words and deeds. Master Yinguang lived a happy life, indifferent to poverty, and remained unchanged until old age. He is a northerner and likes to eat steamed bread. Every time he eats, he only has one bowl of coarse vegetables. After eating, he uses steamed bread to clean the dishes and eats them all, or uses boiling water to wash the rice bowl. When he lived in the Taiping Temple in Shanghai, a hermit invited him to have a fast. He refused to go. After repeatedly inviting him, he ordered only a box of steamed bread and a bowl of bean curd dregs. The hermit agreed to do so, and then he went to the fast. When he was at Baoguo Temple in Suzhou, he once criticized the soy sauce used in dishes for being slightly better. Once, a hermit visited him and poured half a cup of boiled water into a spittoon, which was also criticized by him. When he writes letters to others, he does not use any good stationery, but uses domestic Maotai paper as stationery. I once wrote a letter to others, which was the wrapping paper of honey peaches. The disciples sometimes offer him gifts. He either refuses to accept them, or transfers them to others, or gives them to the storeroom for everyone to enjoy. He cleaned all his rooms and washed all his clothes by himself until he was 79 years old. Once when he was in the Taiping Temple in Shanghai, a layman came to visit him and saw him washing clothes by himself in the courtyard. When he was at Baoguo Temple in Suzhou, Monk Zhenda invited him to Lingyan Mountain and prepared a sedan chair for him. However, he always walked with a stick from climbing up the mountain to going down the mountain and refused to sit in a sedan chair. The mage has been like this all his life. No matter what the situation, he doesn't put on any airs. He himself once said to people, "If I don't put on airs, I'm not afraid of putting on airs." It can be seen that the mage is a person with a strong independent spirit, and he will never accept the favor of others, nor will his own existence become the burden of others, detached from things.

Master Yinguang paid attention to hard work and never lied, and resolutely moved forward when the situation was urgent and needed him. In 1931, the September 18th Incident, which shocked the whole country, broke out, and the east side was occupied. The people of the whole country were excited and demanded to resist Japan. In 1936, Master Yuan Ying, the chairman of the Chinese Buddhist Association, held a law meeting in Shanghai with people from the Buddhist community in Shanghai to protect the country from disasters. He asked the Master to go out of the pass to speak and called on Buddhists all over the country to make contributions to the fight against Japan and save the country. The mage was very eager to protect the country and benefit the people. He gladly promised and told them not to use a car to greet them, not to invite them to fast, and not to invite them. Master Yuanying agreed to this one by one. At the age of 76, the mage brought a waiter to Shanghai, where he taught for two hours every day. The people who listened to the lecture were joyfully convinced. More than 1000 people converted on the day of the end of the sermon period. The mage heard that Suiyuan suffered a serious disaster during the War of Resistance against Japan, and donated more than 2900 yuan of incense instruments, which were used by more than 1000 people at that time to convert to precepts, along with more than 1000 yuan of his own original collection. When the mage returned to Suzhou after his lecture, people greeted him at the station and asked him to visit the scene of recent years on Lingyan Mountain. But the mage was eager to go to Baoguo Temple to take out his passbook and remit the relief money. Then we climbed the mountain together with others. In 1926, after the war in Chang'an, the people's life was very hard, and the mage would print it Wen Chao The amount of 3000 yuan will be remitted to the country for relief. The mage is always anxious and helpful to the society. In 1935, there was a severe drought in Shaanxi Province. When the mage heard the news, he immediately took out the passbook and sent a quick remittance of 1000 yuan. After the remittance was finished, we had to check the account and found that the compromise deposit was only 100 yuan, and everything needed by Baoguo Temple depended on this money. The mage didn't mind about it. The Dharma Master linked these actions with the protection of Buddhism, and regarded saving people's actual suffering as the salvation of all beings. The Dharma Master once said, "Disaster relief is not only the salvation of all living beings, but also the protection of Buddhism." What a sincere feeling of patriotism and love for the people in his words.

