Sina Finance

China Southern JTP1 rose 9.49% in half day 13:09, April 16, 2008 China Securities Network

China Securities News Today, the performance of warrants in the two markets continued to weaken. As of the noon closing, all 12 warrants traded had declined, with the biggest decline being Shenzhen High CWB1, down 5.68% Rizhao CWB1 It fell 5.57% and ZTE ZXC1 fell 5.16%. The only one that rose was China Southern JTP1, up 9.49%.

Analysts pointed out that at present, most of the warrants are subscription certificates. When it is difficult to have a good performance in the positive shares, the rise and fall of the warrants has been relatively limited. It is difficult for speculative funds to obtain enough speculation space. Only China Southern Airlines JTP1 has speculative capital activities. However, due to the difficulty in grasping the warrants, it is recommended that investors not participate in too much capital.

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