Another big guy fell

11:41, November 20, 2018      Author: Benny   

Article/Banny, columnist of Sina Financial Opinion Leader Column (WeChat official account kopleader)

This time is Yu Minhong.

What is the nature of the mistakes he made that were denounced by the whole people?              

Many women are indignant. They say: How did women fall? Can't you see the contribution of women in the workplace and at home? The reason why these comments came into being is that netizens only read one sentence of Mr. Yu without paying attention to the preceding and following. Here Mr. Yu talks about the impact of social evaluation standards on the direction of education. This example is the impact of women's values on men's efforts. It only involves concepts, not behaviors. It means that if women's values degenerate, the whole society will be affected and degenerated.

Next time, Miss Yu will polish the sentence before giving an impromptu example.

Zhang Yuqi said that Miss Yu's mistake was that she did not understand gender equality.

That's right. In Mr. Yu's home and this speech, women's status is higher than men's, otherwise how can women's degeneration lead to the degeneration of the country.

Ironically, a female star who showed off Hermes bags and taught girls to buy more than one carat of diamond rings also got praise from everyone for criticizing Miss Yu, which is not exactly what Miss Yu criticized in the first half of her sentence, "... a bad conscience but want to make money, which is the standard for many Chinese girls to choose men“

Today Miss Yu is so disorderly, tomorrow she may be equally disorderly.

In the same logic, today you agree with Zhang Yuqi's theory of "gender equality", tomorrow you may ask your boyfriend to buy more than one carat of diamond rings, and the society will fall.

Some people use Lu Xun's famous words to criticize Yu's mistake: "I think that in a patriarchal society, women will never have such great power, and men should bear the responsibility for their rise and fall. But male writers have always blamed women for their great failure, which is really a worthless and unpromising man“

It is believed that the reason why a person engaged in education said such words is the degeneration of society.

However, Lu Xun also said another sentence: "I have never been afraid to speculate about the Chinese people with the worst malice.

The most gentle and rational conclusion is that he said the wrong thing without concealment. The meaning of the expression is wrong, not intentional.

Often speaking outside, it's hard to avoid making mistakes. But we don't agree: since you are a public figure, you should pay more attention to the wording when speaking in public!

So many important people prepared speeches to avoid making such mistakes.

But what's the use of having a speech?

Many years ago, the president of Renmin University of China mistakenly used the idiom "July Liuhuo" according to his speech. This year, another president of Peking University read "Honghao" according to his speech.

Who can give me a way to stop the slip of tongue? Who can say that he has never made a slip of the tongue?

Over the years, many male celebrities have fallen in public. Mr. Yu was convicted for his words, while more people were convicted for their deeds. Jackie Chan, who "made the mistake that all men would make", and Liu Qiangdong, who encouraged women to become Wendi Deng.

As an independent but not degenerate woman, if I was asked to choose a man, I would still choose to scold my degenerate teacher Yu. Because if I aspire to be Wendi Deng or accept the sweet talk of rich men, I may be trapped by them. Did the women with them really gain status and dignity?

Quite a lot of netizens can still understand that Mr. Yu did not mean to belittle women this time. Many Chinese people do not have enough IQ, but are too smart and emotional.

However, I don't know whether you agree or not. I don't think our indignation this time can promote the improvement of women's status or the realization of gender equality. It's just a slap in the face for Miss Yu.

One of Mr. Yu's personal charms is his impromptu speech. I'm not surprised if he has less courage to speak. The next time women really need to fight for rights, will there be a strong voice of support missing.

(The author of this article introduces that he once worked in domestic law firms, investment banks and PE institutions, and now he is engaged in cross-border M&A related businesses in Hong Kong. Author of Experiencing Investment Banking.)

Editor in charge: Zhang Wen

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