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Who will save the blue collar recruitment of 400 million people after the "blood slave" incident?

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Source: Business Data School

"I will never look for a job on the Internet again." As a new blue collar worker of the post-90s generation, this is what A Yun said after being cheated many times on the online platform.

"I found a job as a subway security inspector on the Internet before, but I didn't know much about it, so I asked me to find him. When I went there, I found that he was an intermediary. He asked me to pay 200 yuan. He said that all the people who wanted to find a job would have to pay, and that everything would have to be covered. Then he gave me a form and asked me to go back and wait for news after filling it out."

"After waiting for the news for a week, I went to see him again, and he said that he could not arrange it, and the money would not be refunded. He asked me if I wanted to work as a waiter. I didn't go, and the money didn't come back."

On February 16, with # the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia's response to the blood slavery incident on microblog hot search, blue collar job hunting has attracted more and more attention. Before that, the blue collar recruitment industry also began to get busy again: on January 20, Ganji announced that it would reshape its brand and become a "direct recruitment" focusing on the recruitment market; Less than a week later, Fasthand also launched the fast recruitment in the live broadcast room, officially entering the blue collar recruitment track.

Macroscopically, according to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, among the 900 million working people in China, the blue collar workers account for about 400 million, twice as many as the white collar workers; On the micro level, Chinese blue collar workers change jobs twice a year on average. These data all illustrate the huge opportunities in China's blue collar recruitment market.

Now, many new and old players have re entered this track, and brought new methods such as live video "post", short video exploring enterprises, AI interview room, enterprise VR, trying to eliminate the shortcomings of blue collar recruitment.

Can these new ways of playing bring changes to blue collar recruitment? Can aggressive entrants become game breakers?

   It's not easy to recruit and find jobs

There is no denying that today's blue collar recruitment still has huge space.

According to the data of Tianfeng Securities Research Institute, the size of China's blue collar online recruitment market in 2020 will be 22.8 billion, and it will grow at an annual rate of over 40% in the next five years, reaching 128.5 billion by 2025.

 ▲ Blue collar recruitment market size, data source: Tianfeng Securities ▲ Blue collar recruitment market size, data source: Tianfeng Securities

However, there are also many problems in the blue collar recruitment market.

For example, as one of the largest blue collar recruitment platforms at present, after the "blood slave" incident in the same city, 58 netizens commented on the bottom of relevant news: "False information has always existed", "I have also been cheated", "There is a real job on it?"

Of course, although everyone's "firepower" is concentrated in 58 cities, this phenomenon is actually a microcosm of the whole blue collar recruitment. It is unavoidable that all kinds of false information exist widely on the network platform of the entire blue collar employment market.

For example, the aforementioned A Yun has suffered several losses due to online recruitment.

"The most impressive time was when I just returned from the army, and I didn't know what to do at that time, so I found Foxconn online to apply."

A Yun told us that he was contacted by an intermediary who told him that his salary at Foxconn was generally around 5000 to 6000, and that he still paid for food and housing. "In fact, after I went there, I worked more than 40 days to get my first monthly salary, which was more than 2900, and I had to work overtime."

A Yun suspected that the small part was probably taken away by the intermediary. "In these large factories, there are many intermediaries who send people to them. When we first arrived at the factory, people from different intermediaries need to classify and then stand separately."

"At that time, the contract was also signed. In order to ensure the truth, the contract was signed only after arriving at the factory. However, it was later discovered that the salary was not correct and Party A on the contract was a dispatch company." A Yun said, "The base salary on the contract was only 1800, although it was agreed to be five or six thousand outside."

"I also asked why at that time, but we were all in the factory at that time, and felt that there was no other way to do it without signing. Moreover, the intermediary also said that the contract was just a process, and the actual salary was subject to the actual payment."

After several losses, A Yun told the business data group that he is now looking for jobs through offline channels. If he wants to find a job, he goes to the door of those work units to see if there is a notice posted; Or ask the security guards and cleaners on duty. They usually have some information.

However, the efficiency of this way of looking for work is too low. A month has passed since he left the company years later, and Ah Yun still hasn't found a new job. "I know it's troublesome, but I don't believe in any intermediaries or online platforms anymore."

A senior expert in the recruitment industry told the business data school that different from the employment characteristics of white collars, blue collar recruitment has a large demand for temporary and short-term employment. These characteristics determine that blue collar recruitment is most suitable for wholesale. Therefore, enterprises/factories usually outsource their employment needs to labor intermediaries.

