Master Kumarash: Seven Buddha Sutra Translator (Picture)

17:04, August 20, 2012    Sina Buddhism  
 Master Kumarash Dharma Master Kumarash's statue

Kumarosh (344~413 AD), a native of Kucha (Shule, Xinjiang), was smart from childhood. He became a monk with his mother at the age of seven. He was young, progressive, and knowledgeable, so he received much attention and admiration. When he was in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he came to China to translate scriptures and became one of the great translators of scriptures in China. Because the translation is very simple and clear, and the subtle meaning is naturally interpreted without hindrance, it is deeply loved by people and widely spread, making great contributions to the development of Buddhism.

◎ The son of wisdom in the country of Qiuci ◎

Kumarashi's father, Kumayan, is a native of India. He has a prominent family background and has been the prime minister for generations. His father, Kumarado, is famous for his casual and elegant manner. Hatoyama is gifted and has high moral integrity. He should have inherited his appearance. However, he not only refused, but also became a monk. Later, he went to Qiuci in the east of Congling. King Qiuci admired his high virtue very much, so he went to the countryside to meet him personally and invited him to be the national teacher.

Kumarash's mother, the younger sister of King Kucha, is intelligent and talented, and can remember everything and understand the meaning of it. Its body has a red mole. According to the law of fate, it is the characteristic of having a son. It has been ten years since she was born. Although there are dignitaries from all over the world competing to propose marriage, she refused to agree. When he saw Hatoyama, he was very attracted and decided to marry him.

When Kumarash's mother became pregnant, her memory and understanding were multiplied, and she even learned the Indian language without a teacher. Everyone was surprised. An Arahanta Dharma Qusha said, "This phenomenon must be a child with wisdom. When Sharif was born, his mother was very wise, which is the precedent." When Kumarash was born, his mother immediately forgot about the Indian language.

Soon, Kumarash's mother wanted to become a monk, but her husband did not allow her to do so. Later, she gave birth to a boy named Phushetiva. When she went out to visit the city, she saw the dead bones scattered everywhere in the wasteland, so she deeply thought that the body of color was the root of suffering, and vowed to become a monk. But her husband, Kumaya, insisted on refusing, so she went on a hunger strike. After six days, her strength was exhausted and her life was in danger. Her husband had to bear the pain and agree. However, before her hair fell, she resolutely refused to eat any food, so she immediately ordered someone to shave her hair before eating. The next day, he formally received the precepts, and then practiced Zen. He became proficient and unremitting, and finally obtained Xutuohuan.

At that time, Kumarash was seven years old and also became a monk with his mother. Kumarash learned from his teacher and recited thousands of verses every day. There were 32 words in one verse and a total of 32000 words. After reciting the Apitan Sutra in this way, the teacher explained the meaning of the Sutra for Kumarash. Unexpectedly, Kumarash already knew the essence of the Sutra and did not need to guide him sentence by sentence.

◎ Learn from Honghua Bodhisattva Heart ◎

Since Kumarash's mother was the sister of King Kucha, the people of the whole country especially supported their mother and son. Kumarash's mother was deeply afraid of rich benefits that would affect her practice, so she took her son and fled other countries. At this time, Kumarash was only nine years old. He crossed the Xintou River with his mother to the state of Yabin, and met the famous mage Pan Tou Da Duo (that is, the cousin of King Yabin). Kumarash stopped him from learning the "Central Ahan Sutra" and the "Long Ahan Sutra", totaling four million words. Pan Tou Da Duo often praised Kumarashi's god, wisdom, talent and talent. When King Chubin heard the praise, he invited Kumarashi to the palace, and at the same time called many Taoist experts together to question Kumarashi. As a result, the Taoist priests were all convinced. Therefore, King Jubin paid more attention to Kumarashi, and offered him gifts from the guests.

When Kumarash was twelve years old, his mother took him back to Kucha. Kumarash's high reputation has spread far and wide, and many countries are vying to hire him, but Kumarash is unmoved. At that time, Rush's mother led him to the North Mountain of Yueshi. An Arhat saw Kumarashi and was very surprised to tell Rush's mother: "You should always guard the little monk. If he can reach the age of 35 without breaking the precepts, he will greatly promote Buddhism and save countless lives."

