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Internet people return to traditional industries: income is not poor, stable, and does not lose face

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writing Chen Qiaohui

Source: Tech Planet (ID: tech618)

There is a saying spread on the Internet: the post-80s are busy getting married and divorced, while the post-00s are busy falling in love and breaking up. Only the post-90s want to make money. It seems that most of them make jokes, but making money is the hard truth to live in the present.

As Internet business shrinks and industry layoffs continue, new words such as "cost reduction and efficiency increase", "losing weight and weight" and "graduation" have emerged. But everyone knows that every word is the beautified meaning of "salary cut" and "layoff", which contains the Internet people's sadness and helplessness in life.

Escaping from the Internet has become the choice of some people. Some people choose the word "stability" as the head, hoping to get a stable job by taking the examination of the establishment and civil servants into the units within the system; Some people think that their educational ability is not enough, and they can improve their own "hardware" by taking the postgraduate and doctoral examinations; Others choose new industries to seek new opportunities and high salaries.

Today, this trend is more and more obvious, especially in the traditional industry, which has become the new home of many Internet people. Some of them have found new jobs with good salaries.

What makes Internet people go back to the traditional industries they were unwilling to go to before? Tech Planet interviewed many Internet people who returned to traditional industries in order to further understand their ideas and explore new understanding of traditional industries.

   Return to the traditional sales industry and become the champion of clothing sales with a monthly sales of 400000 yuan

Hu Na, the sales staff of its huge engine

Under the epidemic, the advertising industry is not as easy as it used to be. It has become normal to persuade people to quit and reduce their salaries. Therefore, I have left my job since the beginning of last year and plan to engage in a new industry. At that time, I was worried that I could not find a suitable job in the traditional industry. Later, I went to an offline store to work as a salesperson through a friend's introduction. It was this career change that made me realize the traditional sales work again.

Sales, to put it bluntly, is a job that needs to put down all things and concerns and work hard. Compared with online sales, offline sales have intangible difficulties.

Colleagues from offline stores told me that if you have a lot of chores and things in mind, you should not try to sell, otherwise you will feel the pressure is multiplying.

At first, I didn't believe it. After trying for some time, I really felt the pressure of doing sales on the Internet. On the one hand, there were various offline customers. It was not easy to persuade them to buy clothes. On the other hand, they would be attacked more unfriendly language than online.

At the initial stage, the pressure will be very great. A few hundred yuan worth of goods may be sold a month, ranking at the bottom of all employees, and getting a basic salary. I thought about giving up, but I chose to stick to it.

After a period of adaptation, I also slowly summarized the experience of offline sales. Sales means that when I come out, my position will become higher and higher, otherwise the pressure will become less and less. The sales themselves do not sell products, but sell themselves. When you raise yourself to a certain height, you are valuable. When you are valuable, you will earn money. Offline sales cultivate your ability to earn money independently. If you really learn how to sell, you will never worry about food and drink.

After more than half a year, my sales began to improve gradually, and even sold 400000 goods in October, winning the monthly sales championship. The salary has also gradually increased. At present, I have become the store manager. The monthly salary difference is not more than 10000 yuan. Compared with the salary on the Internet, it is a little less, but my heart is more secure.

Finally, I want to say that sales is a very good and profitable industry, but it is also very realistic. Traditional sales still rely on their own ability to maintain performance growth. Of course, focus and self-confidence are the basis for doing a good job.

   Hardware engineer went home to repair mobile phones Earn five to six million yuan

Chen Xi, former hardware engineer of Xiaomi

I majored in electronic communication in college, and later went to Xiaomi to work as a hardware engineer. I had a job with good salary. Maybe I was tired of the fast pace of the Internet and missed my hometown. Later, I returned from Beijing to my hometown and opened a mobile phone repair shop in the county.

In my town, the floating population and permanent population add up to nearly 600000, which can also radiate several surrounding towns. So after I resigned at that time, I chose to open a mobile phone repair shop in the downtown area of the town. The shop was attached to the shop selling mobile phones, and rented a counter from him. The rent was 3000 yuan a month, which was not expensive.