The Dharma Master's understanding of Buddhism is never divorced from the world and talks falsely about Buddhism. What he inspired his disciples was a way of learning Buddhism from "Rencheng" to Buddhism. In his Wen Chao There are a few words in it: "Dunlun should do his utmost, be honest with evil, do no evil, pursue all good deeds, really live and die, give Bodhi heart, believe in the wish, and hold the name of Buddha." That is, starting from human relations, while dealing with the relationship between the upper and lower levels, he should do his own duty to do his own job or responsibility well. The words of the mage are very simple and fundamental. As the Dharma Master entered Buddhism from Confucianism, he talked about Buddhism and Confucianism when he taught his disciples at home with Wen Qian. However, this is for the convenience of discussion, not to confuse the boundaries between Confucianism and Buddhism. Therefore, he said: "There is no difference between Confucianism and Buddhism in their noumenon, and the skills of Confucianism and Buddhism are quite the same in a shallow way, but in a deep way, there is a huge gap between heaven and earth." He also said: "Confucianism and Buddhism are two religions. When they are combined, there are two beauties, and when they are separated, there are two injuries." The mage had a view that since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty "ousted all schools of thought, Confucianism has been the mainstream in China since the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty 2000 years ago. If you want to use Buddhism to save all living beings, you must speak from your own experience. Just because the Dharma Master helped Confucianism to become a Buddhist, he was able to educate the disciples of Confucianism and maintain Buddhism with painstaking efforts, which could not be done without the heart of a Bodhisattva.

The Dharma Master practices Buddhism diligently and has published many articles. In 1924, the Dharma Master published an article in the "Buddhist Names" in the name of "Chang Shen", which amazed the readers. Since then, the name of the Dharma Master has gradually become known. In 1917, a resident of Tianjin printed three letters from the mage to his friends and titled them "Letter of Master Yinguang". In 1918, the hermit printed more than 20 manuscripts of the mage in Beijing "Printed Mage's banknote" After that, dozens of manuscripts were combined into two volumes, and the Dharma Master's views on Buddhism became popular in China. Because the Dharma Master's article is profound. Elegant in meaning, easy to understand. Easy to understand, so everyone strives to read. Even Liang Qichao, who read the Dharma Master's article, praised that "Master Yinguang, who is ignorant in writing, is really blind today." The Dharma Master devoted his life to promoting the Pure Land Sect, which played a very important role in the prosperity of the Pure Land Sect in the country. The first time the mage promoted the Pure Land in Shanghai was in 1918, when he was printing "Anshi Quanshu" in Yangzhou Sutra Carving Academy; In 1919, the mage went to Shanghai again with Gao Henian to meet the brother Jian Yujie (the founder of Nanyang Tobacco Company) and all the lay people. The mage explained the Pure Land Dharma in detail, and the brother Jane and other lay people together gave a heart grant of more than 1000 yuan as a subsidy for the publication of scriptures. Later, the Jane brothers also founded the Pure Land Taoist Center, the site of Shanghai Buddhist Jingye Society. In 1922, the Dharma Master went to Shanghai from Putuo to live in the Taiping Temple because of the proofreading and printing of scriptures. Many people from all walks of life have sent letters to convert. Since the mage has printed and published a large number of "Anshi Quanshu" "Printed Mage's banknote" As well as nearly 100 kinds of Pure Land scriptures, which publicized Pure Land, more and more people in Shanghai converted to him, and Pure Land Sect flourished in Shanghai from then on. In 1922, the World Buddhist Buddhist Community in Shanghai was established to advocate Buddhism in Pure Land. In 1926, Shanghai Buddhist Jingye Society was established, and issued the "Jushi Linlin Journal" and "Jingye Society Monthly". From then on, Dharma Master's Pure Land sect responsibility spread to all parts of the country, and Buddhist groups such as the Buddhist Forest, the Jingye Society, the Buddhist Chanting Society, and the Lotus Society sprang up everywhere. In 1928, due to the increasing number of personnel in Shanghai, the mage ended the matter of proofreading and printing scriptures in Shanghai in 1930, left Mount Putuo in February 1930, and went to Suzhou Baoguo Temple to close. Before leaving, he handed over the printing of the scriptures to Master Mingdao, who died in 1935. As a 75 year old man, Master Yin presided over the circulation.

During the closure of Baoguo Temple, the Dharma Master republished it in the spare time of Buddhist classes Ten Essentials of Pure Land , Addendum Five Classics of Pure Land And wrote the mountain chronicles of Putuo, Jiuhua, Wutai and Emei. The four famous mountain records were published by Honghua Society in 1937. In addition, he published a sequel to the Guangwen banknote during the period when he was in seclusion.

