Li Delin: End of Long Life, Wealth on Paper

19:57, November 19, 2018      Author: Li Delin   

Article/Li Delin, columnist of Sina Financial Opinion Leader Column (WeChat official account kopleader)

   The immoral listed companies will die if they make money again. They draw all beautiful and attractive curves. There are deadly poisons in their blood, and those who lick their blood will only become funerary objects.

On November 16, a super large family printed out his bill. Of the total assets of 99.7 million yuan, 23.74 million yuan was profitable.

 Screenshot source network Screenshot source network

This profit is all earned by ST for a long time.

   Is there a way out for wealth on paper? What is the cannibalism behind the end of life?

At the moment when the fake vaccine was pulled out of Changsheng Biological Factory, the blood vessel of this listed company was destined to flow with human eating blood. After the boss of Immortals is captured, How to make a morally corrupt listed company disappear completely?

   The CSRC revised the delisting rules , listed companies that endanger public health and safety can be delisted directly

For the death game rules customized for the longevity creatures, the institutions that buy the longevity understand one thing, that is, the end.

No matter how prominent they were in the Jianghu before, their money was lost. The only thing they could do was to seize all the opportunities they could seize to escape, and how much they could escape, so as to minimize their losses.

   How much can you escape from suspension and continuous decline?

The good play began to brew in the process of continuous decline limit, and the scale APP presented the game process of long life cannibalism.

After a long decline limit, on August 30, 2018, a ground and sky board was created. On that day, the buying list was all hot money vest seats, with 28.63 million yuan bought and 96.76 million yuan sold. The net difference was as high as more than 68 million yuan, and when less than 30 million yuan was spent, a floor and ceiling board was pulled out, and 491 million yuan was traded throughout the day.

Are you confused? If 30 million yuan is played by someone, who is licking blood at the edge of the knife for 491 million yuan?

After the ceiling of the ground and sky board rose, that pillar of the sky has successfully attracted the attention of retail investors, and the air is full of hope and money.

   Many people began to ponder the logic of the ground and sky board. Long life bosses should go to prison. Listed companies are legal neutral. How can they die? How did the 491 million deal come about?

The main strategy is lure the enemy in deep They are constantly listing and canceling orders at the ceiling price, pushing the orders of retail investors to the front row. In addition to selling, the main force has no big deal to buy by itself. On the contrary, as we said at the beginning, the big print order customer has received the goods.

Remember that on August 30, ST Changsheng's share price was only one step away from the compulsory position closing line of pledge. The next day, Longevity was suspended. It's not hard to figure out who is playing now, right?

During the suspension period of Changsheng, various market rescue policies were issued one after another, especially the pledge policy for private enterprises, which did not allow the compulsory closing of positions by pledge, so that many enterprises whose lives were on the line could gain a glimmer of life. The shares of the rescued enterprises were up and down, making the whole market hot.

After a long time of trading resumption, the main players continued to play the routine of luring the enemy by trading up and down in order to fish in troubled waters, If one limit is not good, then two, if two are not good, then seven

On November 8, ST Changsheng went up and down, and the transaction on that day was 270 million yuan. In the six trading days since then, its share price has appeared six limit ups in a row. By the end of November 16, its share price had climbed to 3.94 yuan. In seven days, it had risen 1.14 yuan accumulatively, with an increase of more than 40%, and the cumulative turnover exceeded 1.7 billion yuan.

On the evening when the big family was printing the list, Shenzhen Stock Exchange announced that it would officially launch *ST Changsheng As a major illegal compulsory delisting mechanism, * ST Changsheng became the first listed company to delist due to endangering public health and safety after the revision of delisting rules.

   Is there any chance for those retail investors who go in under the main routine to escape?

   The main trick of longevity is not to be invisible. The big gods of the scale APP gave a unique way to identify the main shipment,

The time line at 11:14 is the key time point for high level and large shock shipment. Many leading players like to choose this time point. At 11:15, the main force suddenly pulled up. Don't think that the main force came to protect the plate. In fact, it is the fishing line they drew. They are playing with their lives to ship. When retail investors see this situation, they quickly flee to protect their lives. Don't wait until 11:16, At that time, it was already midnight, and the main players had successfully fled. The game ended, and the laughing people laughed and the crying people cried.

Endless life! It's hopeless to escape! Obviously, the lifelong adventurers have no chance. Their paper wealth will eventually become the toilet paper for wiping tears at the bridgehead, and eventually become the evocative paper on the Huangquan Road.

   The immoral listed companies will die if they make money again. They draw all beautiful and attractive curves. There are deadly poisons in their blood, and those who lick their blood will only become funerary objects.

(The author of this article introduces: a famous financial writer and the host of "De Lin Bang Yu". Three minute financial talk show, one capital truth every day, WeChat official account: delinshe)

Editor in charge: Zhao Ziniu

Delin News Agency, the most spicy financial talk show, official WeChat official account: delinshe

 Delin Society
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