Jiang Bojing: What kind of chess did Dong Mingzhu play?

09:27, November 14, 2018      Author: Jiang Bojing   

Article/Jiang Bojing, columnist of Sina Financial Opinion Leader (WeChat official account kopleader)

   At this moment, when the court decision is still waiting for a long time, I can't help asking: What kind of chess is Dong Mingzhu playing in Zhuhai Yinlong's "internal battle"? Do you have to do it, or do you do it deliberately?

No one can imagine that Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy, which was once highly expected, is now "a chicken feather".

"One chicken feather" is not derogatory. However, this word can vividly show the current chaos of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy: the company sued the former chairman and the former president for occupying the company's interests, and the former chairman announced to sue the second largest shareholder (Dong Mingzhu) of the company.

This is not "chicken feather", what is it?

At this moment, when the court decision is still waiting for a long time, I can't help asking: What kind of chess is Dong Mingzhu playing in Zhuhai Yinlong's "internal battle"? Do you have to do it, or do you do it deliberately?

This question is worth pondering.

First of all, is Yinlong New Energy's lawsuit against former executives intended to "invite" the power of major shareholders out of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy?

The largest shareholder of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy is Guangdong Yintong Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (Zhuhai Yinlong Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., Wei Yincang is the only shareholder), accounting for 25.99% of the shares; Dong Mingzhu, as the second shareholder, accounted for 17.46% of the shares.

In addition, Dalian Wanda holds 3.73% of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy. If Wanda's shares, plus Dong Mingzhu's shares, plus other shares related to Dong Mingzhu, then the "Dong Mingzhu Group" may approach or even surpass Wei Yincang's Yinlong Group. In the case of controlling Yinlong New Energy in fact, if it has an advantage in equity ratio, Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy will be completely away from Weiyincang.

In the case that the "Gree Family" has already settled in Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy, the company's lawsuit against the former executives, I think, has both financial reasons and the intention of "cleaning up the door", right?

Once the crime of occupying the company's interests is established, Wei Yincang should not continue to stay in Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy. If this happens, it will be natural for Dong Mingzhu to take full control of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy.

Dong Mingzhu, will you have this intention? Let's look down.

Second, what is the significance of the news at this time.

I have always felt strange about Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy.

Most of the media reports are unfavorable to them. However, although most of the new energy vehicle enterprises are struggling to start their own businesses, they are basically thriving in appearance. Why Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy? It should not be.

Previously, Dong Mingzhu's words also contained some dissatisfaction with the enterprise. During the period when negative information about Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy was concentrated, Dong Mingzhu said in an interview: "The Yinlong project itself has no problems, mainly because the enterprise has some management loopholes." This time was the end of August 2018. At this time, Dong Mingzhu and Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy should have started investigating their alleged former executives' encroachment on the company's interests long ago.

Next, we can see the time sequence of this event from the public information and the letters of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy.

In November 2017, Wei Yincang resigned.

On March 25, 2018, Yinlong New Energy Co., Ltd. held an interim board meeting to elect a new chairman and president.

"Since the end of July 2018, the company has entrusted law firms and accounting firms to conduct special due diligence and audit on the related transactions between the company and the major shareholder Yinlong Group, the actual controller Wei Yincang, Sun Guohua and the related companies since the end of July 2018, regarding the abnormalities and doubts found in some transactions during the performance of the new management. The report shows that major shareholders embezzle the company's property through related transactions to damage the company's interests, and some acts are suspected of constituting criminal offences. "

"On October 10 this year (2018), Zhuhai Yinlong held a meeting of the board of supervisors, which resolved to order the company to investigate the legal responsibilities of relevant companies and personnel, recover the embezzled funds, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company."

"(2018) On October 18, the company formally filed a civil lawsuit with the Zhuhai Intermediate People's Court against three major shareholders and related parties for infringement of the company's interests. The total amount of the three cases exceeded 780 million yuan, of which the principal part was 680 million yuan. The company has reported to the Economic Investigation Bureau of Zhuhai Public Security Bureau for criminal offences involved in connected transactions, involving 270 million yuan, which has been formally accepted by the court. "

In other words, this is a very long process.

In the absence of a legal verdict, Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy announced the incident to the outside world. The direct reason is that the "letter to shareholders" was circulated on the Internet, but there is also a reason. At present, there is a very good situation - the strong support of the state for private economy. Under this situation, it is undoubtedly beneficial for Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy and Dong Mingzhu to disclose this information.

Third, if both sides lose, will Dong Mingzhu be at a disadvantage for the future Gree Electric General Assembly?

However, it is puzzling that in the face of the high-profile offensive of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy, Wei Yincang, the protagonist of this storm and the former chairman of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy, unexpectedly responded that Dong Mingzhu had been sued. In addition, according to reports, Wei Yincang replied in an interview with the reporter of China Economic Weekly: "The economic dispute has been for a long time! The lawyer team is dealing with it! I believe in the fairness of the law!" It is also reported that Wei Yincang will clarify the facts in the near future.

As for why Wei Yincang sued Dong Mingzhu, the reason is unclear. However, I guess that the dispute between Jia Yueting and Evergrande is probably similar to that between Jia Yueting and Evergrande. It may be a contradiction in the control of the company! They are all old Jianghu people, and no one will easily admit defeat.

In short, it seems that Wei Yincang will never "surrender".

This "mutual" litigation of "intercourse" will certainly last for some time.

Although the investment in Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy is Dong Mingzhu's personal behavior, it has nothing to do with Gree Appliance. However, Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy has a very close relationship with Gree Electric.

For Dong Mingzhu, the best result is that Wei Yincang is guilty; The worst result is that both sides lose. If both sides lose, will Dong Mingzhu be at a disadvantage for the future Gree Electric General Assembly? You know, the change of the board of directors of Gree Electric has been postponed for a long time. Once Dong Mingzhu loses her image, I doubt her re-election. Even if it takes a long time, it will not be a good thing.

From the above three points, Dong Mingzhu did not rush to fight, but did not plan for a long time. It was only a big accident caused by an emergency. After all, Dong Mingzhu's attitude towards Wei Yincang should have been quite friendly at the beginning, otherwise there would have been no "impulse" to purchase Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy wholly.

At this time, I remember that the minority shareholders of Gree Appliance vetoed the acquisition of Zhuhai Yinlong New Energy. If it had not been for that setback, Dong Mingzhu would not have taken a stake in Yinlong New Energy, nor would he have the trouble today!

Now, Dong Mingzhu is not wrong in choosing new energy vehicles, but he may have chosen the wrong object and the wrong way of cooperation. In a word, "we will never regret the outcome", and we should look forward to Dong Mingzhu's next move.                                    

(The author of this article introduces: columnist, winner of the Best News Review Award of the First World Internet Conference, and a signed columnist of iDoNews.)

Editor in charge: Zhang Wen

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Article keywords: Dong Mingzhu Zhuhai Yinlong
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