It is well-known that Master Yinguang promoted the Pure Land all his life. However, the most valuable thing of Master Yinguang was that he was able to teach and protect all sects closely. This thought was reflected in his three important papers, namely, "Religion should not be confused", "Pure Land Decision" and "The Song Dynasty Tibetan Sutra". From these articles, we can see that the mage is also very thorough about Zen philosophy. In his article, he pointed out the misunderstanding of Zen people, pointing out that every Buddhist preacher likes to talk about Zen. Although the second article is called Pure Land Decision, its content is also the purpose of the secret protection Zen family. The two papers, both in simple terms, have something that has not been published before. His third article, "Preface to the Tripitaka Sutra of the Song Dynasty", points to the five sects. "Although the names of the five sects are different, the principle and style are the same, and they can be exclusively in one door, and can not be ignored in the remaining laws. If you enter a city from four doors, if you become a year old from four times, they can maintain mutual assistance. Those who have a deep understanding of the source of the law cannot know." This reflects the deep meaning of the Dharma Master to protect all sects, It shows that his Buddhist thought is based on the whole Buddhism.

There are no less than 100000 disciples who have converted to Dharma Masters at home and abroad, as far as Nanyang. However, the Dharma Master received many lay disciples, but not too many. In 1934, Sun Chuanfang sent a letter from Tianjin asking for conversion to be a disciple. The mage did not include it and introduced a mage who converted to Peiping. The famous monk, Master Hongyi, admired the character and morality of Master Inguang and respected him as a Bodhisattva. He wanted to worship him as a teacher, but he did so three times before finally achieving his wish. The first time was a letter of worship, and Master Inguang refused to accept it; In the second letter, he asked for a master, but still refused to accept him as an apprentice; For the third time, Master Hongyi burned his arm with incense fire to worship his master with "arm incense", which was agreed by Master Yinguang to accept him as a disciple and tie the law together. Later, Master Yinguang invited Hongyi to live with him for half a month, teaching him by example. In addition, although Su Ru was intolerant of the Dharma Master who taught his disciples. For example, Feng Menghua, a former Qing Dynasty veteran and a former governor of Anhui, liked to write cursive script. Ordinary people could not recognize half of them. He wrote to the mage, who pointed out that his handwriting was too cursive. Later, when he wrote to the mage, he used regular script instead.

Master Yinguang was honest, did not seek false fame, and was full of character. On his 80th birthday, he called together all Taoist monks and friends to speak: "Taoist friends are preparing a birthday celebration for my 80th birthday. Thank you for your sincere kindness. I don't want to do it. I personally oppose the birthday celebration. In society, some people set up birthday celebrations to show their power and expand their power, while others set up birthday celebrations to accumulate wealth and promote fame. They all regard birthday greetings as glory. But I am ashamed of it. " When the mage said "shameful", his face was red, his white hair was blown away, his voice was loud, and the hall was solemn. When the Japanese puppet regime was in power, Japanese officers presented the revised Tripitaka to Lingyan Mountain Temple. Some young monks thought that the Japanese looked up to it, so they gave the best Tripitaka to the mage. However, the mage said tactfully, "All the monks here are Buddhist monks, not those who study scriptures. Please send your good Tripitaka to the relevant researchers!" The mage refused the gift from the Japanese officer.

Although the Dharma Master is proficient in all kinds of Buddhism, but he advises others by himself, he is dedicated to Buddhism. Many of his disciples at home have received higher education and studied in Europe and America. However, the Dharma Master never talked with them about the philosophy of Buddhism, but urged them to concentrate on Buddhism. This style also had a great impact on Master Hongyi. It is no wonder that Master Hongyi said in a speech to Wang Xinzhan, a Buddhist monk, in 1924 that "the only person who is most obedient to the good knowledge of the contemporary era is the Master." With his reputation and opinion, Master Hongyi worships and respects Master Yinguang so much, which shows the reputation and prestige of the Master in the Buddhist world. The life of Master Yinguang is exactly like Master Hongyi's comment: "Promote the Pure Land, protect all the sects closely, make Buddhism bright and prosperous, and potentially save the world. All the pictures are merciful, and the words are nothing but enlightenment. For three hundred years, there has been only one person!"

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