Because my father is a mobile phone repairer, I studied with him for a period of time. Because of the professional counterpart, I learned very quickly. Maintenance of mobile phones is mainly based on technology. When I meet someone who knows how to repair a mobile phone, I usually don't talk to me about the price. If I say that he can accept it, he will repair it. There will be no bargaining. If he can't repair it, he will add dozens of quotations to his price to earn some resource fees.

The second is to rely on service. Only with good reputation can we maintain business and accumulate business. Now we can earn five or six million yuan a year by repairing mobile phones. We also have three or four apprentices.

In fact, repairing mobile phones is a technical job. It's a simple repair. I can learn a little about it after half a year of study. Now, repairing mobile phones basically means directly changing parts, such as changing a battery, changing a screen, changing a receiver transmitter. But these things all need costs, and earn a manual fee.

Those who are proficient in learning skills, if they can repair these broken parts, they will become popular in a small place like me. What they earn is not manual fees, but technical money. In addition, you can also do some high-end projects, such as changing the screen. This service has a large demand and high profits, but it needs a certain technical threshold.

However, with the frequent updating of mobile phones, the profit of maintenance is decreasing. Ordinary store maintenance also sells some accessories. It is difficult to make money by maintenance alone, but if you repair your mobile phone, the profit is limited. It seems very expensive to repair mobile phones. In fact, the difference in price and labor cost are the only ones that can be earned after the cost is removed. The labor cost of a mobile phone is generally about 50 to 80, and the price difference of parts depends on the cost of purchase price, and then determines the earning range.

So, on the basis of repairing my mobile phone, I am still doing the business of recycling my second mobile phone. It still depends on my after-sales technology and services. Let the people who repair my mobile phone trust you and be willing to sell the old one to be repaired or sold to me. I also need to be very clear about the market situation of the second mobile phone market. I will never lose if I follow the market. On the whole, it can make money, and it is more profitable than repairing mobile phones.

   Screwing in the factory is not as bad as the outside world says

Jiang Lan, the original byte beats, vigorously educates employees

After graduating from college, due to unclear career plans for the future, he entered the hot teaching and training industry and participated in the construction of the Internet education ecology.

However, due to the introduction of the "double reduction" policy, I was laid off in September last year, and then I found a job for a month, but I couldn't find a satisfactory job. Later, a relative introduced me to work in a factory in Hangzhou, but I was very resistant to it, because I felt that this job was "losing face", and even there were some mocking words on my voice, For example, "if you have nothing to do, go into the factory and screw".

However, I was persuaded by my family to go to the factory and start a real working life. This factory is mainly engaged in plastic related businesses. It is located in the countryside of Xiaoshan, Hangzhou. It is far away from towns and villages. There is no entertainment around. It can be said that it is an isolated place. Entering the factory, you will see noisy machines. As I graduated from a key undergraduate program, I was assigned to work in the office, not as an assembly line worker, but as a management post.

The first few days were still very uncomfortable. First, the environment was noisy. We had to stay here for eight hours a day, and we had to supervise work from time to time. Second, because of the epidemic, the factory's external sales increased, so we would encounter night shifts.

Of course, although the environment and intensity are higher than those of Internet posts, the benefits and salaries are really good. Because my factory is very biased, it is difficult to recruit people, so the benefits and wages are OK. I usually pay for food and accommodation here. If I don't pay for food, there will also be meal compensation. Five insurances and one fund are standard for all jobs, as well as high-temperature subsidies and night shift subsidies. In addition, the old employees are generally given good treatment. They will be provided with a couple room. If they have worked for five years, the factory will also send a pure gold bracelet as a souvenir.

In addition, overtime in the factory can earn a lot of money, which is 3-4 times of the ordinary working hours, so we are all looking forward to working overtime. I can get nearly 13000 yuan a month for this position. Besides, I am only an apprentice now, and if I get promoted, I can rise again. In addition, there are many family businesses in Hangzhou, so I can get to know many people, accumulate contacts, and even lay the foundation for my future factory.

To be honest, after entering the factory, I was also gradually relieved. I didn't resist this job as much as I used to. Although the labor intensity has increased, I have received much more returns and less cheating. In addition, with the recent support of the state for the real industry, the traditional manufacturing industry should have a better prospect, so now I strive to catch the fast lane and contribute to this industry.