Soon, their mother and son arrived in Shale, and the young Kumarash easily put the Buddhist tripod on his head. At this moment, he thought to himself, "The Buddha Ding is very big, why is it so light. When his mother asked why, he replied, "Children have different minds, so Buddha Ding has different degrees."

Following his mother, Kumarash studied and promoted Buddhism everywhere, not only in Buddhism, but also in the world.

King Kucha also went to Wensu in person to welcome the mother and son of Kumarash back to China for enlightenment. Kucha was originally the teaching method of Mahayana, and Kumarashka held a feast of Mahayana. Everyone who heard of it cheered and praised it, and felt that it was too late to meet each other. At this time, Kumarash was twenty years old, so he received the precepts in the palace and learned the Ten Chants from the Humaraja.

Soon, Kumarash's mother decided to practice in India. She said goodbye to King Kucha and said, "Your national fortune will decline soon." She went to India alone and made progress bravely, proving Anahan.

When she wanted to visit India, she once said to Kumarosh, "It is up to you to spread the profound teachings of the Great Power to the East (China). But this magnificent thing has no interest for you. What should we do?"

Kumarash replied, "The way of Mahayana Bodhisattva is to benefit others and forget yourself. If I can spread the teachings of Buddha and awaken the confused sentient beings, I will suffer from the pain of stove soup, and I have no resentment at all."

◎ Mahayana and Mahayana teach each other ◎

Kumarash continued to stay in Kucha, and soon found the "Shining Light Sutra" in the old wing room of the Buddhist temple. He unfolded the scriptures and read them. Suddenly, he saw a blank wooden ultimatum. He knew that it was evil doing mischief in the dark, and his determination to recite the scriptures was stronger. As a result, the magic failed, and the words of the scripture immediately appeared, so he read and studied the Light Shining Sutra.

But suddenly I heard from the sky: "You are a wise man, why do you need to read the Light Release Sutra?"

Kumarash said, "You are a little devil and should leave quickly! My mind, like the earth, cannot be turned at all."

In Kucha, Kumarashi read many Mahayana scriptures. In two years, he has been able to understand the mysteries of Mahayana teaching.

King Kucha built the Golden Master's Seat for Kumarashi, which is covered with beautiful cushions, and respectfully invites Kumarashi to rise to the throne. But Kumarash said, "My master in the state of Jubin has not yet realized the wonderful meaning of Mahayana. I want to go to explain it to him personally, so I can't stay here long."

Soon, Kumarashi's master turned his head and traveled a thousand miles to Kucha.

King Kucha asked Pan Tou Da Duo, "Why do you come to your country from far away?"

Pan Tou Daduo said, "First, I heard that my disciple Kumarashi had extraordinary experience, and second, I heard that the King tried to promote Buddhism, so I braved all the hardships to come to your country."

When Kumarash heard the news of Master's presence, he was very pleased with taxes and finally realized his original wish.

Kumarash first told the Master about the Sutra of Virtue, because both the master and the apprentice did not believe in the reason, emptiness and falsehood of the Sutra. Therefore, we should first interpret this sutra to break the mystery and enlighten.

Pan Tou Da Duo asked Kumaras: "Have you ever seen any wonderful meaning when you advocate Mahayana classics?"

Kumalosh replied, "The truth of Mahayana is profound, which illustrates the true emptiness of self emptiness and dharma emptiness; the truth of Hinayana is partial, and there are many deficiencies."

Pan Tou Daduo said, "You think all laws are empty, which is terrible! What about those who abandon 'law' and love 'emptiness and righteousness'? Once upon a time, there was an arrogant man who ordered the weaver to make the finest cotton silk. The weaver was ingenious and specially made fine silk like dust. The madman thought it was too thick, so the weaver became angry and pointed to the air and said,' This is the finest cotton silk! ’The madman asked doubtfully: 'Why can't I see?' The weaver said, 'This cotton yarn is very delicate. Even an excellent weaver like me can't see it, let alone someone else.' The madman was overjoyed and paid the weaver. Now you are talking about empty method, just like that story. "

Kumarash tried hard to talk about the wonderful meaning of Mahayana by analogy. After more than a month of debate between masters and apprentices, he finally persuaded Pan Tou Da Duo.

