Main measures to accelerate the development of service industry

18:06, June 15, 2014    Author: Jiang Xiaojuan    ( zero ) +1

Article/Jiang Xiaojuan of China Economic 50 People Forum

   First, innovate financial services. The core capital of many service industries is people and professional knowledge. It is necessary to provide flexible and diverse financing methods through financial innovation to reflect the value of human capital. The second is to develop the modern logistics industry and play its positive role in linking production and consumption and promoting industrial division. Third, we will vigorously develop high-tech service industries, especially to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Fourth, improve the service level.

 Main measures to accelerate the development of the service industry. Main measures to accelerate the development of the service industry.

   Accelerate the development of modern service industry

To achieve sustained growth and successful transformation of China's economy, the service industry needs to accelerate its development and increase its proportion. The Government Work Report delivered by Premier Wen Jiabao at the Fourth Session of the Eleventh National People's Congress clearly pointed out that the development of the service industry should be accelerated during the "12th Five Year Plan" period, and the added value of the service industry in the GDP should increase by 4 percentage points; At the same time, it stressed that efforts should be made to create a market environment conducive to the development of the service industry, speed up the improvement of the policy system to promote the development of the service industry, and make arrangements for the reform and opening up of relevant service industries.

During the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, China's service industry should enter the development stage of accelerated growth and rising position in the national economy, become the main industry providing employment, the leading industry for strategic adjustment of economic structure, and the important pillar industry for economic growth, and play a more important role in the rapid and healthy development of the national economy.

   China enters the stage of accelerated development of service industry

The important role of service industry development in promoting employment, expanding consumption, improving structure, reducing consumption, improving people's livelihood, and enhancing long-term development capacity has been fully recognized in all aspects. Accelerating the development of the service industry is one of the important contents of the government's work for many years. As early as 1992, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Decision on Accelerating the Development of the Tertiary Industry. However, 10 years later, the proportion of service industry in GDP has hardly changed.

During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, the development of the service industry accelerated, but it also failed to achieve the expected goals. The Twelfth Five Year Plan once again proposes to accelerate the development of the service industry, and requires a greater increase in the proportion of the service industry. What is the basis and whether it can be achieved? Judging from the economic situation, China's economic and social development has emerged some new important features, and has entered the stage of accelerated development of the service industry.

Service demand is growing rapidly. The first is the rapid growth of demand for productive services. With the improvement of consumers' requirements for product grade and quality, the demand for intermediate services, including designing new products, promoting and maintaining brands, and supply chain management, is growing rapidly, and the consumption of associated services (such as automobile services, communication services, network services, etc.) driven by manufacturing/service integration products is growing rapidly.

Secondly, the consumption of various new services grew rapidly, such as cultural and leisure services, higher education services, sports and fitness services, property and decoration services. In addition, in the process of urbanization, a large number of rural families moved to cities, and the past rural self-sufficient services will accelerate socialization.

The third is the rapid development of new services brought about by technological changes. For example, the sales revenue of China's online game industry in 2009 exceeded 20 billion yuan, which has exceeded the revenue of the three traditional entertainment industries, namely film, television entertainment programs and audio-visual products. The fourth is the rapid growth of public services. According to the medium - and long-term development plan that has been formulated in relevant fields and after considering relevant factors, it is estimated that by the end of the "12th Five Year Plan" period, the output of the service industry in the field of social undertakings in China may account for nearly 40% of the total output of the service industry, and social undertakings will become a new growth point and an increasingly important part of the development of the service industry.

The relative price of services rose. Some service industries that directly provide labor services have seen relatively rapid price increases. There are two reasons for this: first, the service process is a process in which people directly provide labor services, and labor saving technology cannot be applied; Second, service demand is highly personalized, so service production cannot be standardized. As a result of these two reasons, the labor productivity of some service industries, such as domestic service, maintenance service, catering service, hotel service and medical service, rose slowly.

