Star Business Review: It's easy to abuse a rich middle-aged man

17:55, November 20, 2018      Author: Star Business Review   

Article/Sina Financial Opinion Leader Column (WeChat official account kopleader)

Author: Bo Fuwa

   Today, Yu Minhong, an English teacher, had a lively Chinese lesson. He certainly didn't know that Chinese curse words can be so rich.

The cause of the matter may not need to be repeated: Yu Minhong made a heartfelt statement at the 2018 Academic Conference, which caused many people to suffer from physical discomfort. He said that "now China is due to the degradation of women, which leads to the degradation of the whole country".

This way of inference is obviously absurd. Yu Minhong is very good at teaching GRE's logic class, but in this inference, he made at least three mistakes: generalizing from one part, changing concepts, and improper juxtaposition of concepts. I am deeply worried about his students.

So netizens hit him back with the same fallacy method, and the most lethal reply was:

   The biggest degradation of his mother is not to corrupt him.

After being drowned in the drool of all netizens, Yu Minhong had to apologize on his microblog: "If women are strong, the country will be strong, and men will be strong." But isn't this the same logical path as "if women fall, the country will fall, and men will fall"?

You see, if you put it another way, everyone will not be angry.

Not many people listened to the full text of Yu Minhong's speech. Before he said that Chinese women were degenerate, he described how Chinese aunts scrambled for free goods and lost face in front of international friends. He repeatedly used foul language and concluded:

   This is what I said about the Chinese women who completely ruined China.

In the Chinese public opinion field, you can say that "Niang Pao has destroyed the next generation of China", that "the bad guys are getting old", that "Chinese men are greasy and disgusting", and that "men are all big pig hooves", but you must not say bad things about women.

The BBC said in a documentary that one man is raped every eight hours in the world, and 70% of the perpetrators are women. The news has only been forwarded 12 times on Weibo, with 16 comments. And the documentary that also reflects female sexual assault, also from the BBC's "Shame of Japan", has a maximum of 2400 forwarding entries.

In September this year, a boy in the third year of junior high school was molested by Didi's driver. The most praised comment on popular microblog was attacking straight male cancer.

When a wife was suffering from malignant tumor and her husband filed for divorce, the comments on the news were full of complaints about her husband's thoughtlessness. However, in the news that the husband suffered from liver cancer and his wife chose to divorce after abortion, many people supported his wife's practice. In the sponsored vote, two-thirds of the people chose to kill their children.

   Gender exchange, comments over million.

The first person to attack Yu Minhong was teacher Zhang Yuqi, the violent husband of the family not long ago. Her microblog has forwarded 100000 messages, and the comments of Sister Zhang Niubi are full of praise.

People can talk about women's depravity, but they must do it in a different way. For example, there is a classic question on Zhihu, "What if we learn that more and more female college students are being kept, and the existing values begin to waver?"

In the comments, many female netizens began to turn their spearheads to men, thinking that men also have big pig hooves, and then male netizens fought back. Like many similar events, this time, netizens were caught in the mutual blame between Chinese pastoral women's rights and straight men's cancer.

Both men and women clearly reached a consensus on the degeneration of the country. But there are still big differences about who caused it.

Yu Minhong, a rich middle-aged man, criticized women, which made him even more guilty.

China's rich middle-aged men are a fragile and sensitive species. Sad, not boastful, easy to inferiority, narcissism to death. When he was young, he was stupid but didn't know it. He was lucky enough to get rich in a prosperous age. When he was middle-aged, he was at a loss. He needed to blow water and indulge in lust to get an erection.

For example, in 2017, when Yu Minhong recalled his college career, he said:

   In five years of college, no woman fell in love with me. So far, many girls have sat down and listened to me patiently. This is the victory of middle-aged men.

Yu Minhong blew a little too much this time. Although he quickly said that he realized his mistake, in fact, he believed that women could dominate the power or depravity of men. At least he expressed similar views repeatedly in his books.

For example, he mentioned many times how his wife urged him to go abroad and start his own business:

   If you don't go out of the country, you will never enter your home! After I trembled, I immediately understood that my fate would change from now on.

Yu Minhong's husband and wife relationship is so famous that an article "Chinese Women, Please Don't Sleep with Foreigners" written by the pseudonymous Mrs. Yu Minhong has been hung on the Internet for a long time. It has been published and forwarded every few years. Its main contents are:

   I boldly call for a campaign to stop Chinese women from circling foreign men.

This is obviously also an article about middle-aged men, which reflects their sense of inferiority. The netizens who scolded Yu Minhong today, have you reviewed or praised this article?

 Source: Planet Business Review Source: Planet Business Review

(The author of this article introduces: 4-minute TMT, financial stories, and humorous style of writing. His representative works include Huawei Can't Make People Beat Each Other, Fan Ye Can't Pass the Mountain, etc.)

Editor in charge: Zhang Wen

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