Pan Tou Daduo exclaimed, "Shifu failed to communicate, and the disciple inspired Shifu's mind instead. This is confirmed today."

Pan Tou Da Duo saluted Kumarashi and said, "The monk is the master of my Mahayana, and I am the master of the monk's Mahayana."

The Mahayana and the Hinayana are masters and disciples of each other, which is a good story!

◎ Fu Jian admires virtue in the Western Regions ◎

Kumarash's spirit, talent and talent spread throughout the Western Regions, and everyone admired them. Every year, they held a lecture. The kings of the Western Regions gathered to hear about the Dharma, and knelt beside Kumarash's throne, so that Kumarash could step on it.

The fame of Kumarash spread not only to the western regions, but also to China. Fu Jian of the former Qin Dynasty has heard a lot about his name, and he already has the idea of welcoming you.

In the 13th year of Jianyuan era (376 AD) of Fu Jian, the imperial historian said: "There is a shining star in the frontier of a foreign country. In the future, there should be a wise man with great virtue who will come to China."

Fu Jian said, "I heard that there was a Kumarashi in the Western Regions, and there was a Shidaoan in Xiangyang. The great virtue and wisdom of the foreign country must be Kumarashi!"

The former king of Shanshan State and the younger brother of King Kucha once came to court together to bless Jian, saying that the Western Regions were rich in pearl treasures and should send troops to fight against them. In February of the 17th year of the Jianyuan era (380 AD) of Fujian in the former Qin Dynasty, the King of Shanshan and other people also asked for a crusade against the Western Regions. So in September of the next year, Fujian sent Lv Guang, a cavalry general, and Jiang Fei, a Lingjiang general, together with the King of Shanshan and the King of Cheshi, to lead a 70000 army to crusade against Kucha and Uqi.

Before leaving, Fujian held a farewell banquet at Jianzhang Palace and said to Lv Guang, "The emperor governed the country in accordance with the law of heaven and loved the people as his son. What is the reason why he wanted to take the land and fight against it? Just because he missed the great virtue and wise people in the distance! I heard that there was a Master Kumarashi in the Western Regions who understood Buddhism deeply and was good at yin and yang. He was a master of later learning. I miss him very much. A wise man is a great treasure of the country. If you defeat Kucha, you should hurry to escort him back to the country. "

Just as Lv Guang's army set out, Kumalosh told King Baichun of Kucha: "The fate of Kucha is declining, and there will be powerful enemies coming from the east. You should greet them respectfully and not send troops to resist." But King Kucha refused to listen to the advice and led the army to resist. As a result, he was beaten to pieces, and King Baichun of Kucha was also killed.

◎ Walk in the east after several storms ◎

After the restoration of the country of Kucha, Lv Guang became the king of Kucha. Lv Guang captured Kumarash. Seeing that he was still young, he did not know the depth of his wisdom, so he teased him as a common man. Lv Guang forced Kumarash to marry Princess Kucha, and Kumarash resigned. Lv Guang also ordered Kumarash to ride on a fierce bull and an evil horse, hoping to see his funny appearance when he fell from the back of a bull and a horse. After several times of disgusting bullying, Kumarash was full of humiliation and did not show any anger. Finally, Lu Guang felt ashamed and stopped his contemptuous behavior.

Lu Guang led his troops back to the country and camped at the foot of the mountain. Kumalosh said, "You can't stay here, or the whole army will be in a mess. You should move the army to the plateau."

Lv Guang ignored the suggestions of Kumarash and remained the same. That night, it rained heavily, and mountain torrents broke out. The water was several meters deep, and thousands of soldiers died. At this time, Lv Guang just felt the supernatural of Kumarash.

Kumarash also said to Lv Guang, "This dangerous place of death is not suitable for a long time. You should calculate the fate and destiny. You should hurry to lead your troops back to the country. You must find a good place to live in halfway."