As a result, although wages in both manufacturing and service industries are rising, the rising wage costs in the manufacturing industry are offset by the rising labor productivity, and the product prices are relatively stable; The rise in service industry wages will more promote the rise in service prices. For example, in 1980, it cost 1000 yuan to buy a 17 inch black and white TV set, and about 500 yuan/year to hire a housekeeper; Now 1000 yuan can buy a 21 inch flat color TV set, while the remuneration of domestic workers has risen to about 15000 yuan/year. For consumers, the actual consumption structure has not changed much, but the consumption expenditure structure has changed fundamentally.

During the "12th Five Year Plan" period and even longer, China's labor costs will continue to rise rapidly. The increase in the relative price of the service industry will increase the proportion of the output of the service industry in the total social output.

The accelerated development of the service industry after entering the upper middle income development stage is a rule summarized from the practice of many countries. It is a general trend that the proportion of service industry in GDP increases with the increase of income level, but this trend is not the same in different income stages of different countries. In the low income and lower middle income stages, the proportion of service industry increases relatively slowly, and there is a large difference between countries.

After entering the upper middle income development stage, the development of the service industry has shown two characteristics: first, the proportion has increased significantly, with the added value of the service industry accounting for 60.4% of GDP and the proportion of service industry employees accounting for 58.3% of the total social employees on average. Second, the deviation between the national data and the national average at this stage has weakened. In 2010, China's per capita national income exceeded 4000 US dollars, ranking among the upper middle income countries. However, the added value of the service industry accounted for 43% of GDP and the proportion of service industry employees accounted for 34.8% of the total social employees, respectively.

It can be expected that during the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, China's service industry will accelerate its development under the influence of "laws" and "correction".

   Emancipate the mind and renew the concept to promote the development of service industry

The importance of promoting the development of the service industry has been widely recognized, but there are still some misunderstandings on some specific issues related to the development of the service industry. It is necessary to further emancipate the mind and update the concept.

Rationality of higher proportion of added value in non production links. The macro meaning of increasing the proportion of the service industry is that the share of the service industry in the national economy is rising, and the corresponding micro performance is that the proportion of the service link in the product value chain is getting larger and larger, that is, in the final price of goods, the service link "increases" a lot, sometimes even exceeding the value obtained in the manufacturing link or agricultural production link. For example, in the late 1990s, only about 1/5 of the price of oranges sold in American supermarkets was the income of orange farmers; In the sales price of women's ready to wear brands in British department stores, the processing cost is less than 30%.

In fact, the reasons for many price increases in the circulation link are not complicated: advanced technology and equipment are applied in production, manufacturing, environmental energy conservation, and labor productivity is constantly improving. Although labor costs are constantly rising, unit commodity prices are not rising or even falling; However, the service link requires people to people services, and the technology of replacing labor cannot be used to offset the impact of rising labor costs, so the unit service costs are rising.

Seen from the reality of our country, the high circulation cost is also related to backward facilities, monopoly, fraud and even corruption. We need to speed up construction and strengthen supervision; China's agricultural scale is low and the unit product cost is high, so agriculture products The share of farmers' income in the final price should be higher than that of countries with high agricultural intensification. However, from the perspective of the law of economic development, it is an inevitable trend that the proportion of service links in the product value chain will gradually rise.

Rationality of spiritual and psychological consumption. People's consumption of food, clothing, cars, housing and other "goods" has promoted the development of the real economy. A considerable part of the service industry products meet the spiritual and psychological needs of consumers, and such consumption meeting the spiritual and psychological needs can also promote the development of the real economy.

Service consumption to meet people's spiritual and psychological needs includes music, books, travel, fitness and other service consumption, as well as moderate pursuit of various fashions. Many people believe that commodity consumption is "substantial", while service consumption such as pursuing famous brands, satisfaction and pleasure is "vanity". In fact, the latter is the premise for the development of related service industries and also the way for manufacturing industry to enhance added value. For example, from the perspective of "material", sportswear with the same quality will be more expensive if it is endorsed by famous stars, because it brings valuable spiritual consumption.

If we recognize that goods and services are equally important in economic development, we must recognize that both material and non-material consumption behaviors are equally important: Edison's incandescent lamp meets people's material consumption needs, and Disney's Mickey Mouse meets people's spiritual consumption needs. To develop the service industry, "joy" is an important consumption content.

