Five Taboos Easily Ignored in Writing E-mail

08:34, May 21, 2015    Author: LinkedIn    ( zero ) +1

Article/LinkedIn, the author of Sina's financial institution column, Dr. Travis Bradberry (the president of TalentSmart, a best-selling book EQ 2.0 co-author EQ testing training company)

   The most subtle thing about email is to make sure that the recipient's perception of your email is what you want them to feel. You must have a sense of interpersonal relationships to ensure that this goal is achieved. This means that you need to spend more time before clicking Send, and think about what your recipients will think of your email from their perspective.

 Five Taboos Easily Ignored in Writing E-mail Five Taboos Easily Ignored in Writing E-mail

Even the most amiable and polite of us may leave an impression of being rude in our emails. It is an exquisite art to write emails in the same way as words.

In the actual interpersonal dialogue, you will adjust the tone, expression, gesture and posture to suit the feelings you need to express. The reason for this is that people tend to respond to how you say things much better than what you actually say.

While email is equivalent to "stripping away" the conversation, email is very efficient, but it may also lead to simple interactions into difficult misunderstandings. Without facial expression and body posture to guide your message, people will pay attention to any word you knock out and regard it as the vane of your tone and mood.

Most of the mistakes people make in email can be completely avoided. The following is an analysis of these easily overlooked errors and hidden omissions.

   1. Obsessive compulsive disorder is generally copied and replied to everyone

One of the most annoying practices that can be avoided is always copying others when writing emails. I attribute this behavior to the most annoying, but the most annoying "highest honor" should be given to excessive "reply to everyone". If someone sends you the same email as a large number of people, do you really think that everyone would like to receive the next email that you wrote "thank you"? Of course they don't. If you do this, you will drive people crazy.

The trick to know when to copy someone's email is to treat this email as a meeting that everyone will attend in person. The question then becomes: "Is it really necessary to call this person to the meeting, or is it really helpful?" If the answer is no, then you should not waste their time by copying the email to them. Never answer everyone. Even if someone replies to everyone in the mail flow, if you follow the example, you are also doing something annoying. If you have something to say, it is better to reply directly (or privately) to the original initiator of the email, and let him/her decide whether the whole group should know about it.

   2. Too simple

There is also a common case of email conflicts, where the efforts of the two sending parties in writing the initial email and the reply letter are completely unequal. If someone writes a paragraph detailing important things, he expects your careful reply. You can't achieve your goal by sending an email with only "received" or "known". Because you cannot know your intention or tone of voice, too brief a reply will leave the recipient with a cold or sarcastic impression. It's really unfortunate that this happens, because the sender basically has no such intention.

The best way to avoid misinterpreting simple answers is to share your intentions. Even if "I'm a little busy now, and will look at it later this week", it feels better than simply "receiving". Many people will regard the latter as "not being valued".

   3. Abuse of "Urgent" email title

The use of "urgent" or "as soon as possible" in the title means that the recipient is completely disrespectful. If your email is important, pick up the phone and tell the recipient. Even if the email is really urgent in rare cases, it is unnecessary to put an urgent tag on the title, which is equivalent to sending a strong negative "tone" message.

The key to avoiding the abuse of "urgent" titles is divided into two parts. First of all, if this matter can be best handled in any way other than email, then you should choose not to email. Secondly, if there is no better way, the key is whether you can write a headline that can attract attention. After all, most people check email frequently. As long as your title can catch the recipient's eye, you can get things done. Don't label the email as urgent. Instead, you should first ask why this email is urgent? The answer to this question is the new title of the email you should write. If a customer wants to get a reply today, simply write "The customer needs to reply within today" in the title bar. This is enough to make people feel urgent, but it will not send a rude and oppressive message.

   4. Spread negative energy

If the email sent always tells others what they have done wrong or what they should not do, it will definitely have a negative impact. Even if you want to provide constructive criticism, you should try to avoid the spread of negative emotions in your email. Since the recipient cannot hear you directly, they will read the meaning of the wording carefully, and their mind will generate your tone of voice as they perceive it. If negative energy is spread by e-mail, the negative color will be especially strong.

Whenever you find yourself using negative words, such as "don't do", "can't", "won't", "can't", please turn them into positive words. Such an adjustment will change the overall tone of your message, for example, changing "you cannot complete such a report in the future" to "please... when you complete the report next time". If you have to give negative feedback, don't do it in an email. You can say it on the phone, or talk about it together while walking on the hillside.

   5. Similar to machine

It is easy for people to think of writing email in order to finish something as soon as possible, but if you do it too extreme, you may leave people feeling like a machine. You can't go to a person's office and give him a report on how to do it without saying something to thank or appreciate. It may seem to be the most efficient way to cut the subject directly, but it will leave a lasting negative impression.

It's easy to solve this problem. It only takes one more second to greet the recipient. You don't need to ask the recipient how he spent his weekend, you just simply regard him as a man of flesh and blood. Greeting the other person will make the tone of the email more respectful than simply sending an email to arrange work.

Remember to integrate the above solutions.

The most subtle thing about email is to make sure that the recipient's perception of your email is what you want them to feel. You must have a sense of interpersonal relationships to ensure that this goal is achieved. This means that you need to spend more time before clicking Send, and think about what your recipients will think of your email from their perspective.

What do you hate most about the above email taboo? What mistakes have you made yourself? Please share your thoughts in the comments below this article. I will learn as much from you as you can from me. (Enlightenment/Compilation)

(About the author of this article: professional social networking sites )

This article is solely authorized by the author to be used by Sina Finance. Please do not reprint it. The opinions expressed do not represent the opinions of this website.

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