Lv Guang followed Kumarash's advice and quickly led his army away. When the army arrived in Liangzhou (today's Wuwei County, Gansu Province), it was rumored that Fu Jian had been killed by Yao Chang. Lv Guang ordered the three armies to mourn and establish themselves as emperors. The country was called Liang (later Liang in history), and Jianyuan was called Tai'an.

In the first month of the second year of Tai'an (387 AD), a strong wind blew in Guzang. Kumarash said, "An unlucky strong wind shows that there will be a rebellion, but you don't need to work hard to move people, and you will be able to calm down!"

Indeed, in the second year of Lv Guang and Longfei, Linsong, Lu Shuihu, Qu Nancheng, Mengxun and others in Zhangye rebelled and publicly recommended Duanye, the governor of Jiankang, as the leader of the alliance.

Lv Guang immediately sent Lv Zai, the governor of Qinzhou and the Duke of Taiyuan, the son of his beloved concubine, to lead 50000 elite soldiers to the crusade. At that time, everyone thought Duan Ye and others were just a ragtag crowd, and Lv Zai had a strong voice, which would certainly be able to calm down the chaos. Lv Guang also went to visit Kumarash with confidence. Kumarash said, "I cannot win back after observing this trip."

Before long, Lv Zao was defeated in Heli. Later, Guo Xin also started an uprising. Lv Zaiban led a large army back, and was defeated by Guo Xin. The whole army was destroyed. Lv Zaiban had to abandon Jia and return to the country.

◎ Five color silk rope, good or bad. ◎

Lv Guang attaches great importance to the minister Zhang Zi. Once Zhang Zi was ill in bed. Lv Guang was very anxious and invited many famous doctors to treat him. But the medicine failed. Suddenly, a foreign practitioner named Luo Cha claimed to be able to heal Zhang Zi. Lv Guang believed it and rewarded Luo Cha with many treasures.

Kumarash knew that Luo Cha was deceiving people, so he went to tell Zhang Zi, "Luo Cha can't cure your disease, it's just futile! Although people's fate is dim, it can be measured by some phenomena."

Kumarash tied a rope with five colored silk, burned it into ashes, and then threw it into the water. He said that if the ashes surfaced, they would gather into the essence of the rope, which showed that Zhang Zi could not recover from his illness. All of a sudden, the rope ash floats on the water surface and forms the shape of the original silk rope.

Zhang Zi died after taking the medicine for a few days. Before long, Lu Guang also died. Lv Shao, the crown prince of Lv Guang, succeeded to the throne, but a few days later, Lv Zao killed Lv Shao and became independent, establishing Xianning in the Yuan Dynasty.

◎ Chess game dialogue hidden mystery ◎

In the second year of Xianning, Lv Zai had many strange things. It was found that a sow gave birth to three piglets. At night, a flying dragon appeared from the well in the east wing, climbed to the front of the main hall, and then disappeared at dawn. Lv Zai thought it was a kind of auspicious omen, so he called the main hall the Dragon Flying Hall. Soon, the news came that Black Dragon was leaping at the Nine Palaces Gate, so Lv Zao changed the Nine Palaces Gate to Dragon Xing Gate.

Kumarosh said to Lv Zao, "The appearance of the demon pig recently symbolizes that something strange will happen. It is not auspicious for the Qianlong to travel. Dragons belong to the yin category, and they come and go regularly, but they often appear recently, which symbolizes that disaster is coming. There must be a subordinate usurping the throne. You should restrain yourself and cultivate virtue to save the fate." But Lv Zao did not take advice.

One day, Lv Zao played chess with Kumarosh. Lv Zao ate a piece of Kumarosh's chess piece. Lv Zao said, "Kill Hu Nu." Kumarosh replied, "You can't kill Hu Nu. Hu Nu will kill him." Kumarosh's words were insinuating, but Lv Zao failed to wake up.

Lv Bao, Lv Guang's younger brother, had a son named Lv Chao, whose small character was Hu Nu. Later, he killed Lv Zao and made his elder brother Lv Long emperor. At that time, everyone suddenly realized the prediction of Kumarash.

◎ Classics Translation Association ◎

Yao Chang killed Fu Jian and established the Later Qin Dynasty. He owned a place in Guanzhong. He humbly invited Kumarash to visit. But the Lv royal family, afraid that the magical and intelligent Kumarash, once used by Yao Chang, would be detrimental to the cool country established by Lv, was not allowed to travel eastward.