In order to meet the employment needs of factories, labor intermediaries often subcontract and distribute "orders", thus forming a single order, a second-hand order, a third order or even more levels.

"In the peak recruitment season, the enterprise will eventually pay the intermediary (job placement) a maximum recruitment fee of 3500-4000 yuan/person time; in the off-season, if blue collar workers want to find an enterprise with better welfare treatment, the comprehensive cost for the intermediary will also be up to 1500 yuan or more."

Due to the considerable profits and the low cost of illegal and dishonest acts of online small intermediaries and illegal individuals after subcontracting at different levels, they may obtain traffic through fake positions, competitive rankings and other means in order to complete their tasks, and then carry out fraud and labor fraud against blue collar job seekers (going to other low wage factories, not settling payments).

 ▲ Figure: Comments on blue collar recruitment on the network platform ▲ Figure: Comments on blue collar recruitment on the network platform

In addition to blue collar job seekers suffering from false information in online recruitment, employers as recruiters are also not satisfied with online recruitment.

As a milk tea shop owner, Huang Xin has been troubled by recruitment recently.

"Our small stores are very complex to recruit people. First, we need to know some skills. Second, we need young people. Three people can't be too far away. The best place to live is around. It's not easy to find these conditions together."

"I have tried 58 local websites, (now called Ganjizhizhao) and some local forums before, but they didn't work. After a recruitment message was sent out, it almost immediately sank, and no one could see it."

"On some recruitment websites, one account can only publish three pieces of information for free, and then it will be charged, and the cost is quite expensive

According to Huang Xin, for a long time, he has posted recruitment notices in his circle of friends, hoping that his friends around him could introduce him, or else he would stick a notice at the door, which could be seen by people passing by and arriving at the store.

After a long period of unsuccessful recruitment, Huang Xin has also begun to focus on recruitment websites like XX Direct. "I heard that there are many young people on these websites, and they are also efficient. I hope to find satisfactory people."

   Can live recruitment break the situation?

It is not easy to recruit and find jobs. The slow development of blue collar online recruitment actually has a great relationship with the particularity of the whole industry.

Senior Brother Li, a manager of a blue collar recruitment enterprise in Tianjin and an @ entrepreneur who has been deeply involved in the blue collar recruitment industry for more than ten years, believes that the reason why there is no large online platform in the field of blue collar recruitment is that online alone cannot solve the problems of BPO (business process outsourcing), RPO (recruitment process outsourcing) and long-term worker management in blue collar recruitment.

For example, factories outsource recruitment to intermediaries or human resources companies in order to save costs. But for intermediaries and human resources enterprises, recruitment is not the only responsibility.

For example, many factories in the Pearl River Delta have employees from Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan and other places, so intermediary recruitment should not only recruit people, but also organize to send them to the factory.

On the other hand, the employees of the factory usually come from more than one labor service company, so the company responsible for recruitment also needs to manage its own recruited personnel on a daily basis, such as attendance, salary, life, etc.

Because of these characteristics, Mr. Li in @ entrepreneurship believes that "only by integrating the offline dirty work with the online platform system, can a full chain Internet blue collar platform emerge, but this is almost impossible."

Of course, many changes have taken place in the blue collar recruitment market in recent years. For example, as the post-80s and post-90s generation become the main part of the blue collar employment market, the online penetration rate of blue collar recruitment begins to increase. For example, with the rise of the tertiary industry dominated by the service industry, new blue collar groups such as couriers, delivery attendants and catering staff have expanded rapidly.

Public data shows that among 400 million blue collar workers, there are about 120 million new blue collar workers. According to QuestMobile data, from 2016 to 2020, the monthly active population of new blue collar workers increased at an annual rate of 21.5%. By July 2020, the monthly active population had reached 33.79 million.

Unlike the simple standardization of traditional blue collar skills and the large-scale recruitment of employers, the new blue collar recruiters, mainly in the urban service industry, have relatively smaller employment scale, and pay more attention to the professional and technical capabilities of employees, such as baristas, hairdressers, milk tea shop employees, supermarket salesmen, or script killers, such as DM.

These characteristics make blue collar recruitment more and more similar to white-collar recruitment, and also give white-collar recruitment players the opportunity to cut into the blue collar market.

