Nine sentences spoken by the most successful people every day

11:10, April 10, 2015    Author: LinkedIn    ( zero ) +1

Article/Sina Financial Institution Column Linkedin Author Jeff Haden

   Success is based on action, not ideas. Of course, thinking is usually the first step. Success comes from a certain creativity, opinion, viewpoint or even just an attitude.

 Nine sentences spoken by the most successful people every day Nine sentences spoken by the most successful people every day

The following are nine sentences that very successful people say every day. These expressions encourage them to take action and achieve more.

   1. If no one else wants to do this, let me do it.

In many cases, the simplest way out of the extraordinary path is to do something that others do not want to do. Therefore, pick something that others will not do. It may be simple and trivial, but it doesn't matter. Whatever it is, just do it. You will soon be a little different from others.

Please keep on doing something that others don't want to do every day. In a week, you will become unusual, in a month, you will be different, and in a year, you will be extraordinary. In the end, you will become a unique person.

   2. Oh, things aren't that bad at all.

The most deadly fear is the fear of the unknown, at least for the author. Nothing will eventually become as difficult or terrible as we imagine. In addition, overcoming a certain fear can bring you excitement that you would never expect. You will flash the idea: "I can't believe I did it!" This may be an excitement you haven't experienced for a long time.

Do something every day that makes you a little afraid, either physically or emotionally. Then, believe that you can find a way to solve any problems arising from it, because you can do it.

   3. I can't do anything today, but at least I can take a small step.

You may have plans, goals, and ideas, but who cares? You have nothing until you actually do something. In our daily life, we are often constrained by hesitation and uncertainty, resulting in our unwillingness to act to realize our ideas. Choose a plan, goal or idea, and then put it into action, even if it's just a small step.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The first step is often the hardest, and the next step will be easier and easier.

   4. I should be quiet

I often talk a lot. I think I am insightful, intelligent and humorous. Occasionally, even in very few cases, I may have one of the above characteristics, but in most cases, I do not have these.

People who are truly confident do not feel the need to force them to talk. Although I hate the following situations, I can still realize from time to time that I keep talking not because other people are interested in what I say, but because I like it. Never speak to please yourself. Once you do this, you won't make anyone happy.

   5. I don't care what others think.

Most of the time, we should care about what other people think. However, this does not apply to the pursuit of the life you really want.

If you really want to start a business (remind me, this can be done in a few hours), and you are worried that others may say you are crazy, you might as well start the company first. Find something you haven't tried because you are worried about what others think and say, and start doing it bravely.

Your life is your own and should be built in your own way.

   6. I will prove you wrong.

I have to admit with shame that one of the best ways to motivate me is to irritate me, or create an atmosphere that makes me feel offended, whether I am right or wrong because of this.

Whether I am angry or not has a legitimate reason is not the point. Stimulating my morale and doing everything that can prove that the other party is wrong is. More importantly, achieving what I want to do is the ultimate goal.

Call it false competition and artificial anger, childish and immature, or deliberate humiliation. No matter how you define it, this way is extremely effective for me. Don't forget, it has also been tried and tested against basketball superstar Michael Jordan. It may also work on you.

   7. Things are not perfect, but I can accept it.

Yes, there is only one chance to make a first impression, and perfection seems to be the only acceptable result.

Unfortunately, no product or service is perfect, and no plan or action can perfectly plan everything. Work hard, make first-class performance, and let the results take their course. Your customers and colleagues will tell you what needs to be improved. This means that your progress is actually important to others.

You can't make anything perfect unless you let it be. Try your best, let go, and believe that you will try to make up for any shortcomings.

   8. I should do better

We all did our best, but we could have done something better, in terms of language, actions and omissions. We may not have seized the time, timely intervention or full support.

Successful people never expect things to be perfect, but they will think about how to make continuous progress. Therefore, at the end of the day, you should reflect on what you have done well, think about what you can do better, analyze the reasons, take your own responsibility, and promise yourself that you will do better tomorrow.

   9. It doesn't matter. I just need to do more than others.

Just like the winning team of Sailing America Cup: Oracle [Weibo] Jimmy Spithill, the captain of the USS America, said, "I have hardly encountered it in my life. Doing less than others can be a good strategy to win in the end."

You may have no experience, no money, no relationship, no talent, but you can think more, be more busy, and do more than others. Even when everything seems to be against you, trying to stick to it can still be your competitive advantage, and they may be the only advantage you really need. (Enlightenment/Compilation)

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Article keywords: Successful person Self-Improvement Workplace

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