After the death of Yao Chang, the crown prince Yao Xing succeeded to the throne and sent envoys to Liangguo to urge Kumarash, but still in vain.

In March of the first three years of Yao Xinghong in the later Qin Dynasty (401 AD), in the Xiaoyao Garden in the temple, the green onion turned into a fragrant angelica, which is recognized as auspicious, symbolizing the coming of great virtue and wisdom. In May of the same year, Yao Xing sent Longxi Shuode to attack Lvlong in the Liangguo in the west. Lvlong's army was defeated. In September, Lvlong went to the table to surrender, and Kumarosh could go to Guanzhong. At that time, he was 58 years old.

On December 20, the third year of Hongshi, Kumarashi arrived in Chang'an. Yao Xing was extremely happy to pay taxes. He treated Kumarash with the courtesy of a national teacher. The next year, he urged him to translate Buddhist scriptures in Ximing Pavilion and Xiaoyao Garden. He also selected more than 800 people, including Shamen Sangqi, Sangqian, Faqin, Daoliu, Daoheng, Daobiao, Seng Rui, Seng Zhao, to participate in the translation.

Kumarashi has translated Zhonglun, Bailun, Twelve Mens, Prajna Sutra, Fahua Sutra, Da Zhi Du Lun, Vimo Sutra, Huashou Sutra, Cheng Shi Lun, Amitabha Sutra, Wuliang Shou Sutra, Shoushurangama Samadhi Sutra, Shiju Sutra, Sitting Zen Samadhi Sutra, Maitreya Becoming Buddha Sutra, Maitreya Xiasheng Sutra Ten Chants, Ten Chants, Bodhisattva, Buddha, Bodhisattva, etc. The total number of relevant translations, according to the second volume of the Collection of Tripitaka, has 35 volumes and 297 volumes; According to the four volumes of Kai Yuan Lu, there are 74 volumes and 384 volumes in total.

During the reign of Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Buddhism came to China. After the Wei and Jin dynasties, the number of classics translated into Chinese gradually increased, but most of the translated works were not fluent, which was somewhat different from the original Sanskrit version.

After being detained in Liangguo for 17 years, Kumarash was very familiar with the Chinese people and was able to use the language and characters freely. In addition, he was originally knowledgeable and had literary literacy. Therefore, in translating classics, he was naturally vivid and matched with wonderful meaning, and created an unprecedented grand occasion in the mileage of translation.

◎ Great Master who inherits the past and ushers in the future ◎

From the classics translated by Kumarash, it can be seen that what he is committed to promoting is mainly the Mahayana middle view of the dragon tree system based on the Prajna Sutra. His translation of Confucian classics has had a tremendous impact on the history of Buddhism in China.

Zhong Lun, Bai Lun and Twelve Men Lun were later carried forward in the south by Daosheng, and were collected by Sanglang, Sangquan and Falang in the Sui Dynasty. Therefore, Kumarash is respected as the ancestor of the Three Arguments Sect. The Three Theories, together with the Great Wisdom Theory, became the Four Theories School. In addition, the Fahua Sutra is the thread end of the Tiantai Sect; "Cheng Shi Lun" is the fundamental canon of Cheng Shi Zong; The Amitabha Sutra and Ten Dwellings of Vipassa are the basis of the Pure Land Sect; "Maitreya Becomes a Buddhist Sutra", promoting the development of Maitreya belief; The Sitting Samadhi Sutra promotes the prevalence of Bodhisattva Buddhism; The Sanskrit Net Sutra enables our country to widely disseminate Mahayana precepts; The Ten Chanting Rhymes is an important book for the study of law Kumarashi has made great contributions in the history of Buddhism.

Kumarashi is very fond of Mahayana teaching and aims to explain the wonderful theory widely. However, observing the situation in China at that time, he can't help sighing and saying: "If I write Mahayana Apitan, this is not comparable to Kadanzi. Now there are few people with deep knowledge and foresight in China, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to get resonance. I am here like a bird with broken plumage. What will I write? " Then Kumarash gave up sadly!