For example, BOSS direct recruitment launched direct recruitment of store managers specifically for the service industry in 2015, and traditional white-collar recruitment players such as, 51job, Zhilian recruitment have gradually entered the blue collar recruitment market.

In addition to the change of blue collar population and employment environment, technological progress has also changed the current situation of the blue collar recruitment industry.

For example, new technologies and new play methods such as live tape "post", short video exploring enterprises, AI interview room, enterprise VR, etc., try to change the false information chaos in the traditional blue collar online recruitment market.

 ▲ Enterprise VR display ▲ Enterprise VR display

At the same time, live recruitment has gradually become the standard configuration of major recruitment platforms. For example, in addition to quick selling and market direct recruitment, Boss direct recruitment, recruitment cat, Zhilian recruitment and other platforms have launched live recruitment functions.

The reason why all major platforms compete to launch live recruitment is that, besides being a fashionable thing, live recruitment can solve many stubborn problems of blue collar recruitment.

For example, live recruitment can meet the demand of one to many batch recruitment, and improve the efficiency of factory direct recruitment in traditional blue collar recruitment; It can also open up the information channel between the factory and job seekers, and minimize the opaque and false information that has plagued blue collar recruitment through live broadcast of the enterprise.

The above industry senior experts told the business data school that the authenticity of job information will become the core consideration of industry players, and the brand credit established by this is the core asset. That is, whoever can solve the problem of authenticity of blue collar position information will be able to access the blue collar market.

However, there are still many problems about whether this model can finally run out.

It is related to short videos. As early as 2018, when short videos began to become popular in large areas, NaiNai launched a short video recruitment of online colonel recruitment; After the epidemic in 2020, Douyin has also done a large area of online recruitment on the short video platform, and even the live recruitment of 58 cities has been launched for some time.

But now these "first crabeaters" in live recruitment are either unknown or have been overwhelmed by massive information on the Internet. It can be seen that it is not easy to implement live recruitment.

   Blue collar recruitment

Whether the live recruitment can run smoothly or not requires new players to keep trying. On the other hand, although the blue collar recruitment market is broad, the development of these years is not easy.

On the one hand, the competition in the blue collar market has always been fierce.

At the financial report meeting of the third quarter of 2021, Boss said that he would explore the manufacturing business in blue collar services, and carry out governance against some bad intermediaries, optimize and grade blue collar intermediaries, and improve the authenticity of the positions.

In terms of traditional blue collar recruitment, 58 cities officially announced on January 20 this year that they would officially upgrade to after launching live recruitment, focusing on the recruitment market.

In addition, there are also established recruitment websites such as 51job and Zhilian recruitment, and numerous niche and vertical recruitment platforms such as Doumi recruitment, Barley Labouring, and kitchen recruitment.

Euronet once made a statistics in 2019, when there were 103 Internet enterprises focusing on "blue collar recruitment". Today, the business data school finds that there are only about 84 relevant enterprises still operating through IT Orange and other platforms.

In 2019, Meituan also hatched a product called "Steamed Bun Recruitment", hoping to solve the problem of recruitment difficulties around Meituan's businesses. At that time, the trend of Meituan entering blue collar recruitment was also regarded as the reformer of the industry.

However, up to now, Meituan has no news about the layout of blue collar recruitment. No matter in Meituan APP, WeChat applet or App Store, there is no trace of steamed bread recruitment.

Therefore, Lianmeituan, an Internet enterprise of this size, has not yet started the blue collar recruitment project from the fields where it is the best and has a lot of resources. The difficulty behind the blue collar recruitment and the fierce competition can be seen.

Moreover, in the statistical data of Euronet, the number of newly established Internet enterprises related to blue collar recruitment in China peaked in 2015, and then showed a precipitous decline. In the statistics of the business data school, by 2020 and 2021, there will be only 5 newly established enterprises; There were only 6 related investment and financing events, and most of them were old established enterprises.

It can be said that after a wave of popularity in 2015, the Internet model has not been as overwhelming as other industries in blue collar recruitment.

So the other side of the competition between giants in blue collar recruitment may be that the track is cooling down and gradually reverting to the trend of ordinary. How the future blue collar recruitment market will go may still be a complicated problem.

What the society expects is that technology companies use their technological advantages to gradually improve these problems, rather than blindly pursuing traffic and business models, and making "connection" become a "killer" instead.

(Statement: This article only represents the author's view, not's position.)

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