   Returning from new Internet media to traditional paper media only to seek a secure job

Li Yinghui, the former news operator of the Internet giant

After graduation, I listened to some elder martial brothers' suggestions and went to an Internet factory to work as a news editor. When I came to the big factory, my most intuitive feeling was that I could use this identity to get in touch with many Internet industry leaders, and accumulated certain industry experience and contacts over time.

Wages are average, which is also a common phenomenon in the industry. As we all know, new media usually pay a fixed salary. How many articles are required to be written in a month, for example, 10000 yuan and 20000 yuan are performance pay. 10 articles are required to be completed every month. Performance will be deducted if the results are not met. If the results are exceeded, how much will be paid for each article. In sum, about 20000 yuan will be paid for each article.

I wanted to do this for a few years and then do other things, but I didn't expect the company to optimize itself, so I became the object of layoff. Because I still have a mortgage to repay, I need to find a job as soon as possible to avoid a series of vicious effects caused by supply interruption.

At that time, I considered public relations, analysts, etc., but after thinking about the current situation of the Internet, I finally chose a relatively small but stable job, so I passed the exam and entered a local paper media job.

The traditional paper media usually has a salary structure of base salary+manuscript fee. The base salary in first tier cities is generally between 4000 and 5000 yuan. The manuscript fee is graded according to the number of words and quality of articles. One article ranges from hundreds to thousands, and there will be about 500 yuan of transportation subsidy. It can be calculated to get about 7000 to 12000 yuan. If you write fast and well, you will earn more.

Newspaper journalists are also divided into ordinary journalists, senior journalists, senior journalists, and chief journalists. The basic salary of each file is different. Generally, the basic salary of each file is increased by about 1000 yuan. It can be seen that journalists need to write more articles if they want to earn more money, but after all, their time and energy are limited, and it is still difficult to substantially increase their wages. Of course, these are the last words.

Now I'm glad that I have found a stable job. My colleagues who have been laid off have not found a suitable job yet, which is also a bit disappointing.

   Generally speaking, it is better to transfer to online car hailing drivers than to work on the Internet

Wang Silin, former Internet sales

Tired of working life, I just want to experience the fireworks in the world.

Since I became a full-time driver, I feel that the pace of life is not as fast as before, and I can take orders as I like. Of course, it is not good. It takes a long time. I may spend 10-12 hours a day in the car. Hard work is certain. If I want to earn more, I must run more. If I run less, I will earn less.

Since my family lives in Beijing, I don't have a house loan or anything, and because I own a car, the cost of sports cars comes from the platform fees and fuel charges, while I have no pressure to be a full-time online car hailing driver.

My job is very simple. I get up at 6:00 in the morning and finish washing, make breakfast, listen to the news, so that my wife and children can get up for dinner, send the children to school at 7:25, start the car at 7:50 and start the online car hailing software to pick up orders.

Normally, an order comes in within one minute. Contact the passenger to quickly arrive at the passenger boarding point and send the passenger to the destination. At this time, it is the rush hour for work. There are many people and vehicles on the road. With the consent of the passengers, they will bypass the easily blocked road points according to their usual driving experience, send the passengers as quickly as possible, and then wait for a certain order. At present, they will not work until around 9 o'clock in the urban living area.

After 10 o'clock, drive the car to the hot spot to try your luck. Maybe you can only play with your mobile phone to pass the time. Until there is a wave of orders from 12 noon to 2 p.m., after 14 o'clock, it will return to the appearance after 10 a.m., and start the car to go home or eat nearby. The bus will not leave until 5:00 p.m. to welcome the arrival of the evening peak, which will normally last until around 7:30 p.m.

At the end of the evening peak, go home to have a meal or have a meal nearby and rest. After 9:30 p.m., go to work near the office buildings and restaurants, and work until about 11:00 p.m. when you go home. At this time, turn on the mobile phone to see the results of the day. About 30 orders are nearly 600 yuan, and after deducting the cost, it can be 400 yuan. It is better to get 10000 yuan a month than to work on the Internet.

(Note: All names in the text are pseudonyms)

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

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