Later, Kumarash wrote only two volumes of the Theory of Reality, as well as the annotation of the Vimo Sutra. His diction is graceful and beautiful, and his literary grace is brilliant without being deleted. He once wrote and answered questions with Mount Lushan Huiyuan, and later generations specially compiled three volumes of his answers to Huiyuan's questions about Mahayana's eighteen branches of righteousness into Mahayana's chapter of righteousness.

◎ The tongue behind the tea is not burnt ◎

Yao Xing was always daydreaming and said to Kumarash, "Master, you are smart and intelligent, and you are the best in the world. If you die, the law will be cut off, and no one can inherit it." So Yao Xing forced Kumarash to accept ten women.

Kumarash suffered untold hardships, but had to endure humiliation in order to translate scriptures. Since then, Kumarash has moved to other places instead of living in the houses of Buddhist temples. When speaking about the scriptures when ascending the throne, he often said with great sincerity: "For example, if there are lotus flowers growing in the smelly mud, you just need to pick up the lotus flowers instead of picking up the smelly mud!"

Some people are contemptuous of Kumarash, and they also want to imitate him. Kumarash then gathered the public and came to the bowl full of iron needles. He said with a calm face, "If you can learn from me to swallow this bowl of needles, you can learn my behavior. Otherwise, I hope you can work with peace of mind, abide by the precepts, and never breed delusions again!" After saying that, he immediately swallowed the bowl full of iron needles, just like eating a meal. When the public saw this rare display, they were dumbfounded and ashamed.

In Kucha, Kumarashi studied as a lawyer from the Humoran Fork. When Bhimora crossed the border, Kumarashi was very happy and went to worship. Bhimorasha did not know that Kumarashka was persecuted, so he asked: "You have a unique cause in China, and how many disciples have received the Dharma?" Kumarashka replied: "The scriptures and laws in China are not complete. Most of the new scriptures and theories are interpreted by me, and 3000 disciples follow me to learn the Dharma. However, I... have deep karma, and I did not follow my master's teachings!"

A Bhikkhu who crossed a cup and followed his fate in Pengcheng sighed with regret when he heard that Kumarash was in Chang'an, "I haven't seen him for more than 300 years, and I'm afraid we will meet again in the next life."

Kumarash knew that his life was over, but he still wanted to continue to translate scriptures and promote Dharma. When he felt a little out of tune, he held a mantra for himself three times and invited foreign disciples to recite it together. However, there was no way back. Before his death, Kumarash said goodbye to the monks: "We met because of Buddhism, but I have not done my best, but I am going to leave. How can I express my sadness! I think I am foolish, and I am honored to be the interpreter of Buddhist scriptures. I have translated more than 300 volumes of scriptures. Only the Ten Chants has not yet been approved. If I can preserve the purpose, there must be no mistakes. I hope that all translated classics can be handed down to later generations and carried forward. Now I make an honest vow in front of the public - if the classics I interpret are correct, I hope my tongue will not burn after my body is cremated. "

On August 20, the 11th year of Yao Xinghong's reign in the Later Qin Dynasty, that is, the fifth year of the reign of Emperor An in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (409 AD), Kumarashi passed away in Chang'an and was cremated in the Happy Garden. When the ash smoke was extinguished, his body had been shattered, and only his tongue was still alive. This is the fulfillment of his previous vows, leaving us endless meditation and memory! (Text: Xiu'e)

Related reports: Alai: Kumarashi, or Kumarashi Pagoda - Part 3 of Wuwei 2012-08-08 13:17:43
Legend of Eminent Monk: Why Does Kumarashi Marry His Wife? Ten Girls Are Tricked 2012-01-04 11:49:48
Kumalosh: Breaking the precepts and getting married 2010-09-14 22:52:34
The "World" Discovered by Kumarash 2008-09-22 16:25:28
Follow in the footsteps of Kumarash - Kashgar 2008-08-29 10:26:41
Video: Picture and text: Kumarosh and Kizil Grottoes 2006-08-31 17:01:52
Chinese and Japanese Buddhists Commemorate the Birthday of Kumarashi, the Great Translator of Scriptures in the Later Qin Dynasty 2004-10-17 10:53:00

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