Jia Kang: Reviewing the Southern Talks and Maintaining the Passion of Ideological Emancipation

07:42, February 16, 2017      Author: Jia Kang    ( zero ) +1

   Article/Jia Kang of China Economic 50 People Forum

   The emancipation of the mind in the new era needs to lead to the good development of the thinking characteristics of the officials and the people and the modernization of the social atmosphere, explore the essence of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation to carry forward and glorify, and absorb all the positive achievements of human civilization to support reform and revitalize China.

 Jia Kang: Reviewing the Southern Talks and Maintaining the Passion of Ideological Emancipation Jia Kang: Reviewing the Southern Talks and Maintaining the Passion of Ideological Emancipation

With a flick of his finger, Deng Xiaoping has been speaking about the South for 25 years. Since the talks in the South, China has experienced rapid growth for 20 years, with an average annual growth rate of more than 10%. In recent years, after entering the middle-income stage, it has followed the general law of the "new normal".

After being baptized by the Asian financial crisis and the world financial crisis, the international situation since 2016 has been more like a "black swan" flying around. The political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the world seem to be full of uncertainty. In the call of the new era of "only reform innovators win", China needs to re emphasize the aggressive spirit of reform and the passion of ideological emancipation when Xiaoping talked in the south.

   Innovation and development is the core of the times of the South Talk

From the perspective of expressing "ideological emancipation" in theoretical language, the problem solved by the South Talk is that Deng Xiaoping finally made it clear that more plans or more markets are the combination of mechanisms and means at the level of economic operation, rather than the fundamental system problem that has been controversial for many years. Capitalism should also have plans, and socialism should also develop markets, Considering the national conditions and the latest achievements in the development of human civilization, China must establish the target model of socialist market economy in order to achieve the great national rejuvenation of modernization in peaceful development. This practical and realistic ideological understanding "de ideologically" opens up a huge space for implementing the Party's basic line centered on economic construction and stimulating China's objectively existing development potential, bringing about the "Chinese miracle" of emancipating the mind and promoting the liberation of productive forces.

The content of the Southern Talk is very rich, but the core of the Southern Talk can be summed up in a word: innovation and development. To develop, there is only innovation; To innovate, we must emancipate our minds, dare to try and break through boldly, and dare to make breakthroughs on key issues that determine the overall situation on the premise of correctly grasping the world trend and the general direction of modernization.

In retrospect, compared with the 1980s and 1990s, our reform environment and tasks today are very different. However, China's economic and social transition is still in progress. When entering the deep-water area, some "stones" may be out of reach, which clearly requires a higher level of top-level planning. The previous plenary sessions since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have provided guidelines of the nature of top-level planning that are highly concerned and urgently needed by the society. In order to grasp the direction and path, philosophy and essentials of reform, it is necessary to carry forward the past and open up the future, and carry forward the innovative feat of Deng Xiaoping's South Talk and the ideological emancipation spirit elements that serve the Party's basic line.

   Reform is system innovation under the premise of ideological emancipation

Innovation means uncertainty, but in terms of institutional innovation, we should first strive to improve its certainty. On the basis of the reform of the deepwater area, the success and failure of the previous 30 years, and the summary of experience and lessons, we need to firmly grasp its basic concept, logic and general direction, be bold, knowledgeable Pragmatically and practically, the reform will be deepened and substantially promoted in overcoming difficulties. For this reason, we need to re emphasize the ideological emancipation in the new era!

To emphasize ideological emancipation again, we need to face up to the existing interest curing barriers and seek their solution. The space for "Pareto improvement", which benefits only people but is not damaged by others, has become narrow. The limitations of the already solid sectoral interests, local interests and short-term interests are widely reflected in a series of specific reform and development matters, and are increasingly highlighting their inertia and hindering role. But "it is more difficult to touch the interests than the soul". The dynamic mechanism since the reform and opening up was initially to "clarify the principle of material interests", grasp the hard truth of development, mobilize all positive factors, "make the people know their own interests, and unite to fight for them". But as Deng Xiaoping said in his later years, after development, there are no fewer problems than when there is no development. For example, how to upgrade relevant systems and mechanisms and optimize redistribution in response to the consolidation of departmental, local and small group interests and short-term interests when the income gap is widening has become a very offensive and difficult problem that must be solved.

A new round of ideological emancipation is bound to require us to reflect on and point out the evolution of the interest pattern from the original "egalitarianism" to the new stage of "excessive differentiation" and its related new unfair drawbacks while continuing to implement the principle of material interests, and draw on the international experience of basic system construction and policy application of income redistribution regulation, We will also design and implement reform programs to increase the proportion of direct taxes, promote the overall social planning of basic social security, "large department system" and "flattening", and implement the tax sharing system below the provincial level in close connection with China's actual situation. It is one of the important tasks of ideological emancipation in the new era to pierce the window paper of the "offending" problem that the other side deliberately avoids.

   Re emancipation of the mind needs to abandon the fixed thinking pattern

Emphasizing the emancipation of the mind again, we need to face up to the existing extreme thinking and the violent atmosphere in the confrontation of views to correct it. The "We Media" function in the information age plus the explosive communication effect of the "fragmentation" feature of the Internet, the positive view is to create convenient conditions for the diversified expression of current views, and the negative view is to make the extreme thinking of "black or white" most attractive and form a "herd effect", forming challenging problems in thought and public opinion.

So in the new round of ideological liberation, on the one hand, we should continue to grasp Deng Xiaoping's "less debate, no debate" on some "labeled" issues to lead the public opinion trend; on the other hand, we need to cultivate and advocate the national quality of rational discussion in the ideological field where debate cannot be avoided and it is necessary to deepen understanding.

In the new era of ideological emancipation, we should make good use of the solid political basis and huge ideological space for the exchange of views and rational discussion in the fine traditions of the Communist Party of China, such as "adhering to truth and correcting mistakes", "criticism and self-criticism", and the basic line of the Constitution, the Party Constitution, and reform and opening up; We should encourage innovation and development, tolerate trial and error, curb vulgarity and mental retardation, broaden the national mentality, and walk out of chaos on the path of improving China's "soft power", which is clear, vigorous, positive and inspiring.

To emphasize ideological emancipation again, we must face up to some thinking stereotypes that are still popular in China's officialdom and society and lag behind the development of the times and strive to abandon them. They are all enemies of reform and innovation, such as being wise and conservative, being narrow-minded and jealous, being complacent, being keen on building relationships and forming small circles, emphasizing ostentation and emphasizing form and ignoring connotation. In particular, such bad habits, once combined with public power, are even more harmful, causing mistakes, harming the country and the people. It is urgent to eliminate them.

The emancipation of the mind in the new era needs to lead to the good development of the thinking characteristics of the officials and the people and the modernization of the social atmosphere, explore the essence of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation to carry forward and glorify, and absorb all the positive achievements of human civilization to support reform and revitalize China

(The author of this article introduces: President of Huaxia New Supply Economics Research Institute and researcher of China Academy of Financial Sciences.)

Editor in charge: Jia Yunhang SF174

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