Old Aikangu: Do not leave the table and continue to stir up the feast!

16:51, November 19, 2018      Author: Lao Ai   

Article/Ai Tangming, Chief Commentator of Sina Finance[ micro-blog ]

On Monday, the Shanghai Stock Index successfully reached the 2700 point integer mark, which benefited from the rise of Shanghai Stock Exchange 50, which benefited from the pullback of the GEM, giving 28 style a chance to change.

However, the GEM did not fall much. Although there was a negative effect of the new delisting rules, leading to the decline of the hot spots represented by the ST plate and shell resources, the funds did not leave, but just turned to speculate in other stocks, making today a grand occasion of 100 share price limit again!

Why don't the funds go? Or that sentence, the hype feast has just begun, and they are not full yet. Who will leave the table easily? In a word, the current market is "stay at the table". Hot money can change tables, but they will never leave the banquet easily. This is the fundamental reason why the market is easy to rise but difficult to fall and difficult to back down.

Today's market is a typical table change. Although the ST plate, shell resources, including the hottest venture capital concept in recent years, have all cooled down, other hot spots have risen again. For example, Xiong'an concept, state-owned enterprise reform, local stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen, and securities companies.

In particular, Xiong'an concept, after the sudden rise in the late afternoon, set off a crazy trend of trading limit, and finally reached nearly 30 individual shares, which has exceeded the hottest time of venture capital concept.

What are the latest advantages of Xiong'an concept? did not! However, they have a popularity base, because in the past two years, from the perspective of the importance of the event and the trend of the plate, the only one that can compete with the concept of venture capital is Xiong'an.

After the concept of venture capital receded, the market urgently needed another hot spot to replace it, which required a leader to speculate. At this time, hot money took the lead Jidong Equipment As the trading limit was extended, other hot money naturally understood it and swarmed in, leading to the trading limit of the entire Xiong'an stock in the late afternoon.

Who is Jidong Equipment? That was the leader of Xiong'an concept last year, starting from 13 yuan, and then being fried all the way to 45 yuan. Although it has declined all the way since then, falling to more than 9 yuan last month, he was once the first leader and had a popularity base! It can be seen that hot money is not just speculation, but also very skilled and familiar with the way of speculation.

The rise of Xiong'an concept has also been inspired by the concept of state-owned enterprise reform. Today, there are more than 10 individual stocks in this concept, but people are not just speculating, but there is good news.

Weng Jieming, Deputy Director of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, recently wrote that since 2016, the country has selected three batches of 50 state-owned enterprises, including 28 central enterprises, to carry out mixed reform pilot projects in important industries such as power, oil, natural gas, railway, civil aviation, telecommunications, and military industry.

However, this is not to announce any important good news, it is just a summary of past achievements. However, no matter what the hot money is, it has become addicted to speculation recently. No matter what the good news is, it should be fired first. It is impossible to put it in the past. Who can make the market warmer now? It is easy to speculate!

As for the bad news of the new delisting rules, it is not enough to scare away hot money from the market. It is a big deal not to speculate on stocks with delisting risks, but to speculate on other stocks! Since the gap in supervision has been relaxed, as long as we do not confront the management and stir too much, it is generally nothing.

Therefore, the hype of the feast is not over yet, and the food market will continue. It is the basic feature of this feast that you will not leave the table and keep changing tables!

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(The author of this article introduces: chief commentator and senior investor of Sina Finance.)

Editor in charge: Ai Tangming SF002

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