Rationality of market-oriented supply of non basic public services. Due to the limited financial security capacity, more resources need to be gathered through the market to meet the rapidly growing demand for non basic public services. It should be emphasized that the provision of public services by the government is not really free, but is collectively paid by citizens in the form of taxes.

An important reason for choosing the way of government providing basic public services is to ensure that low-income people share public services to ensure social equity. However, the consumption demand of many non basic public services is unevenly distributed. The more high-end consumption and newly expanded areas, the more high income residents among its consumers.

For example, the proportion of urban youth going to university is much higher than that of rural youth. If higher education is free or heavily subsidized by the government, it is equivalent to subsidizing students from higher income families. Of course, children should not be unable to receive education at any stage because their families are poor, but the solution to the problem is not that education at all stages is free, but that children from specific families can receive education through the aid system.

   Main measures to accelerate the development of service industry

We will accelerate the development of producer services and actively develop life services. The development of producer services should pay attention to the following points: First, innovate financial services. The core capital of many service industries is people and professional knowledge. It is necessary to provide flexible and diverse financing methods through financial innovation to reflect the value of human capital. The second is to develop the modern logistics industry and play its positive role in linking production and consumption and promoting industrial division. Third, we will vigorously develop high-tech service industries, especially to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Fourth, improve the service level.

The life service industry is closely related to expanding domestic demand, increasing consumption and improving people's livelihood. We should enrich the types of services, improve the quality of services, meet diversified needs, and especially accelerate the development of business services, tourism, family services, sports and fitness services.

Create a good market environment and improve the support system. Relax the market access of service industry and cultivate diversified competition subjects. For the service industry encouraged to develop, the price of electricity, water, gas and heat should be basically the same as that of industry. Expand the supply of land for the service industry, and give priority to the land withdrawn by industrial enterprises for the development of the service industry.

We will improve the tax system for producer services in combination with the VAT reform. Broaden financing channels for service industry enterprises, and support qualified service industry enterprises to go public for financing and issue bonds. Expand the scope of government procurement services. Establish and improve the service industry standard system. Support the brand and network construction of service enterprises. Optimize the development layout of the service industry, and promote the formation of an industrial structure dominated by the service economy in megacities.

Accelerate the reform of public institutions. This plays an important role in accelerating the development of the service industry. The development of the service industry especially depends on human capital. In the service industry with high knowledge content and high specialization, such as R&D, consulting, design, film and television, sports and other industries, core personnel play a key role. Public institutions in China regard education level, working years, job titles, etc. as the main determinants of income distribution, which obviously lack incentives for high-level talents. At the same time, personnel mobility is poor. Therefore, we need to speed up the reform and form a more flexible and effective personnel management system so that outstanding talents can play a better role.

Actively and steadily promote the opening up of the service industry. The opening up of the service industry is an important force to promote the development of the global service industry. The proportion of transnational investment in the service industry in the global transnational investment stock rose from 45% in the early 1990s to 65% in 2008, and the international service supply and consumption continued to increase.

It is estimated that the direct contribution of opening up to the outside world to the growth of China's manufacturing industry is about 28%, while the contribution to the service industry is less than 10%. We should actively and steadily promote the opening up of the service industry. In the opening up of the service industry, attention should be paid to the following aspects: first, vigorously attract overseas service talents; Second, introduce foreign medium and high-end service enterprises, and promote domestic service industry to improve efficiency and services through competition and demonstration effects; Third, develop service outsourcing to provide more international white-collar jobs for college and technical secondary school graduates; Fourth, ensure economic security and social stability.

(The author of this article introduces: professor, researcher, doctoral advisor, deputy secretary-general of the State Council, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)

(The "2014 Sina Jinqilin Forum" hosted by Sina Finance is scheduled to be held at JW Marriott Hotel in Beijing on November 22, 2014. The theme of this forum is reform and decision-making. It focuses on the transformation and challenges of China's economy in the deep reform period. Entrance to Registration 2015, the next step of decision-making, waiting for you!)

Article keywords: Service industry development Modern logistics industry Consumer economy Jiang Xiaojuan

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